December 01, 2021

Let's have a true brain attack of thoughtfulness!

   Hello everyone who loves puzzles,                                                                                                         How are you all doing on this first day of last month of the year going?, For me I am thinking that NO MATTER what that it will be a simple yet exciting one because as I have told you my readers that besides there being Christmas on the twenty fifth of the month, it is also the most one for me anyways filled with a whole bunch of birthdays as well of both many friends and especially a lot of family members too! I do want to say a very great Happy Birthday to all of them today of the friends most of all because you also matter just as much as family does but writing to and about family is a completely EXCITING bit time for me to reflect on the times and memories that I have spent with you over your years of a lifetime that YOU get my loving attention. Another thing that will be coming up for me besides those given birthdays is that I will be "Leaving on a  Jet airplane" as the song says by John Denver as the song writer originator to visiting my mother and step dad in Tucson, Arizona from the fourth to the seventh of this month.              One thing that I may explain some time over this month, is why when December comes around for myself why I choose to always apply the Reds,Yellows, Golds, and of course the many variations on the color of growth known as Greens, and it's more than just about the meaning of the seasons.  Speaking of seasonal or bi or even quarterly timing of the blog itself by the end of this very venturous entry I will remember to show off what it is that I have had as my phone wallpaper from since this July along with what I've had mirroring itself since then as well with Skeletor instead of HE-MAN from my tablet which I happened to be writing this on!                                                                                    So why is it and why did I come up with "Brain Teasers that keep you young and smart!", have I shared this in my writings in this blog,  I think that I may have at one time or another through the years since I went an created it or described it? Or maybe I will admit to perhaps I also never have communicated it's fullest matter of meaning and at the very same time it's always great to have a reminder of keeping everyone on a uplifting desire of being richer than ever having the most money over someone else. After I've also talked about the word called W.O.K.E. I will give us the opportunity to keeping our brains busy fighting for a positive understanding of why WE ALL NEED TO BE Strong during our every day living existence. Finally before we get to the heart of this very topic it also relates to my review of Superman Son of Kal-el # five, in response to give you my answers to some of said questions, that I posted in that one.                                    As we all know that the word WOKE is the past tense of rising from one's bit of rest or nap of re-energizing after resting/sleeping. This happens to be the one no let me capitalize that, IT IS THE ONLY ONE meaning of woke that I will appreciate and understand according to any definition of the word, but we aren't here to talk about general minded meaningfulness.... We are here to have a conversation about seriously the demoralizing world we are residing on NOW! Now don't get me wrong with what I am about to say here but don't worry it will be best for you in the end of reading this to make your own minds up of your choosing?  I am only going to say that for my way of looking at all sides of government as a whole right now I am seeing that both sides are deeply wrong of helping the common people!                                                                                      The whole world has always been in a flow of trouble since time began from which is always essentially changing every second of everyday, and even when we think about giving ourselves a challenge of building anything better for us all as a species we know deep down inside of ourselves we're only one person. In living our lives no matter how little or long they are meant to be we have to know we are loved by our families and mostly hopefully our friends that we make in our journey of experiences throughout our existence. So why is it that every time we are given a choice to make our little Blue and Green planet a lot better than it was yesterday by being kind to each other we all are feeling of late this obsession to (Willingly/wanting. Only to/obsessed to. Killing/ knowingly. Everything/everyone) yes there is my acronym for the way the whole planet is acting in one form or other,  I  know that it's mostly from media of all types from as easily what is shown in any newspapers and yes even here on the internet. Here is the real question for us all to understand and consider over the many meaningful ways of looking at a word an analysis of it's content of meanings right now. Why are We Willingly trying to force FEAR and HATRED as our Only concerns toward defining who we all are? I would like to give you all my thoughts on how we can truly understand how we can get to a specific ideal answer for pulling us out of this chaotic time we are facing right now.  Be able to above everything else going on in today's world give yourselves time to consider being patient with your problems and use your calmness from rationalizing that you reach to making every day decisions be your guidance of dealing with whatever people you don't know be your pillar that you stand on, by this what I am saying is we can all still have great conversations with each other over how we are feeling or dealing with the problematic stuff that may or maybe not affecting us. Let's stop using impactment stuff of "WHICH WE STILL KNOW HARDY ANYTHING ABOUT" yes I am talking about the cause of the worldwide pandemic called Covid-19, and yes we need to certainly be careful whenever there is something that we're dealing with and don't fully understand it's effectiveness on our bodies,  but we have to be strongly conscious of personal protection during our dealing with all of our every day unknow ables of things that happen to us as a species. Yet let me ask you something since the pandemic is here, is it right for us to be saying or doing things like breaking the law by causing riots and looting of public or private places, the answer is one hundred percent NO! Still besides all of those things going on, why is it that everyone thinks that you have to be the only one who is right on always tearing down any form of established literature like Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer by Samuel Clemens who used the pen name Mark Twain. When he was writing and changing the two young boys adventures of growing in friendships with each other through fishing and tracking and bonding in their teens to make them be only wanting them to be sexual preference towards each other?, in NO WAY would a writer/creative of that century write of young children programming experiences, ever right! What would you think about your own children being taught to hate their classmates because of the color of their skin? Right now I am not very happy for us as a species... for one way or another through our freaking frustrations of negativity we're all using the bad side of pride to get our own expressions pulled into the limelight of being important. "HERE'S MY FINAL QUESTION FOR YOU ALL TO CONSIDER AND EFFECTIVELY GIVE YOUR BEST ANSWERS TO.... WHY DO WE NEED TO BE SO POLARIZING ABOUT DESTROYING OUR EXISTENCE BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ANY PATIENCE ANYMORE?"                                               So sorry for my reasoning rant there on why the world is a completely messed up right now, but I felt that I really had to express it more with my hopefulness and positive talking about it with words instead of being a true foolish person and doing it through very stupid actions when they seem to be inactive when trying to figuring out a debatable conversation right now. The way of having any topics being discussed to be resolved is to allow for a moment of remembering from our childhood of giving people a chance to hear by listening to hopefully connectivity have a sharing of ideas...  and also a sharing of being thankful for our mistakes if we make them too. ESSENTIALLY what the meaning of being woke is wanting to push forwardly only a way to that leads outwardly to single meaningfulness of consciousness of us as humans are trapped by needing to have control over others by FORCE if necessary or by the way of governments mandating we have no freedoms overall? Why does everything at the end of each day feel like we have gone through a mine field and we are just avoiding being dragged into a constant new weapon field each other time we go out every single day? I know that I have said it many times throughout this very post to be able to completely understand what is causing our problems we have to realize that it is each of us as the person we are has to vastly find our  patience levels in understanding of living life by not being so in each other's mindset of oh I have to truly believe that I am right, forgiveness in liking and respecting one of the many ways we can get through this stressful season of our existence for now. Oh an anyone who wants a real agenda that will work in all aspects of honestly try listening as well when you're with your family and friends who knows maybe all we need is to allow for another famous brain teaser to get us and the planet back to some sense of normalcy.  And while it may take you a moment to figure where it is here's what I am getting at we all understand deep down we know that somewhere we all need to Helping. Others. People. Everywhere. Hey I did end up getting to a very structural ending didn't I here.                                                                                                                                                     After all of that great discussion on getting through wokeness without making any necessary needs of you leaving I honestly hope that I didn't tread on your day as a person but, that you might have some following thoughts on helping others because you really do have the potential power to make sure the world is a far more fair place when comes understanding something so simple. If you haven't thought of it before maybe it's worth sharing than being all over the place being just about yourselves. Speaking of power though I know that I haven't gone an entirely forgotten also about what's to be included here before signing off so here we go! Here's what's on my tablet when I have been opening it up since July of this past year 

, it happens to as you can see the main heroes of Man at Arms known as Duncan in the 1980's cartoon series for interllectulect smarts, the sorcerer of castle Greyskull whom is known as Teel-Na before she is the protective magic keeper of said fortress, then there is her daughter behind the hero holding his sword of power and her name is Teela she is the trainer of the hero when he is in his civilian self known as Prince Adam. But is also known on Enetria as HE-MAN and along side him is his trusted animal pal Battle Cat who hid in plain slight as the frighten Cringer and all them faced off against the  Green skull faced leader of all evildoers on the planet his name is Skeletor. Then after opening my tablet I was able to be treating myself to the likes of this 
like I have been saying here's Skeletor in front of a mirror while inside Castle Greyskull and trying to calim it for himself. Then I on my phone image when I opened it up it had the box art of all of the heroic Masters fighting together just to get into the great 

power in all of Enetria. On my phone however I didn't have the whole image I wanted to of course but the photo was centered on Skeletor in the maw of the lower jaw. After all those many months of this plate of Skeletor holding He-Man' s sword of power seen here 
 will I be getting around to checking out about  changing the balance of it as well? Without any doubt alboustulely it is what I always do for when I am about updating this specific part of the blog as to what will it be? You  like me will have to see after I have posted this very one. Will be seeing you about town and hoping that everyone is doing well for the upcoming holidays as well. - Bye for now! 

November 19, 2021

My true thoughts of "SUPERMAN SON OF KAL-EL # 5"

Hello comic fans and lovers of humbling reads,                                                                                   I just want to say here on my on blog that I've tried to get many people into reading more and more as best that I know how to, besides watching television and movies or even playing games rather video or card ones or even traditional ones like tag or football or baseball it seems that we cannot be able to completely challenge ourselves because of how everyone rather of late wants to place us in a state of uncertainties.  We all as people should be no matter what be trying our every day best of living our lives by not letting the outside world become our only hope to be experiencing existence... okay I sort of had to be open on my feelings about how the whole planet is acting haywire and in no matter what I do I know that you my readers have your own views of what way your life experiences take you in and hey that's great,  just promise me as much as possible that you are dealing with this world wide pandemic called Covid-19 the best way of an answer is for you.  This past Wednesday was New comic book day and besides dealing with the issue of Jonathan Kent's latest issue here's.           

 what I also got! An yes later on over this weekend I will admit be reviewing those others seen alongside SUPERMAN SON OF KAL-EL number five.                                                                  Now before we get into this very issue I am almost certain that everyone who is a comic fan or not has heard from either through the  news or the internet that the world's oldest comic super hero called Superman is now defined by his sexual identity/sexual preference, rather than by his definition of he is helping everyone with his choices of being a honorable hero. In fact Superman wasn't the first Decetevice Comics super hero to be dealt this very demeanor of being defined this way in fact it was one of Batman's many known Robin's who they made be the first hero to be reaching for very impossible idea of referenced by this unhealthy strategy of story telling of what is the meaning of being a hero... It's not Dick Grayson the original Robin that was treated to this very revealing push of identity go to, nor was but it could have been better understood coming from Jason Todd's version of Robin who now goes by the identity of the Red Hood. No the one who was reduced to benefit from this weak stomach telling point is the third major Robin who took on the mantle of "The Boy Wonder" that's the monkier of the character. It has also been put out there that Decetevice is gonna make Aquaman current iteration will be showing this dumbed down arc as well as Wonder Woman's current lore too.                        Your asking me along with yourselves why the heck is Decetevice Comics doing this with their characters of making them essentially WOKE ( I will very soon have a positive definition of the continuational culture use of this very word, I promise!),  As to the reasoning of why Decetevice Comics is doing this with well established comic characters is not just because they are telling us that we are outdated with excitement and fantasy elements of what made these characters great like a mystery in space battles gets new villains or a villain whose wanting to dump the hero in search of their identities by knocking them out so hard that they have amnesia till hero can find saintly again.  Those are just two examples of great stuff that should be in a monthly comic along with always great art. The one thing that I keep thinking of  most of all is why isn't there at least a bit of Frederic Wertham a psychiatrist whom thoughts of Violence,  Crimes, and of course the topic of Sexual Permissiveness  shouldn't be shown or spoken of in literature being sold to children. I  know that both Decetevice Comics and Marvel comics had decided back in early two thousand that they didn't have need for what was known as the Comic Code Authority which meant that everyone who was involved with comics had to abide by set rules.                                                                                                                                                    With the way things are right now in the world I know that making monetary gains in money is always essential for certain,  but to have comics being destroyed by creators who only want to push their influences on the youth of the world is just beyond sickness of anything.  Are parents wanting their children to be promoted to not having a huge humbleness towards tolerance of every kind and make the best sense of getting choices out life? Or do parents wanting the governments as they are right now saying your own minds of your offspring are ours to control? I meant to include those two questions in this entry not for my given take on political matters as I see them, but to let it be known that a certain comic writer Tom Taylor seems to be pushing his view point of plotical movtaitions in the current issue of Superman Son of Kal-el.                                                              When I was getting this very issue this past Wednesday I had over heard two people talking about the very issue I had within my hands. They were saying that hopefully and honestly that what they are doing with Clark Kent and Lois Lane's son will be making way for better progression of stories for their son Jon Kent and I could only hope for that in many ways they the customer and cashier were/are very much right in their opinion of greater detail within maintaining a safe environment for a new look for the character of Jon who when was last seen before this set of stories was a six year old kid hanging out with Bruce Wayne's son Damian Wayne as Robin in a series that was known as "Super Sons", that ran from (2017-2021) in which Jon was only ten years of age when they were taking place. Right now Clark Kent has his hands full, of trying to bring peace to a world known as Warworld in Superman Action Comics #1036. Which I will be getting a review out for that too very soon.                                                                                                                            Jon Kent has been trying to prove his point of being his own version of Superman since July of this year 2021 with a whole new motto so that you the reader can know that he is your Superman! That motto is this " Truth,  Justice and A Better World" which was revealed in the pervious issue # 4. As to why his is definitely different from Clark's I will have a spereate entry about that soon, boy it seems that I really do have a lot to get posting about but don't worry it will show up.                                                                                    Review time is now:  creative  teams:Written by Tom Taylor, Art HI-FI by John Timms, Letters by Dave Sharpe, First print cover by John Timm, Inhyuk Lee,Travis Moore and Tamra Bonvillain Variant Covers Jillian Grant and Diego López,  Assistant Editor Diego López, Editor Mike Cotton, Editor in chief Marie Javins SUPERMAN SON OF KAL-EL 5, January 2022. This title of this story is "WHO'S GOT YOU?"                                                                Jon is trying to figure out why his brain is on overload, while he is without knowing why or how this is at all possibly happening to him. He is definitely trying to help those who are facing dangerous situations, such as in Africa in Zambezi where he stops gunmen in a hummer from hurting three citizens. Jon helps out in a flooded town in Luxembourg, Australia of saving a trapped man in his own vehicle. Then he happens to be wearing a mask when he helps out in Metropolis (which is New York in the real world) 
 and yet in a whole other American city Central City, (which is Missouri in the real world) and he doesn't wear a mask. Central City by the way is where the Decetevice Comics comic character The Flash resides in case, you were wondering if
 that city has a hero which in this story is Wally West not Barry Allen who is the main one most comic fans know as the fastest man alive. While in Metropolis Jon brings a whole bridge to local hospital (was about the only thing that proved a  tiny bit of hope for me that was really Superman related to me.) Then while flying around he finds winged man named Aerie, who says Jay is in need of help as well.                                                                       Jay Nakamura, first appeared in issue #2 of this series and was calling himself "The Truth" when he had first met Jon Kent while as Superman he was trying to stop a school shooting at one of the many colleges in Metropolis. He has agreed to help Superman in fighting crimes if only Superman tells him who Superman's ordinary is? When Superman finds Jay in this issue he is sitting on the edge of his fire escape ledge and reveals that he could potentially be more than a regular human being. After he has help Superman finally stop focusing on doing what he should be this happens...                                       

What are you or I who are reading this suppose to think of first and foremost? Especially when they the editors definitely DON'T put any caption boxes with any text of any kind! Is this Superman defined by his sexual preference of being dare I say it GAY? Whatever the case is it's not immediately explained, in fact this Superman proves how uncomfortable he is as a hero by telling Jay he will love helping him take down the president who was trying to hurt Jay and a few other college age kids from issue two's big highlight. The president happens to be named Henry Bendix an has a closer connection to Jay than we the reader might think about. Before that is even dealt with Superman is seen taking to the air to get that bridge from earlier in this story and plans to put it back where it property belongs... TO BE CONTINUED! 
 There is so much to unpack about this very issue of the Superman that is our generation's depiction of the classic iconic take of a not just Alien/Human, American, World-wide that matter. I also remember that I told you about how this feels very much like the Superman III movie that stared Richard Pryor to me needs to be let out too. First and foremost the biggest thing that I have to admit to is that even though I know about Decetevice Comics and their characters, I don't follow those stories as much as I do with the company known as Marvel or Image comics,  or certain properties that I love like Star Trek or Transformers. Also I love to follow certain comic artists too, because they are always making the best efforts to getting better as a creator on their creative skills with scripting with each new book they put on the press. IS IT EVER OK FOR A PEICE OF ENTERTAINMENT TO FORCE US / YOU/ME TO DEMAND WE LIKE OR LOVE IT? THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS ALBOUSTULELY A CAPTIALABLE "NO!"                              Superman when he was first created way back in the late nineteen thirties, it was yes about two young men who were at the time living in Cleveland, Ohio that were attending the same high school their names were Jerry Siegel and Joseph Shuster. And after working with National Allied Publications for a few years of time they had refined the character after a short novella Siegel wrote known as " THE REGIN OF THE SUPERMEN" a few years earlier in nineteen thirty three with Shuster providing the illusions of said story. In April of nineteen thirty eight they had sold their idea of Superman to National Allied Publications for both of them having no actual rights to keep the control of the creativeness of the infrastructure of the intellectual property without in the future earnings be given to their families even after their lifetime is ended, they sold the character trademark is what I am getting at for one hundred and thirty dollars and died without any residues to cover their own funerals. ALSO I AM CERTAIN THAT IF THEY WERE ALIVE THEY WOULD DEMAND FOR THIS VERSION OF THEIR CHARACTER TO FLUSHED DOWN THE BEST FLYING SPACE TOILET AROUND. For THEY WOULD HONESTLY LOVE to see Superman grow and have offspring that do what Clark Kent or Kal-el would do bridge hope wherever his offspring are when they are spereated from their father. Joe and Jerry would be bringing up what Frederick Wertham was saying about children being extremely exposed to sexual permissiveness which some how would include the hero structure is based on his or her own existence of what gender of who they have deep feelings for and without any doubt in the general mind of most people the would say and directly close down Decetevice Comics.                                                Now as to how would you ask yourself how would this in any way whatsoever relate to the third Superman movie from the Christopher Reeves story of the character? Well when Gus Gorman (Richard Pryor's) character in the movie was sent to finishing off Superman he didn't know what was in the one thing in parts of Kryptonite that would weaken the man of steel. So Gus decided to make up for the unknowable element by looking at his cigarette packaging and put TAR inside what he thought would be Kryptonite?  When he gives it to Superman he only holds it with nothing happening to him or so it seems... Superman thanks him not knowing what he will be experiencing very soon. We see that the result of TAR filled Kryptonite has a particular impact of making an alien/human turn into the darkness and do corrupt stuff that they don't normally want to do. I will someday do a set of reviews for the Christopher Reeves Superman films too. As to what I give grade wise to Superman Son of Kal-el # 5... is simply this an senseless F minus!  

October 31, 2021

Three more days to....

Hello comic collectors and those needing to just have a good read for Halloween afternoon,                                                                                                                                                     So what is it on my mind to be talking about when kids or even adults with childlike hearts are getting ready for a night of scary fun and rewarding of treats known as candy,  it just happens to be of course about an notice of an upcoming end to a undergroud comic that is about a set of humans who uses clone like monster exo-suits known as REXES. This is a comic project by former Decetevice Comics comic artist Shane Davis and his wife Yanzi Lin. They are calling the comic Inglorious Rex, it is a completely crowd funded project through their community known as Comicsgate,  which made up of comic creators who are no longer part of the mainstream publishers called Marvel or D.C. and even Image as well or there parent company owners Disney for Marvel and A.T&T for Detective Comics as to who really owns Image comics are comic artists Todd McFarlane who with six others left the big two companies when Marvel was owned by New World production, in the late nineteen seventies to early nineteen ninety.                                                 I happen to have an upcoming in the past posts on here, about Shane and Yanzi's first project through Comicsgate named Starlight Cats for a review. I went an backed Inglorious Rex on it's opening day of when the campaign started on September 4th twenty, twenty one and got this special 24hrs cover seen here 

 along with the main book and a supplemental book with a whole other copy of the twenty-four hr cover.  When it's launched on his friend Ethan Van Sciver YouTube channel called AllCapsComics, which was the day after his birthday. Shane's biggest way of a competition was from another Comicsgate artist who had a new passion project called "GODLIKE", which is a mix of very early nineteen eighties cartoons meets Star Wars from the late nineteen seventies with a mix of comic creator Jack Kirby's Fourth  World comic project for Detective Comics in  the same time frame of when Star Wars first was released with only that as it's title. An that artist is named Jon Malin who runs his comic book projects for exactly one given time which is mostly a month from when he opens it. Shane and Yanzi's really only had a few weeks of truthfulness of real fighting with Jon's project because his start  date for his campaign was from July 31st,  for me on the West Coast and oofficially on August 1st 2021on East Coast time, and yes I backed that comic project at least two times. Here's what the top perk/tear of Godlike looks like     
which  was at $200.00 and included everything seen here it also had a trading card add on as well, Godlike ended it's  funding on the first of this month of October with a total amount of $258,803.                                                                                                                                     As to where Inglorious Rex will be ending up is up to you or yet even me for the fifth time.  Here  is what  I have backed in said campaign besides what I have mentioned so far from earlier in this very post I have backed at the top perk/tear which is seen here 
, with this bundle or perk I will be getting a copy of Inglorious Rex, it's supplemental book of the back histories of each fighter from the main character known as Alex Stone and the one featured on the twenty four hour cover Anntaomic have more of their back stories along with maybe a Rex's possible historical first mission or something. Then a second print of Starlight Cats by Comicsgate artist Kellsey Shannon,  and a five by seven bistrol  board of the main characters of Alex, Anntaomic or Rex 232 I have chosen Anntaomic for my sketch, and a Inglorious Rex exercising workout tee shirt. My third time backing I got the two pack of alternate covers for the main book with no logos on the art seen here 
, which comes with trading cards of those very covers of which Jon Malin did one and Comicsgate artist Kenneth Rocafort and Oars life T-shirt. My fourth time backing this project I went an got another set of the two pack variants along with a baseball cap that is Black and Grey in it's color scheme. Form what I know about this comic it's a little of Rocky lV and street fighter the video game from the late nineteen eighties on game systems like Nintendo and Sega Genesis consoles, with monsters thrown in for a twist.                                                                                                            If you want to try out an alternative to Marvel or Detective Comics for a comic book experience I would suggest you go to Indiegogo and give it a try,  who knows maybe you can honestly find it fascinating of being known as helping any project there not just comics  either? Maybe I might go see if I want to back it one more time in fact.  Still I really do hope that all of my readers have an awesome Halloween night rather if you are a kid or a kid at heart and help hand out treats whatever they maybe? HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO ALL AND BE SURE THAT YOU ARE SAFE AS WELL!        


September 04, 2021

A new thing maybe?

Hello everyone,                                                                                                                                            Hey how are you doing this early evening (well it is for me anyway,  for you when you get around to reading this it might be actually early morning or mid afternoon) usually I have a thing that I have been thinking about all day. Like what I did yesterday on the social media site known as Facebook,  I made a short video of who my mentor was in my life, and all that I really can say is that I was very humbled in my soul for my preson that I chose because he still resides in me in every supportive way possible. Yet talking about Facebook related material I would like to explain about my current profile image above all if that is a great topic of sorts in truth at the end of any day I am thinking it's just another type of me breaking down why we are always comfortable with changing our train of thought.                                                                                                                                                    Less than a month ago I went an had changed my profile picture of this with my brother Michael receiving a corn cob kiss seen here 

   was from when my folks and I came back from my vacation time with them from back in May when they were here for a couple of more days before heading back home to their united state home in Arizona... I went and changed it to this 

 back in the early teens of last month in August. I just have to say that of the caption You're cursed came from one the many online games that I had played when I had the photo that is above as my personal profile picture in twenty seventeen when we came back from a cruise to Hawaii and finished it off with my brother's daughter having graduation from Hanford High school at the local colosseum in Kennewick, Washington known as the Toyota center. So the reason, that I know that I am NOT CURSED just because of how words dictate what is said does not mean that they are fore telling the truth at all.
For when I did starting using this a life long friend of mine went an said in a comment went an stood up for me that I Matt Byrd am certainly never have been full of relationship problems of liking a female for whom she is and that was just meant for me to know of but deep down inside of my soul I know that yours truly sees respectively that if anyone is wanting a honest relationship with me it has to come from both the heart and soul of my ongoing feelings and conversations with the female that I REALLY KNOW OF MAKING BEING THE MOST USEFUL AND EFFECTIVELY NEEDED HELPER FOR BOTH OF US.  I WOULD HONESTLY HOPE THAT SHE WILL BE ALWAYS UNDERSTANDING IN THIS MATTER OF KNOWING THAT OUR GROWING ALWAYS WILL ENDURE BY SIMPLY TRYING TO UNDERSTAND EVERYTHING IS ABOUT USING OUR GROWING KNOWLEDGE TO HELP OTHERS IN OUR LIVES. Now I am not saying right at this moment that I have let go of my own self-centeredness but I am trying to get there. When I am ready for that relationship to be known I am not sure of where I want to share that great news. As to the two main comments on this photo that I am sharing as my connection for finding me on social media, all I want to say is thank you for helping me stay focused on letting me find myself in my deepest emotional rereflecting way.                                                                                              Now here's the biggest problem that I have facing me at the moment I know that I want to change my profile picture on Facebook but what shall it be a something of these two choices 

 from one of my favorite Animes of the orignal verses the newer updated take of it         
 or maybe a pic of just me 
  like this seen here. Or better yet since I haven't done it ever to my knowledge should I whip up a idea from my head put it to paper then take a photo of it? And use that as my primary profile picture? Can you please send me your thoughts on what sounds best to you guys  and gals who really read this very blog....again thanks for letting me spend a little bit of time with you today! 

July 01, 2021

We can be strong in our Everyday Helping Other People Everywhere...

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        Can I truly ask you something and I know that I will be getting all kinds of very different responses to this question. Since the start of the world wide pandemic known as Covid-19 went an put the whole planet into a constant state of being frozen or at least how it would been witnessed by everyone to a certain degree have you seen the most important aspect of the human species simply vanished? To me I have always known that everything comes with risk of some kind, because if we never put ourselves up to facing a problem how do we at all understand if we are able to challenge ourselves when we are encounter it or something very similar. Today I want to get to the Breeziest. Ideals. Gatherings. Groupings. Extinctions. Supportive. Throughout,  hey I went an just made a anagram out of the word B.I.G.G.E.S.T. I wonder if it has a meaningful impact on my topic at all? Overall like every other anagram you know that  I have created,  it simply does....         No matter what our language barriers are around the city you live in or for that very matter the world has been impacted in a whole new way by this very pandemic called Covid-19. It has shown that WE AS A SPECIES, have as with anything that is dangerous and damaging been as always very outspoken in each our own way of feeling safe! Of course WE ALL, as individuals do know to that every part of existence comes from being full of great hope for some it comes from letting others do all of the laboring of dealing with helping us stay safe, yes in this very context I am referring to those of us that are beyond our working age of 65 or whatever it will be by my time of exiting the work world in my retirement years,  yet what of those of you whom believe that you don't need to work because you want to live off of someone else's good deeds? I can honestly say that I want to try my best to share with everyone why  WE CAN'T ALWAYS be getting whatever we want. So all that I can say is buckle up because I feel like I may cry for while even if you don't understand me by my words, you will know my feelings about the true evils of the world and why making it more positive is our goal for all future generations of all lives and not just humanity itself!                                                                                                           Where to start with this would be is that as you all know I have tried my hardest when writing these blogs to be as encouraging as possible with every idea that I have, and write from the heart and soul to getting us all to understand that even when everything is just okay from time to time with what is going on in the world rather  very bad, very good,  or in fact mostly very unknown! It is the very unknown that I really want to devote my words to this time around about the pandemic called Covid-19 and what it helped make disappear for us as species and I am not kidding myself or you the reader I just want to share why we need to be Strong during our status of unawareness as best that I can, for hiding from fear is okay yet if we never venture beyond our given comfort zones how can WE BE OUR MOST USEFUL AND EFFECTIVELY STRONGER as a species...okay I will admit maybe I have thrown out more questions than anything but here we are with hopefully answers too.                                                                                                                              The world has always been full of problems as we all should know, and at the same time we KNOW that in many ways we the species of humans who are put here on this extremely beautiful planet we call earth are wanting to for whatever reason wanting to destroy each other with either very powerful weapons or with whatever we say at times. It is on the weapons front that some came up with a mixture of different viruses that has been going from person to person around the entire world and has been affecting us like a cold from the inside an has weaken all no matter if we are very old or very young. I myself had actually started hearing about this new virus as most did through word of mouth as far back as late into August of twenty nineteen, as to how it affected me at the time I had let it be just be a very small amount of thoughtfulness, yet I didn't go and dwell on it because I was fortunate enough to understand that I really needed to save my energy for working at my job at Albertson's. I am of the belief that we all as humans or people want to be able to help not only ourselves right now, we also are willing and want to be kind and be there for friends who are hurting from more than just the unknowable unknowns of this thing called Covid-19 right?                                                                                       Here is what this whole entry is totally about with one more quick tease, "WHO DO YOU  TRUST? ME OR..." is from what nineteen eighty nine movie? As I have said many times before then one thing this world has been missing for a very long time even before the current times with the pandemic included is TRUST in building our world into a whole lot better place for existing as just people. What is the meaning of that very word TRUST in how we each define our own lives? For me, I want to say that I use Trying. Realized. Understanding. Strengths. Throughout. there again, I wasn't meaning to be overly specific but I came upon how trust is a anagram without thinking of it.... yet if we as people don't grasp how to add these traits to ourselves by how we learn about real resources of knowledge an apply it to our souls to grow our neediness of respectively respecting not just humanity but all aspects of all life even when we know that somewhere deep down inside of us is a completely conceived unique emotional stance to hate spiders or snakes yet they too help keep existence balanced by eating mice or flies take your pick of my sharing of how everything is so beautifully balanced in making our existence far more equal even when we're more willing to run away from fearful things.       I am just  wanting to remind everyone that at the end of each day ,you nor I can honestly say what willingly is able to be our given time on this extremely beautiful planet we all care about called EART all we can really do is remember what of our learning experience has taught us to be kind and loving with respect to everyone we all come in contact with and help them out with their day by giving them our humbleness of "Hello how are you doing this greatful day". I really was wondering how you see that the pandemic is starting to improve hopefully? was my message of helping you find your own innovative strengths in being absolutely capable of knowing that your way of helping everyone in anyway really does matter!               Please think outside of yourself, and help a neighbor with cleaning their garage or mowing their grass, or helping them out by shopping for them and their family.  By helping our neighbors out maybe we can really get background in understanding loving and respectful understanding of how neighborhood watch programs can keep out those that only want to spread fears to be powerful. All that I can say is yes we all want to be helpful in sharing our experiences of getting out of this pandemic we are in, and to do that we have to know deep down inside of us all over the world we can not win and be successful by using our knowledge to tear each other down for our mistakes. WE HAVE TO BE KIND AND HONESTLY PATIENCE WITH OUR GROWING OF HOW WE VENTURE    INTO LEARNING TO Summarize TRUSTING SOMEONE!                                                                  Now I feel that I can move on to talking about something else that I really am hoping will be worth exploring closer to the end of this month with my favorite set of nineteen eighty toy line with a upcoming cartoon production by Mattel toys and Kevin Smith known as Masters of the universe Relevation on Netflix. Here is what I have had on not only my background plate of the site, 

seen here... and when I have been opening my tablet for a month of time here is what I saw 

            this. Then on my main menu I went a found a image of HE-MAN looking for answers of contacting the sorceress in castle Greyskull 

 from the series of
FlLMATIO production, in the premiere episode titled "Diamond Ray of Disappearance". The majority of the future posts for this month will be of my review of of that series in chronological order from the way the should have aired along with my idea of a what is now known as a fan based movie as well.  Finally here is the image on my phone when I turn it on 
I have this of myself with a really nice painted sea lion from my most recent vacation with my folks on a road trip from the Olympic peninsula of my home state to the beaches of Oregon coast. Which was back this past May!

June 01, 2021

Lots of stuff for all of us....

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                          I hope that we all are ready for a lot of new and interesting ideas and on my part a whole bunch of getting you caught up on many things that I really have been lacking on, when I was meant to be giving not only myself but you a little bit of fun for what is known as Pride month, besides it's meaning of giving people or persons of loving their friends of the same gender a respectful understanding of kindness for who they are.  Now I am not saying that I don't know someone like that because in life we know that somewhere we all encounter encouraging strong people of all choices of living their existence as they want/wish too. One thing that we all must remember to keeping in thought about the meaning of Pride can honestly be, is that it does have a multitude of meanings, and like with everything else in our everyday evolving evolution we need to always find how that challenge of building up emerging feeling/emotional impactment of where it will take us as an individual person. The most important aspect of Pride on the meaning of how I am speaking of it in the emotional department is don't or try not to let it damage yourself with it's tempting power of making you feel overwhelmed because that feeling can very easily rule your lifestyle in both sad and dangerously dark ways.               It was after coming back from my road trip vacation with my folks we went up to the Olympic peninsula of Washington state, and the Oregon coast last month,  which I will be adding to the blog here at some eventual time, that I felt it has been since my vacation to Japan that I haven't gone an changed this blog's plate in over four years of time. In fact it might actually be closer to five years since I was doing anything with the background of my blog and my computer/tablet's main screen of when I have opened it to the main menu. Since my post of Amy Howard who voiced the character seen here 

in Final Yamato with Wildstar and Venture as he dies in near it's own climax. One day I will really have to watch an review all of the Yamato feature anmaited flims. Which I have before but it has been a very long time since that time of being a teenager watching them in only their original Japanese language and before you ask do I know the meaning of their language no not really.  Now before I was getting all side tracked for a few minutes what we jamming on about?, ah yes I remember now what has been on my tablet's main screen when I open it up is this where Wildstar is walking through a main corridor of the ship to the bridge well here is what it is... 

I also have this on my phone when it goes to my main screen too. You know why I have it too on my phone, in honor of Amy Howard Wilson.  
                                       As to while I am also writing this is because I truly feel that I have not kept my attention on being creative with my words of thoughts which can be helping me getting ideas following in getting me back to finishing unfinished blogs that would make both you and me feel better, for me improving on my workouts with story points and hopefully getting me involved in being stronger with my artistic abilities too, as for all you who need something to keep expanding your mind while still dealing with our current way of life because of the pandemic of Covid-19 of however you are dealing with it effects are very important indeed yet having anything to helping dealing with it can benefit all of us. So like I have said many times before to you I let my blog be a very interesting and humbling bit common human connection for us all. Finally the reason for this very post is because as I have said the plate that your so accustomed to is definitely do for a change,       

 which is this! The whole main crew of the Star Force from left to right IQ-9, Anaylzer in Japanese, Doctor Sane, Dr Sakezo Sado in Japanese, Mimi (Doctor Sane's cat), Mi Kun in Japanese,  Mark Venture, Daisuke Shima in Japanese, Derek Wildstar, Susumu Kodia in Japanese,  Nova (Forrest) the character's last name was added only in background information for us, Yuki Mori in Japanese, Sandor (although like Nova in the English version he is known by one name, and like her he has something neat about his name unlike her though he goes by his last name for us, in background information his first name is Steven) Shiro Sanada in Japanese, captain Avtar as we know him in the English version,  Juzo Okita in Japanese and of course they all are standing beside the Argo (or whatever it the ship is known as in your country for those who may have it be something else?) In Japanese it's known as the Yamato. Maybe as well with a new background plate here on the blog will drop me something idea wise as well you just never will ever know?     

May 28, 2021

Happy Birthday to Nova from ....

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Hello to All Anime fans or cartoon loving fans,                                                                                   A couple of months ago I had sadly found out that the voice of one of the characters from the  Japanese cartoon series that I know made me a very loving fan of their animation style in the science fiction story called Space Cruiser Yamato, in their home country as to if they change the subject matter of the series when they sold it world wide, I only know that for here in the United States was they cut out Japanese historical background of  the real Yamato itself. And  the overturning  violence that they felt their offspring can understandingly handle and cope with.  Still I myself am very curious as to if the young woman who played Yuki Mori in the other Yamato productions is still alive?                                               For today happens to be the date that the voice actress who voiced the English (United States) version of Yuki's character who here was called Nova in the animated series called Star Blazers. Her name was Amy Howard when she was doing the recording of Nova in nineteen seventy-eight and seventy-nine for seasons one and two, better known to Star Blazers fans as "The Quest For Iscandar" and "The Comet Empire". She was born in 1955 in Detroit, Michigan to John and Dolores Howard,  the family moved to New Jersey when she was ten years old. After graduating from high school in 1973 she attended the American Academy of dramatic arts and PACE in New York,  and worked before getting chosen for Nova at Sotheby's in New York also for AT&T in Bridgewater. If you happen to be a fan of old game shows in the summer of 1978 she appeared on 20,000 Pyramid, her  TV star player,                                                                                                                                                                             

               was Jack Kulgman's girlfriend Anita Gillette from the series "Qinncy" seen here. While she will be always known best for Nova, years later when Animes were a very common thing in nineteen ninety three to ninety six she lent her voice to the character of Miranda seen on the far right in the screen cap seen here 

                         in "The Irresponsible Captain Taylor" series. Here she was with her costars of STAR BLAZERS being interviewed for the 30th anniversary of StarBlazers on March27,2010.  

The gentleman who is behind her was Desslok in the series his real name is Eddie Allen,  and the young man who is in front of her is Ken Meseroll better known as Derek Wildstar. Before I end this very blog posting I know that I want to be looking for more of both Ken and Eddie's work as far as I know for certain Ken was in a episode of another science fiction series that I love known as Star Trek The Next Generation.  So I guess that it will be fun looking on the internet for those many other works of the D men of Star Blazers fame. Happy 66th Birthday Amy Howard Wilson it will be interesting to find more of your work if that is possible? Yes I will be looking for either a DVD or Blu-ray version of The Irresponsible Captain Taylor series.                                                                                   

March 23, 2021

Spidey sitting in for me as commentator for this set of trades review!


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Hello comic lovers of all ages,                                                                                                                  Or maybe I will say to be more precise of any age, ah who am I kidding the one important thing most that I know about comics is they are meant for everyone and it doesn't matter how you see the world as not being able to be understanding of you as a person that truly makes you right one hundred percent of the time,  it just matters that we all understand we are all capable of making mistakes in life.  We all should be responsible enough to understand that WE as HUMANS are ALL Different from each other when we are facing each new day of adventures but that is not to be the topic of this very blog but I will get around to talking about all of that stuff in a whole other entry. Last weekend starting on Sunday early into Monday morning on the 15th, I had first noticed that I couldn't hear in my left ear so much. So I went looking on my tablet for answers for what is causing an sense of hearing loss in one ear, I had at first thought maybe it's cause could be related to the ongoing worldwide pandemic called Covid-19 and even though I know that I haven't had any such symptoms of Covid-19 itself it was my only guess that was the result of why my left ear was hurting so much. I had gotten in touch with my doctor and just found out that it was simply caused by not having currently any free unstructured breathing areas of late and has caused my allergies to fully drain into my inner ear.                                                                                                                                                        Today on my last day of being 480 years old I am one of many things finally getting around to finishing the two comic trades seen between Spider-Man's outstretched arms.  The one under his right arm called Mary Jane SPIDER-MAN FACE IT, TIGER... YOU JUST HIT THE JACKPOT! I have had since twenty ten,  the one called Epic Collection the AMAZING Spider-Man The Goblin's Last Stand trade I got back this past January at my local comic shop called Adventures Underground and the main reason why I got this trade was is because in it has my birth month of March nineteen seventy-two in it. So now I know that you might say that I am a fantastic bit of creativity crazy but from here on out I believe that it's only practically possible for Pet...I  mean for Spidey to share the truth about these trades... so go ahead web head the floor is of course yours now!                     "Seems to me my goofy pal of comic enrichment Kingdom of funny pages of love, that we must have a challenge of you keeping the knowledge of surprising people a journey of successful business sercets to the test?, Only after I help you with this really sticky stuff of rewarding your adventurous reading audience with inspirational darlings of doings..."            "Look I wasn't trying to spoil the fun of reading or make it a conversation about serious secrets being revealed trust me...." Spidey lets go of THE GOBLIN'S LAST STAND EPIC COLLECTION  TRADE and aims his hand at me.... "Oh N...."                                                        "OK I do promise you all that I really am NOT a bad guy of having people love my fictional exploits!However, I think it's best that you make up your own minds of what it is that you like and don't let this nerdy fanboy be your only influencing of whatever you DO Love..., oh and don't worry the webbing on his mouth will dissolve itself long before we are even done with this whole review. So this is more or less about when I had first met both my true love Gwen Stacey and my lot later Bessie friend and my as you all know her my wife Mary Jane Watson,  when I met Gwen was a just after entering Empire State University college by way of my old hating fan of me as Peter Parker Mister Eugene Flash Thompson during a time when I was facing my mystery foe (not really but till then I didn't know it was Otto Octavius aka known as Doctor Ock) being known as The Master Planner who was after some radioactive isotopes that I also realized that I needed to save my dear loving only relative May Parker who is my anut. It all happened in a three part arc of my ongoing title of Amazing Spider-Man in issues thirty one to thirty three in nineteen sixty six of January (with a date of December on the cover 

to March of that same year. The plot was completely conceived by my artistic daddy Steve Ditko and Scripted by my wordsman daddy Stan Lee. As to what had been happening with Gwendolyn and I oh webbed mouth here, can honestly only guess? is what I am saying. As to when Mary Jane Watson first appeared was by dialogue was when I was first facing a Russian Jungle lad known as Kraven the hunter in issue fifteen.  Then while I was fighting for my very existence against ten issues later issue twenty five my two favorite gals Betty Brant whom I knew as a secretary of the man on the spider-slayer robot out to do me in Jonah Jameson whom I have still considered a strategic danger at times because I am always getting away with selling self photographs of myself to him for money,  and my high school friend Liz Allen met MJ before I ever did... but it's because of how my loving anut gushed on about myself alongside Mary Jane that kept us so desperately not wanting to meet each other...(or so I very much thought so at the time). Everything came crashing down to me meeting Mary Jane after of course saving Jameson's space astronaut son in Amazing Spider-Man #42, when her full reveal was known to not only me as Peter Parker but the world at large too with this 

      final page seen here, which was published in November of 1966 but more likely in December of that year as to how the books came out. Stan now had me having a very great time in the emotional department of my ongoing feelings with this qartart of girls after my heart and soul when I wasn't out playing up being the hero when I wasn't gonna have a choice any oh how!                                                                                                                       A very interesting thing had happened in the early spring time of nineteen sixty six and whatever it was truly about I too will admit to never knowing what was the cause for my two creative fathers to be in war with each other for their lifetimes... and my illustrating papa's last actual story  was in this very issue 
So long Steve Ditko, and the next month came in my most popular daddy in the artistic relam of things for many decades of time, everyone say hello to John Romita with the issue seen here     

 in the summer time according to the date on the book itself. My writing father Stan Lee had been building up to a specific story point of where I was facing my foe the Green Goblin and up until this point only my adversities the aforementioned Doc Ock may of known who I was under my mask and my boss of "Jolly" Jonah Jameson of the daily bugle but at the time neither of them believed it was possible? In issue thrity nine Stan wanted my ongoing rivalry with the Green Goblin to be that we know each other's deepest secrets and had wanted John Romita to do his best rendering of Steve's style for the first few issues he would work on,  and in a small way it did prove to benefit the book but Romita just couldn't resist putting his stuff in as well.                                                                                        Eventually the qartart of ladies was reduced to mainly Gwen and Mary Jane by Stan he had Betty Brant start showing interest in news reporter Ned Leeds and Liz Allen was mostly off helping her family as both I and Gwen grew closer as friends while Mary Jane was on again off again between Flash Thompson and Harry Osborn the son of the Green Goblin's  true self Norman Osborn. When I had reached issue fifty of my title I had decided for like the fourth time in my heart to throw in the towel from being Spider-Man, was the first time Matt here knows of Gwen being illustrated by John Romita but he in fact had first drawn her when Stan Lee was fleshing out the lovers banter and blossoming between Gwen and Mary Jane in Amazing Spider-Man # 47 from 1967 for           

 who really loves Peter Parker more. Then in issue fifty four we meet Gwen's father George Stacey and newspaper editor Joe Robert "Robbie" Robertson whom as far we know as fans of Robbie have always had a hint he might know who I am but never stated as far as I can gather... As for George Stacey it's summarized that even though at one point I had thought I lost my powers and on Gwen's birthday told her and Harry Osborn                 

and Mary Jane that I really was Spider-Man.... just a few issues later when I was trying save his life from when he saved a child from a chimney falling on him during a fight I had with Doc Ock George told me he had known for a while who I was and to make sure Gwen was always safe. 
        Gwen blamed Spider-Man for her father's death without knowing the truth at all of what really was the cause. She after that point went to go see her father's brother Arthur in London. Then came back to New York while I was as Peter assigned to take photographs in the Savage Land where Jonah Jameson said she should tag along.                    We pick up right after that very long adventure with Amazing Spider-Man # 105 with Stan Lee recently returning as the writer of his beloved character Spider-Man,  Stan took time away from the series since he had been making the Marvel Universe waaaay back in nineteen sixty one when he was tasked by then editor in chief Martin Goodman to come up with something that could rival the competition across the street from them, who had a comic titled 
JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA.  This here after a lot of thought about it, here's what Stan Lee and Jack Kirby put out     

to do the most important thing ever starting something new and dangerous to DC comics or was it still National Comics back then I don't know? Stan Lee had written Spider-Man since the last issue of Amazing Fanstany # 15 from August of nineteen sixty two to Amazing Spider-Man # 100 when he himself was editing for four months while writer Roy Thomas wrote issues ASM # 101-104. Stan started February 1972 with the Amazing Spider-Man # 105 with the title of "THE SPIDER-SLAYER!" The story begins with me changing into my play clothing as I'm overlooking the city and taking photos to the Bugle where I see Randy Robertson leading a protest at the entrance of very place I am heading for. As I get closer to hear what was being said I see him talking about why he is leading this very protest with his own father Joe Robbie Robertson and luckily I see that for a moment I am not needed but then it happens that Jonah Jameson arrives and after what I heard from the younger Robertson about why he and his friends are there Jameson tells him things from his view point of things and that's when I know my help is truly appreciated.                                                                                                                                                  I have only heard that in 2021 many such subjects as racism is overwhelming still considered a high and unknowable thing to be spoken of. What I will say is most of Stan's last few issues of my ongoing adventures besides dealing with fantastic fitness experience for me, he hit on a variety of every day events that gives you a chance to explore real understanding of how to share your life experiences in enrichment thinking before you may end up inside of a impossible problematic solution with the current way of life is going right now... just remember this, being caring and loving matter more than everything else and as Stan used to say 'Nuff Said!' Jameson of course promises to do me in like he honestly always does and when he does I'm finding myself completely dealing with a huge mechanical spider slayer. In the very next issue Jameson admits in public that he and Spencer Smythe the originator of many such machines were working together. When I get a chance to be my civil self of  Mr. Parker my gal Gwendolyn and I go see my high school bully Flash is starting to readjust to normal every day living after coming back 

      from his tour of military service. Within the opening Salvo of issue 107, I found myself struggling 

   with all of my inner spiritaul strength and spider strength to get away from Smythe's latest Spider killing machine. After I've been caught it seems that Gwendolyn on her own tries to see if her and I could still help our pal Flash when he is taken into custody in front of her. Gwendolyn and I find ourselves in heap of trouble when we are trying to help Flash Thompson while he is his way of a debriefing of his actions during his tour of service when he was in Nam. While I help Flash as Spidey I happened to get help from another hero of the ever growing  Marvel Universe from both Stan's and Steve's imaginations whom were his creators as well as mine, he happens to be known as the sorcerer supreme of the mystical arts 
known better as Doctor Strange. The very important thing that happens in this very issue is that the newest character added to Spidey supporting cast from last issue is given a full name and later on is Flash's girlfriend later on her name is Sha Shan. Within the opening of issue #110, I am trying not to force my mind or heart to be believing that my pal Flash Thompson has affection for my girlfriend Gwendolyn when I get even madder and almost drop my greatest money making device when a hand stops it short of falling all the way to the pavement below. It turns out that the hand belongs to a man named Martin Blank. We have a few moments of personal reflection if only for it leading anywhere is still up for debate I'm guessing! When I get back to my apartment that I share with Harry Osborn I collapse from exhausted from my time of playing hero. After trying to get in touch with my Aunt May by a phone call, I go looking for her. Whilst swinging through the city I come across Mr. Blank in what he calls himself the Gibbon. We get into fight after he claims that he wants us to be partners or for those of you not in the knowledge of comic lore he wants to be my Robin while I appear to be a very broke Batman.... 
It turns out that issue Amazing Spider-Man#110 was Stan's very last issue of writing about my monthly adventures. Stan had moved from New York to Los Angeles California around this given time but not to worry my beloved followers, even though Stan wasn't with me anymore I had a new wordsman for long while anyway,  his name is Gerry Conway who is  only nineteen years of age when he wrote the book seen here 

   as his first Amazing Spider-Man story. So I sorta tell you that I really find it fascinating that my old foe Kraven the hunter is talking to the Gibbon about his last engagement with yours truly,  which was Amazing Spider-Man #104 Ah well Marvel will get to it eventually I think and guess as to when and what is it's volume number gonna're just like me have to wait!, Kraven takes the poor man known as Martin Blank and promises him a get back scheme at me, when I use my efforts and work resources to still find my Aunt. In the next issue I finally decide that it's not worth my time to be Spider-Man I just wanna be like a lot young people my age/(your age) 18 to 19 roughly.            
In issues Amazing Spider-Man # 113-115 I find myself in the middle of a Gang War between my pudgy foe Doctor Ock and a man who is known as Hammer Head and also some famous Sesame Street pals as henchmen with the initials "B and E" if you're interested in children programming going to as they say in Star Wars to the Dark side of life. During the craziness between the three of us I as Spidey have come to find out that Aunt May is definitely wanting to be with Otto Octavius but I for the life of me can't imagine why? Even when it comes to me trying to figure it out as her nephew I am lost beyond lost. In the real world it's getting very close to election time of nineteen Seventy-two, so the creativeness of Marvel comics will spare no one of either side of the plotical intriguing debate a moment to remember to vote, in issues #116-118 (which might be around September to November possibly?) Gerry Conway only did additional dialogue for issue 116 while having a very special guest writer with him on this highly charged subject matter. Also be aware that you will see which supportive cast members of my friends are like during an election year.  In Amazing Spider-Man #116 on the opening splash page I am watching two billboard workers hanging up a voting board for our political candidate for mayor who happens to be Richard Raleigh   

whom is running against George McGovern who is running in 

   the real world as a democratic candidate. All of a sudden a huge hand smashes through their hard laboring of work, it's a very interesting giant of a man who I will admit to be thinking of him as a robot in my head as I go and save the billboard workers from their falling scaffold they are on while I also try fighting said giant whom calls himself the Smasher. Once I am Peter Parker again I run into my roommate Harry Osborn and his gal Mary Jane Watson who happens to give me a supportive button of the upcoming hopeful new mayor Richard Raleigh. At one of the many hotels on East side Raleigh was going to be making a speech to his voters both old and young when my spider sense lets me know of immediate doom and not to bringing my suit out instead, I take out a power junction to help me keep myself hidden while I'm dealing with the problematic situation of a collapsing ceiling... in the very next issue I almost have a scary surprise  but let us work our way to that venture as I share of my ongoing activities during "THE DEADLY DESIGNS OF THE DISRUPTOR!" the title of Amazing Spider-Man#117. As this very issue opens up I am trying to save every supportive voters of the newest running candidate for the upcoming mayor Richard Raleigh, while at a hotel on the East side as I'm using my tensile thin creation of webbing to stop the ceiling from hurting them for as long as I can. Unfortunately it starts to fall anyway so I'm using what is left of my webbing to keeping my sercet identity since I did this as my civilian self Peter Parker. Later I try to focus on finding the guy whom I thought was a huge robot when I see a penthouse having a gangster party happening and after dealing with that gate crashed party I give myself a chance to check in with my aunt who is still deciding to stay with Otto Octavius for what she believes is right. After that chat with my Aunt, Harry Osborn and I went to meet up with our gals his being Mary Jane and mine of course is Gwen at a new campaign gathering that Richard Raleigh is having a youth rally in Manhattan. When an unmarked limousine comes through the crowd I'm able to sneak away into a alley to hopefully become helpful in the chaotic whatever is going to benefit the many innocent voters who want to share their thoughts and opinions with each other after this public gathering, when the leader of this group of anti party poppers starts gunning and tear gasing them down. He by the way calls himself the DISRUPTOR! He makes his final attempt at getting to the upcoming mayor by attacking someone who he may know at the Bugle....  "Mmmpph!, ahh it's seems that it truthful about your webbing Spidey"                                      "Oh your helping me be a true show off huh?, well I guess that it dissolves in only a few hours or minutes really depends upon how much cement that I put into my formula each time I am making a new batch for my fighting off the baddies...."                                               "Before you may think of spraying me with more of your webbing fluid I want you to remember to share your secret from this very issue before you tell the audience of what  will happen to Miss Stacey in a few issues from now? As if the real comic audience doesn't already know about what I am saying..."                                                                              "Oh you mean my hint of when Gwen had almost found out about                                             

my sercet of who I am? when I had saved every voter in that east side hotel,  and in the end would have been my fault, my fault because of not catching a linging spider web on my coat. If only I would have I just wonder what might be!"                                                      "Ah all I want to say here is that I as your co-host here is that when this was originallypublished I was just a few if not a couple of months old... I am just saying!" 
             "Let's stop for the moment with the fourth wall breaking for a while ok?... or I will have to admit that your pretty adventurous as a villain already Matt!" I metaphorically run my right hand of my mouth as if to satisfy my fellow commentator.                                  In the opening of issue Amazing Spider-Man #118 we see that the robot guy if that is what he really is, is at the Daily Bugle doing his best to kill the paper's editor Robbie Robertson. I happened to have followed him there an tried fighting the oversized brute  as much as a hero doing his duty could potentially do...only to find out he takes off like he did when he broke those billboards not so long ago. So since for the time being I have a clue about what is going on but am still connecting said dots between him and that DISRUPTOR fellow I decide to really help Gwen,Harry and Mary Jane out with their mobile campaigning for Raleigh.  Out of no where that man monster or robotic dude trashed our rally van, I find cover and do my heroism duties yet again by chasing him. He does finally lead me to the DISRUPTOR guy, I notice that the robotic man is just a man after again rough houing with him and the DISRUPTOR...when I find out who the robotic man is I do finally see that everyone can lose everything no matter what your plotical movtaitions are or were. Take heed of yourself and your surroundings of choice and remember sometimes when your making a choice for the country you can honestly hurt each other as well.                                                                                                                                                       From one man made monster last issue to my facing the strongest mortal literally after trying to still find out more from Westchester New York where my Aunt May is still staying with Otto Octavius and why I may have a telegram that explains everything.  In Amazing Spider-Man #119, I have read a as I mentioned a telegram for May Parker from someone named Jean Pierre Rimbaud who resides in Montreal, Quebec. As I get lost in my thoughts on how to get some dough I walk pass a store's television display and on it was the Incredible Hulk I have my answer for money woes and head to the Bugle and promise my boss Jameson pictures of the Hulk wasting my heroic self (even though at the time he just let his animosity and rage fill his train of thoughtfulness), of ol web head! Once in Canada before getting into giving myself a gamma raged death sentence with ol Greenskin, I am as Parker trying to get in touch with Mister Rimbaud through his secretary named Miss Delon. Then in a hotel I find the Hulk's greatest human foe outside of himself, the man known as Brigadier General "Thunderbolt" Ross. Whom at this very moment is planning his very next military movement against the monster while in Canada. The Canadian military service won't let me join in on this highly charged mission to try and capture the haunted monster known as the Hulk, so being impulsive I just jump into the army truck to prove that I'm going to get those pix for Jameson no matter what stands in my way. The army unfortunately does find it's intended target and he makes his point of wanting to be left alone by dealing with the problematic situation of the lead truck by tossing it aside as he consistently think of it as well a toy to play with. It gives me a chance to don the threads that you have all known me for, and then our showdown between Hulk and Spidey beings!
 The Hulk is stunned for a brief minute by my smack to his rib cage, he makes very quick work of smashing the combined armed forces of both the United States and Canadian military then he takes off to be like he always says to be left simply alone. Yet I can't shake the feeling that the monster is still full of anger then he just takes another slam at getting rid of that emotional stance by taking out a dam! 
At the opening of issue Amazing Spider-Man #120, the Hulk is tossing a boulder with yours truly on it out of the dam that he was using to subside his raging state from dealing with a tiring human being known as Thunderbolt Ross who has never understood the problems of a scienist named Bruce Banner. The Hulk creates a tidal wave to get away from the craziness of the human species while the very same humans are what I need to stay sane, even when I get a call from my girlfriend Gwendolyn Stacy from New York to come home because of my friend Harry Osborn's problems. I still have something that I really have to deal with here in Montreal Quebec relating to my anut. When I try to get answers about the telegram sent to May I can honestly say my second encounter with Greenskin was great fun...because Mister Rimbaud is killed by an unknown Assassin!         "Ummm Spidey, are you so sure that you are able to talk about the next issue of your own title...because of how we as the comic public know about how like you're marriage to Mary Jane has been spat on as a rusted out old fashioned washboard by Marvel comics editorial department which is for certain very...."                                                                             "Let me take a guess a very certain kind of  Dirty Pool of Ill responsibly on the management of the company's wanting something that you as comic loving fan bases don't wish of and beyond anything else it's enforced!, yes Matt I do understand where you're coming from and am I still broken by what happens to Gwen of course, who wouldn't be?"  "Okay I understand and we can be more involved with this discussion in a whole other post on something like "Spider-man's real love matters among whom of MJ and Gwen?", let's get this web crawl spinning shall we."                                                                 Not sure of where the starting point of Gwendolyn Stacy's major turning impact should have as a bridge of a debriefing scope for greater detail. All I can say is that I know that I had a cold from when I returned from being in Quebec, Canada... but please most importantly remember a bridge plays a huge influence in my ongoing rivalry with my friend's father Norman Osborn! Speaking of Osborn his son Harry has gone an had another encounter with drugs, this time he went and was using according to Norman's family doctor was D-Lysergic acid Diethylamide known better as LSD. I enter as Peter Parker into enemy territory thinking of the last time I saw Harry when he was on any kind of illegal substance when a hand grabs my arm, I turn to see that who has my attention is none other than Harry's father.... Norman Osborn! He just throws me and his son's girlfriend Mary Jane Watson and my own girl Gwendolyn Stacy from his property!  Two hours later I head over to the my work place of the Daily Bugle to give them my pictures of my promised work from in Montreal of Spider-Man fighting the incredible Hulk! After Jonah throws me out of Robbie's office I suit up as Spidey to get home and get some much needed rest and a chance to talk to Gwen more about our friend Harry's problems with his use of LSD! When I get back to my apartment I find out that Gwen's hand bag that I gave her for Christmas has a Goblin lantern that is shaped similar to one of Goblin's weapon known as a pumpkin bomb on it!, Notice if you will that every sentence to this point is being written and ending with Exclamation mark and yes there is a completely EXCITING REASONING FOR THIS AND THE VERY NEXT ISSUE, BOTH ARE SHOWN HERE! 

Now back to the greatest and sadness moment of my well built brokenness from what happens with my love of my life that is Gwen!  Even though I know that I know that I most of all need rest to getting well,  I know that I am not kidding myself that Norman is wanting to push me to a breaking level of insanity, Mister Osborn you have me at broken insanity and I'm coming for you! I'm using one of my given powers that I received from the arachnid that was irritated with radioactive rays and gave me powers from itself as it's venom is now coursing through my blood cells right before it died, I have called this power my spider sense and I have used it to find the Green Goblin on his favorite bridge pillar of the George Washington Bridge in this story but in the real world it's known as the Brooklyn Bridge!                                                                                                                                 As to what does happen next in our war between Spider-Man's and the Goblin's personal winner as far as I am concerned is if above everything else is can I get Gwen away from here without her being or ending up dead?, and if I am lucky enough she'll have a bit of relief and respect for Spider-Man will finally make me smile as her boyfriend Peter Parker in public! What the Goblin wants is he will let Gwen go free as long as he can rid himself of Spider-Man forever or Gwen will die, as his words only do the one thing he's wanting more than everything else of sending me into raging anger and what he really wants a fight till the death! He starts his attack by throwing one of his pumpkin bombs at me as I am dazed by my balance and the forementioned cold, then as I regain my footing on the bridge's beam he swoops in on his glider tires to knock me once again which makes me even madder and determined to beat him anyway I can so I snap him off of his glider and punch him with my best remaining strength!                                     

At that being my for certain rage breaker I raced from the metal beam atop of the bridge cable to the pillar that just a matter of moments ago the Green Goblin tried to kill me from to be reunited with my love Gwen,  luckily for me I was sure that she was in a state of shock what I didn't know was that Goblin had been saved by his glider and came for both of us on the pillar and knocked Gwen from it completely....I went on emotional reflect and caught her by her leg and saved my ever loving woman from pain of dying.  The Goblin went and reminded me on the reality of what's just been done because of what he had just caused! And with only anger did I make a vow to him and now we really were at war.         

        ,with each other no matter if we were our civilian selves or our dark selves!                  We're now without a doubt at the very title of this collceted trade "The Goblin's Last Stand!" It came out in July of 1973, four months after I was born..." Oh and let's not forget that as we have said through out this entry it is the follow up to when I lost my true love Gwendolyn Stacy at the movitions of a business man known as Norman Osborn! As we open the cover of Amazing Spider-Man # 122 I'm holding Gwen in my arms as both Goblin and Spider-Man promise each other death as the only way to end our forever feud! I take her down to wooden boat dock below the bridge where I did try to save her then I go back to the rage in my body and fight the Goblin by trying to strangle him around his neck then he takes it up a notch by taking us to the bridge cable support and gives me a body slam against it and I fall like Gwen did! I save myself by pushing my mind to clarity and letting go of my ongoing feelings for a few minutes of time, I then see the local police percent gathering around Gwen's body I gotta make sure that her death isn't in vain and punishment for myself by making certain that reporters put in details of what they think is important, and most importantly so that the Daily Bugle or Jonah Jameson, can make their forms of a spectacle like he honestly wouldn't find a way anyways, so having my motto of "With Great Power, Must also come Great Responsibility" I use my Responsibility to stop both sets of onlookers cops and newspaper reporters alike as I remember all of the hard 

   and loving times   

between Gwen and I! A black cop sees my pain as as white cop tries to attack me as the abalmance arrives I realize that fighting those who I respect isn't the best answer for my dealing with the problematic process of dealing with Gwen's ordeal so I do my fraught mindset a nails in brain till I can deal with Norman Osborn for the true monster that he is! I look for him at his New York townhouse only to find my friend his son there, then I don't waste anytime and ask Robbie and Jonah of where he's holding up of late, when I do finally get to his hideout we go and just found ourselves letting out our monsters from within! Finally he tries to hit me with his Goblin glider and hits himself instead! When it was over I found Mary Jane Watson at our apartment and told her to leave and for whatever reason she just stayed!  In the opening of issue Amazing Spider-Man #123 your favorite wallspinner namely me isn't so much concerning myself with anything but great guilt of Gwen's passing that when I do notice Aunt May she happens to still have one of Doc Ock's bodyguards with her at Gwen's burial service, I am so wreaked that when Flash Thompson tries to give me his condolences of Gwen I finally realize my past feelings of them being together just needn't matter. After her service has concluded,  Mary Jane is wanting to buy me a cup of coffee, while Jonah still believing that Spider-Man has murdered Miss Stacy and his good friend Norman Osborn is looking for someone to helping him with his own dealing of personal pain. He ended up in Time Square's seedy side where he witnesses the bar he is at has an fight going on between two African men one of which is whom, he is seeking named Luke Cage!  
           Mister Cage and Jameson find a way to a accommodating each other's needs by way of green paper if you get my drift so later that very day and getting my deepest emotional stance anyway from Gwen is by getting out and doing what I do best going for a swing around the city on my webs. When out of no where I get smashed by Mister Cage grabbing me in mid air, he freely admits that Jameson hired him to do Spider-Man in while we have our first smack down when I finish it by having him falling into a skylight of the building we are testing our will he or won't he wills against each other! Later that very day Mary Jane has invited me as Peter Parker to a college concert that she knew of. In  a few moments after getting a bit of juice from the punch bowl the whole party has a particular party crasher, yeah Cage comes around for round two between him and Spider-Man and I don't hold back in giving him what he really wants... a rematch! Even later in the evening Cage decides what type of hero he wants to be by giving Jameson his money back to him at the Bugle!                                                                                                          "So Spidey where do we start from here with the trade in the above pic on your right since we don't wish to...."                                                                                                                      " be so much like we are in a tangled web of dangling and repeating of our selves in open space operatic  dry icing this review to determine if either Gwen's better for me than my wife Mary Jane is....I  thought we were going to benefit and let you those reading this didactic who you are thinking is better for me....."                                                                       " Wacky as it might seem my question, about it is because a work of Gerry's is also in that and I was wondering if you wanted to do that first is all..."                                                     "Ah ol wheat cakes, what am I thinking of my mistake but let do it just chronologically as it's printed minus what we've already shared, already..."                                                               When we open the trade known as Mary Jane SPIDER-MAN FACE IT TIGER... YOU JUST HIT THE JACKPOT!, we jump back to a time when I had only been around for about four years of experiencing life with one problem after another with approximately every foe that I have faced a few times till now with the exception of who's on the very cover of issue Amazing Spider-Man # 43 seen here 
this is the Rhino who first appeared two issues before. It just happens that I am with my aunt who is at her friend's Anna Watson home for lunch with her niece whom they have both been trying to get us together, for the past few months. Just like any young man I can't deny that I'm not only a hero at times but I will admit maybe at times a greater dunce is what Mister Parker is known for! Mary Jane suggests after lunch that we watch the TV set and while watching the Ed Sullivan show a news break about the Rhino escaping from the psych hospital he was placed in since our last encounter... 
Knowing that I have to go find the Rhino and dealing with him is one thing but keeping a promise to my only living relative, is also very important as well to ensure Aunt May's hard laboring of work in getting me to finally meeting M.J. I happen to invite her to take a ride with me on my cycle to wherever the Rhino is currently. Once we get into Manhattan, Mary Jane and I find ourselves in a crowd of spectators who looking at what the Rhino is doing,  I find myself very interesting situation of how to change into Spidey and do my heroism duties so I do it by telling MJ that I got to get photos of the on coming ordeal in front of us, while she gaurd our way here. After my first round this time around with Rhinny I find a way to beat him, because he leaves a tiny bit of his suit behind.                  "The next comic we will be exploring needs a tiny bit of back history of how it came to be as Matt has said in whole other entry entitled "What ever had happened to Peter Parker's LOST kid? part one".... which will be in part two of the continuation of that story!" To summarize it all rather quickly this story comes as a part of the nineteen nineties storyline known as "THE CLONE SAGA" when it was nearing it's end in nineteen ninety six in a book titled Untold Tales of Spider-Man,  the one we are discussing also happens to have a Madonna song title as the title of said story. With a certain Red head With...   

    just look at the cover here. This given arc of Mary Jane's is in her past before she actually meets Peter in Amazing Spider-Man issue forty two from nineteen sixty six... boy those shades on her face so either from the mid nineteen eighties, or possibility the nineteen nineties not really a problematic topic for me. Yet it does fit Mary Jane Watson's character which we will be into shortly. Still those of you here for reaction to action I am busy fighting a Chinese scientist Chen Lu known better to us, you the reader and I as Radioactive Man in the national history museum in Manhattan where it just so happens that Mary Jane and her aunt Anna are doing a self guided tour by the dinosaur exhibit when I  in the mist of our throwing down knock him into some radioactive ore that make him even more unstable than he already is. He escapes through the museum floor,  for me I go home to aunt May and make a nice touch to my webbing.  When I do catch up to him I don't realize that red haired girl has been following us. As we do our tango of fun for the second time, I send him into a coal barge carrying coal and stop him from spreading radiation all over the city.  Then I attended a party put together by Liz Allen at aunt May's home and from her yard Mary Jane Watson makes a big promise to herself for some day in the future.                                                                                                                                                  Now we are really going backwards in time to the mid nineteen eighties for the next title in this trade that promotes that yours truly will finally be returning to my original threads,  what am I talking about in this sense is... read on is what will work best for Amazing Spider-Man # 259. A couple of issues ago Mary Jane was in my apartment after my fighting a guy named Puma.... when she said this to me the two of us are walking through central park and even though as always I am thinking of poor ol me I am trying to figure out what shall I do or should I even try to focus ON THAT VERY MATTER, while Mary Jane Watson tells me her life story. Meanwhile, this foe of mine calling himself the Hobgoblin is raising all kinds of problems just outside of Central park by enforcing himself as a mob boss. When I finally decide to go out on the lookout for crimes being committed I for the first time in a long amount of months put on the costume that I designed to make a name for myself so very long ago...       There is one question that I want to ask everyone reading this, what does anyone that is a true hero do when your love one is mistook for you? In answering that we have to look at my oversized annual seen here 
 from the summer of nineteen eighty five. I am fighting a group of drug dealers in the lower Manhattan district when at the same time I know that Mary Jane and I have dinner plans later, of course when I arrive at her place she's understandable upset. Meanwhile in one of the Kingpin's skyscrapers across town a man is trying to gather possible data on who I could be through Kingpin's computer systems.  When the Kingpin comes to the man wanting to know why I haven't reached that said goal. The man tells Kingpin that his tracking device is on a certain hat that I gave to my Aunt May for her birthday.  While I help someone else with th their own hat by saving it with webbing and giving it back to him, then out of no where my sixth sense goes off... Whilst,  Mary Jane is with both of our aunts having lunch at the park restaurant. I find that whatever it is that I tracking that set of my Spider sense looks like a strange kinda what better way to describe it, than call a unidentified flying object.... whomever is controlling it has just smashes through the restaurant Mary Jane and our beloved relatives are, they take both Anna Watson and her niece away!  A few minutes later I come through the smashed window of the restaurant and take the ribbon from the hat of Aunt May birthday gift and use it to find the Kingpin's hideout, while who ever has Mary Jane and Anna Watson believes that from what they've heard at the restaurant that they have Spider-Man in their clutches....    
                               Within a couple years of time, I had a lot of decisions of if I was going to be wearing a cloth copy of the black suit that Felicia Hardy aka the Black Cat made for me because she loves me more as Spidey than as Peter Parker, another huge gang war was going on,  and finally once again the Hobgoblin had fooled me by making Betty Brant Leeds husband be him when I was with Wolverine over in Berlin. After the events of the aforementioned gang war I went as Peter Parker to visit Aunt May who had mistaken given my microscope that she and uncle Ben gave me to keep my interests of learning abouut science, to a church that was looking for sale items for helping the local community.... knowing how much it meant to me I went to the very church an brought it back for keeping my hopefulness alive of being a scienist. I just remember feeling very emotionally empty so I went to Mary Jane to ask her something very personal which was this 
Her immediate response is of course "NO!" As I tell her that I have found a comforting way to deal with my life as Spider-Man,  she tells me her uncle contacted her about her sister and she knows that she has to deal with it in her way of getting to Philadelphia.  When helping her get a cab to the airport my spider sense goes off and unlike the last time it did I couldn't understand the "how part" this time I feel like I'm thinking it's just acting haywire. While outside of the back of her apartment something was crawling up to look for something or someone. Then on her plane ride to Pittsburgh Mary Jane is doing some very deep soul searching of if she's doing the right thing, while in my own apartment on Chelsea Street in New York I am sure trying to figure out how much I find out that I feel simply useless. To avail my own misery of not understanding where Mary Jane is coming from, I go out web swinging to clear my head with looking for crimes being committed and oh boy I find something more than I can handle in the construction site that triggers my spider sense.... it turns out that I am fighting a new version of a spider-slayer from the son of Spencer Smythe. Later that night, I get a call from Pittsburgh and of course it's Mary Jane....                                                                                               In issue Amazing Spider-Man #292 from it's very cover seen here         
 do you think that I am possibly done in for. I have taken a plane to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia because my dear friend Mary Jane told me in a phone call that she needed my help with something but she didn't want to share what it was over the phone, the only problem was I had to deal with Alistair Smythe and his spider-slayer in New York. I went and determined that law enforcement could handle him, so now I am at Mary Jane's sister home in Pittsburgh! After meeting her father and Mary Jane getting steamed at him, we leave her sister's house, where she tells me of their dilemma of  helping her father or her sister. At that same time I find out that Alistair Smythe has followed Spider-Man to Pittsburgh, Philadelphia. When we are later at the airport heading home for New York Mary Jane decides to accept my proposal of marriage.  
We next have up in this trade a Spider-Man graphic novel, by the core writer of the majority of the trade we were including with this one, of "THE GOBLIN'S LAST STAND", that is right we are again sharing a story by Gerry Conway it is known as  
Parallel lives. Mostly the fifty four pages of this tells in a modernized update of both my and M.J. histories. The one part of Mary Jane's background that we've been building up to is this, her parents are Philip and Madeline Watson who were constantly fighting over almost everything. Mary Jane also has a older sister named Gayle who was always trying to be strong because it was her way of dealing with their father, whereas for Mary Jane she tired very often to be a free spirit in matters of her dealings with her father. When she was fourteen and spending time with her only relative from his side of the family that she respected saw Spider-Man as someone who hid his fears by being a live performer on the boob tube. It was around that given time that her mom and her were living with her cousin Frank, Gayle her sister was married to a young boy just out of high school named Timmy Byrnes and she was expecting her first born too. I had just gotten bit by that overdosed arachnid a week or so before that, I was trying to figure out how to hopefully find a way of paying both my uncle Ben and aunt May for their example of clean living and raising me as best that they could and with the powers from the spider I had found myself no longer struggling to just do my school work... I could feel that by becoming a small time celebrity I would be very proud to give them money for helping me be the teenager that I am. Then a week later on Mary Jane happens to see me asking a cop about what's happening. She saw me racing into our home. When she wasn't wanting to think of my aunt's emotional state, she just happens to see Spider-Man coming out of the Parker house, when her mother asks what's going on she runs to a party to forget what she knows she saw! It also shows some of my many endeavors of fighting criminals and Mary Jane and Gayle loosing Madeline.                                                                                          What is really fascinating is that Gerry gets to go back to his time on the title in the way of having the main villain be none other than Ummm Otto Octavius!                                              However I try to get away from what happens in Amazing Spider-Man issue # 309, I don't know all that I remember was Mary Jane and I had moved from my small apartment on Chelsea Street, to a place called The Bedford Towers. I have a coffee table book that has me doing worldwide cities tours, also I have recently started returning to college.While I was on the book tour and returning from Chicago, Mary Jane had just vanished, after talking with investigators I went trying to finding her through every super villain I could think of.... now I am going through local street hoodlums   

                        that may have answers, I am hoping? Anything I did as Spider-Man or as Peter Parker wasn't helping me just feel lonely and a emotional wreck as a empty human being. Mary Jane was being held against her will by the owner of our place of where we are living, he proves how crazy he is by sending two unknown villains after yours truly!                For as to the main background of the last comic in this very trade you the reader of this blog are wanting to know about you have to realize marvel comics had many things going on in the late nineteen nineties.... including having to file for chapter eleven to survive! During it all Marvel was able to keep expanding each character's universe and keep their buying customers very excited for whatever was coming up each month.  So after getting out of dealing with their debt, they were starting to make movies to grow their best beloved characters besides myself too. One of the things that they got out of the deal was having movie and TV production have their writers working on something new and different,  one those TV producers was J. Micheal Straczynski who created the Si-fi series Babylon five, who started with Amazing Spider-Man volume two issue # 30 which came out in June,  2001.... the issue of his early run of my title is Amazing Spider-Man # 50 and No we aren't talking about the one with 

   this cover from July of  nineteen sixty-six, but with this one                                                                                                         
from yes the same month and thrity six years of difference in story content, the content of the one above has Mary Jane and I trying to see each other from both coasts when we meet up at the very same airport.While we are grabbing a snack before talking about where we are going through our moments of current everyday living,  I happen to see come through the international customs gate Doctor Doom of course my spider sense goes off but it's not because of him... rather another person from his country of Latveria. Who has a message for him in the way of having an whole bunch of wires attached to not only his body the other ends are connecting to huge sticks of dynamite! He tell Doom "FREE LATVERIA" and pushes his detonator trigger and fills the airport with explosion among the rubble I happen to find a blonde haired man with a flag under his grey suit... I then put on my colorful spandex to deal with whatever is going to happen next! In the mist of the fighting going on Mary Jane tells me that                                                                                  
she is very much wanting to speak with Peter Parker and not Spider-Man because she's doing her best to understand do I do what I am doing for emotional reasons of helping us or as shown a couple of pages over 
that a couple no matter who they are, but she and I have to figure out our understanding need for each other. For always going off of our emotional cores can and could  break down anyone, yet every relationship has to deal with both people's needs to maintain it's everyday growth. Mary Jane has always ran from her experiences with tightly knitted love especially with family, yet I can unfortunately understand that needing she is talking about.... and before we start to head home I do introduce her to the blonde haired man with the flag as his suit, even though I don't tell her his civilian name she gets to meet Captain America! It's like Cap says in this story  "The mask is supposed to hide your face. Don't let it hide your heart."                                                                                                                             "One last question that I am wanting to ask everyone reading this besides do you like me Peter Parker with either Gwen Stacy or Mary Jane Watson... that's up to you I  know! Here's that question, remember when you are feeling unsure of your own relationships always be bold in saying what you're driving needs are  to go keeping your heart both strong and healthy for each moment of each day is a completely new experience in any environment right or wrong?"