May 22, 2011

Walking all around Cuenca and horses in the park

Hey all,
Before I go all out with more from Cuenca Ecuador today I want share with you all, that earlier this morning I was dreaming. The context of this dream from what I can remember was a get together with some high school friends at someone's house that I 'm not aware of from back during our high school days at HANDFORD HIGH, with some recent times somehow intertwined, and the reason why this is because later this year is th
e class of "1991"twentieth reunion over this summer. Today however is about my excising with it being my first Sunday in Ecuador this morning Chuck and I walked (which means I really got to used my pedometer in a foreign setting) from their new place (which will be including a full posting hopefully while I'm still here in Ecuador....and if not that's okay to....) which is about four blocks away. We saw a race of some sort weather it was a running/walking or a bicyclists was unknown to us Chuck had happen to point out through that a huge sponsor was a Ecuadorian water company by the name of VIVANE. When we got to the church known Sal Del swan this where vendors come to sell flowers today we were met up with my folks friends Rich & Nancy at the time we got to a bench and less than ten minutes later (Mimi) my mother and the princesses known as Paige and Petra showed up in a taxi. We all then walked to a famous restaurant down here called the

,along the way the Rich's Nancy spotted the Virgin Mary

on top of a building roof.
After breakfast at the Kookaburra which you can see here everyone enjoyed his or her own meal with great joy, Rich and Nancy went about doing their things for Sunday and declined a tour with us on the Cuencan bus tour which starts by this main cathedral

,yet before going over to where the bus tour starts we wanted the girls to have their photos

taken with the horses. NO Not real ones but still fun to have

your picture

with all the same. While my mom took photos of them with here digital camera, I have happen to have made a mini movie of the event which I hope to post to youtube at the same time of posting this or when I get back to Richland Washington when I happen to be heading home in a couple of Fridays from now. Yet this is my first actual test with this movie cam so please bear with me as I learn more of it's various functions, finally after all of that excitement we still missed that tour bus even though Chuck had asked the driver if there were any more for today from what he could understand from him they start tomorrow at eight am.

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