December 23, 2018

Ready Player One - Matt's catching up on this one!

Finally got a great book completed: 
    Back in February it was coming up on my nephew Cannon's birthday and I was still finishing up reading this novel  that I got from Hastings back in August of twenty seventeen  

seen here. That stuff was freaky oddness of fans of a convention turning into zombies of all kinds, it was fun to me since I'm a huge fan of star trek in my own life. Now for the real reason for you being here is because of this book seen here

READY PLAYER ONE, the story of many things but especially about friendship among young people who share a love for classic video games. The narrative of the main character is from his virtual world avatar known as  Parzival for most of the overarching passage of his time in the OASIS that was created by James Halliday.  I started with this book just shortly after going on my vacation of twenty seventeen with my folks Nancy Powers Watson and Charles Ross Watson and his sister and her husband on a cruise to Hawaiian Islands. I had brought with me not only this new novel but also two from the Alien series by Gina Kochi and the original six part comic trade of 1992's INFINITIY WAR along with some pencil a drawing pad for good luck while in my room when we were at sea.                                                                     
         The author of this story put his love of the decades he grew up in as a child. Which was the nineteen seventies /eighties so I geuss in a lot ways Ernest Cline is much like me who was born in the early seventies, he put in several no better than several eighties and seventies memories of entertainment factors that were great joys to remenisice about. He brought up how he loves superheroes by comparing Parzival's real world identity of Wade Watts is Peter Parker, in the beginning of the novel Watts has his own Batcave that in reality is a van near his home which is known as the stacks. As for relating to the seventies Cline brings up video game arcades design, possibly his own birthday? for the OASIS and contest creator James Halliday character, The Muppet show and Sesame Street, and of course with the title being READY PLAYER ONE Cline mentions the home video games systems that he owned the first being a Atari 2600. Which he got in December, 1979.    
                    Building of the relationships such as friendships in this story really take care of growing from Stranger Danger of hiding behind your own created Avatars to understanding the feelings of trusting one's self with the worth of love. At the very same time the emissions of love are through out, so are the striving strength of power and greed are shown by the character Nolan Sorrento and his company Innovative Online Industries. He and his minions called Sixers are doing everything in their accumulations in stopping Mister Watts and his friends from winning ownership of the OASIS. For those who either love Role Playing Games or video games will love this book or if you like the 1980's for whatever reason your right at home as well. I'm giving this book a rating of grade A++, because you can find a particular part of READY PLAYER ONE that is yourself from start or finish!