December 17, 2017

Well like everyone else I too had something happen before Christmas.........

Hello All,
   Well it just seems never to end at times I guess huh?, weather it's the joyful season of being kind hearted as it its right now or just a random every other kind of day it has finally happen to little ol me Matt once again! It seems as if my Samsung Galaxy tab4 tablet has just died on me. I know that I recently was going to be telling ALLL OF YOU to be aware of phone scams which I'm sure I STILL WILL BECAUSE NO ONE SHOULD BE AWAY from HIS/HERS CREATIVTY JUICES FOR VERY LONG. Hopefully many of you who do create art of any kind on the internet haven't had that said problem? Yet that is for another time.
       I guess in all on honesty I shouldn't be too mad about it of what has happen to my Tablet from Samsung. I had gotten it originally back during my trip with my folks and I went to go see family in Minnesota back in twenty fourteen  when we included seeing and driving to both of the Dakotas and vexing those four famous heads seen here George Washington, Tomas Jefferson, Teddy Roosevelt, and of  course Abraham Lincoln.
Known better as Mount Rushmore. Still I need to go back and tell those yarns as well ..... So I happen to have whole back history with my Galaxy tab 4 in it's own story so here it is? When we were going through North Dakota we stopped at in the town of Billings at a Best Buy store and picked up the Tablet4 device paid for it only to have it have what problem I have with it now that battery is burned out. When it happen back then it was less than twelve hours and we were in South Dakota then. We took it to the one in town there and exchanged it.
       The one thing most that I'm going to miss for a little bit of a long while is my game that I'm always going on about known simply as    
STARTREK TIMELINES. Which is playing till the end of this year my favorite part of Star Trek lore, a bunch of mini games from the Mirror Universe. Please wish me luck that I can tack on a new Samsung tablet onto my Christmas wish list? or get one soon after maybe?  


November 23, 2017

Trusting humans is HARD if your a certain bird....

Hello all, 
Well without any doubt the title of this entry should scare a Brown feather animal that in a small akward way shares my last name..... Still my whole day was full of very unknowness mainly because as far as I had known about our plans for eating were going to be at my brother Michael's abode,  for as I had told to me by my sister in-law Kathie that our usual suspects in meeting up with were sick and under the weather with the various flu bugs known as her parents place. Yet that was from so early this month it could be that we Kathie and Michael and I  were planning our own gathering of filling family bellies with two famous teenagers on this very blog, or at least close to it for Kathie too was like me playing dodge ball of anything causing time away from work.  
         So this morning even though I could have slept in since I had today off, I didn't for the boy in me since 1985 maybe in truth it was nineteen eighty is my driving force to always bring about the next upcoming holiday known as Christmas . I  do it by filling my inner soul with the Macy day parade watching all of the balloon floats in New York, on my television wishing at some point of being there live one given upcoming year.... I'm not going to lie I'm always looking out for the Marvel float of Spider-Man, still with this being the ninety first run of the actual parade since it was first presented wise back in the original "MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET" movie from in nineteen forty seven which had this balloon seen here 
 okay so what I am talking about is the fourth coming balloon float with the big baseball glove in it's right hand. It was known as Harold the baseball player float of nineteen forty sixth Marcy Parade which you can see below on the left. 

      So this year the Parade organizers decided to honor that film's most unseen character in the way of balloon floats and on the upper right is the latest take on Miracle's greatest hidden true secret revealed seventy years later!

      My brother Michael had called me at the eleventh hour of this morning to see if I was ready to go all in on joining him and his small crew for fun. I told him give me to noon or a little after and I'm there. So after getting all slicked up I was ready in a rather Barry Allen minute if you know what I mean!, we were at his abode and playing Mario Kart on their gaming system. I  choose as my player the little ghost dude that on the onset looks like a fluffy marsh mellow  named BOO as I was playing both my brother and his wife and their son Cannon Heidi his older sister was getting ready to go to wherever our Turkey plans laid bare Which while we were playing our six rounds I found out that after all Kathie's side of the family was stronger in the sense of being  healthy that made me feel more confidant at least in my brain and that is a great thing since I deal; with the public on a daily basis.
When we got to Kathie's folk place we all started our own small conversations with members of her family and their friends who also came for the feast of grand thankfulness, after a few minutes of that talking the feasting began in fact here was what was on the table

, minus the yams.  In fact here is a whole better look at the whole Turkey with a couple of bottles of sparkling cider which that is the drink of choice at both this time of year and  the one day coming up

called Christmas day.  After we all sat at our given places at the table Kathie's father said grace and we started passing everything around to who wanted what with their turkey and just so you don't think that I was left out on choices of my own here is what I had on my first plate....
of course their were at least thee more helpings of Yams which I totally forgot to grab a photo of. We stayed till close to eight and had more topics of discussions that were mostly from how I saw it showing me Matt once again how we are all just flawed in being simply human at even our best times of togetherness. We had pie for dessert of three kinds A Apple one, a pumpkin one actually there were two that one, and earlier of when my brother picked me up we went to Albertsons an got a couple of pecan pies one was sugar free just in cause anyone wanted it. Now I know every one you want to know how the heck did I fair on Mario Kart while at Michael home here is how it went down mostly out of the six games I came in seventh expect for the last one we were playing on that one I came in THIRD an for me that is just out right cool. What I do hope is that for the many people in this world that are without anyone realize you have a place in my thoughts and hopes that someone is kind to you today even if it is only to give you a little something of food because I know we can be blind even when we don't want to be,but please don't ever think anyone is better than yourself for we must always remember at the end of any day regardless of if it is a holiday or not you too are also loved and respected even when you don't see it either!
Again I hope that we all have a blessed and humbling Turkey day!          

October 11, 2017

Sometimes you just have to slip into the season......

Wanna know something rather freaky that is also door slamming CREEPY......
      Have you ever had one of those times that even though you are really into a very outstanding read of a book weather it is a part of a series of something you know that you love because it has your sense of standing for what you like about that given genre but for some reason at the present you feel like you need to stop and set it aside for reasons of the moment that are telling you in a imprint on your brain in bright RED LETTERS OR WORDS just no? Well of late with the third book in my book series by Gini Koch, and the cover seen here

or rather a double of the third book in her  Alien series and yes there is a reason for why I have two copies of it. ( I will explain that at another given time), today when I was heading off to work I really and truly felt the need for a type of book that fit more in tone with the type of the season, which happens to be scare yourself within any means possible....and I had for a very long time forgotten that I had this book from HASTINGS that filed for bankruptcy a few years ago. Well I had found tis very book that you see between the beanie babies of the hulk and Spider-Man

a almost whole year before they closed their business doors. 
              Let's jump to today, okay I know that without a doubt I'm in no way a super fast reader ever, yet as you all know I really do that so my brain and imagination can really explore the world or worlds that I happen to be devouring at the given moment. After work today I was really feeling the need to  fill my heart and blood with a bloody chill shock feeling of being scarred out of my wits just because I wasn't one hundred percent sure if I could make it out to north Richland where Adventures Underground is I went instead to Barnes and Nobles out at the mall in Kennwick, Washington. I had seen while at work today the middle book seen here on display

on my coffee table. The one called BLADE RUNNER, which it has been quite a while since I have seen the nineteen eighty science fiction classic film of the same name which stars Harrison Ford of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame as the lead character, and yes all of these years later he will be reprising the role for the upcoming sequel known as BLADE RUNNER 2049, is to come sometime this very month. Anyhoo I was really hoping that for some reason or other that Barnes and Nobles would of had a wider selection of new type of horrifying set of new books to engage a hungry filled needed mind like mine like I know I have seen there around this time of year in previous years of when I have had this very wetting idea on my thoughts....... but Bloody heck NOOOO they only had classics like Frankenstein or Dracula. So one of the store employees took me to where they had their other Halloween theme area and yes the even had me with a temptation of Richard Matherson's "I am Legend" but I had decided that since the movie that was made with Will Smith a few years back felt to me not scary and unfrightening  I felt it wasn't going to do it besides the book I have has a Zombie fullness so that was out and I went with a start of a scary trilogy by Deborah Harkness. Then the book along side of the Hulk is just a great find at a very cheap price of Stan Lee's life in actual graphic comic form, so overall I'm very sure I can fill up my fright bone with just a bit of a small amount of a BLOOD THRIST HOPEFULLY, OH YEAH I'M SURE I HAVE HA, HA, HA, HA!   

October 07, 2017

A few things about 2017's Buddy Walk that are.....

  Hey it is time to find your Buddy for the walk of National Down Syndrome Society's 2017 "BUDDY WALK". Here is what this year's shirts look like oh and yes my good friend Jeremy shows a quick presentation of  the Raffling Prizes.....Which he hopes for something other than all the SEAHAWKS stuff........ in fact I forgot to share what he was hoping for which a pair of basketball hoops for his young nephew seen here as
a real TIGER!  

September 13, 2017

How words or classic T.V. series of the past relate to today......

Please try to understand that from what your reading of these words by a fictitious reverend mean more to us in hopefully understanding as very frightening swelling of pain inside of you or even me, I HOPE that what I have written below will help everyone who needs understanding of your own inner self can know that WE ALL KNOW THIS! But WE bury this with an even simpler emotion  of WANT INSTEAD! 

August 29, 2017

Remembering first days of First day of schooling years.....

Hello to everyone both of old and young at heart.......,
        Look I know that every kid around the world must be in his or her own given way on their sets of "Pins and Needles", to coin a phrase of sorts just because today is weather your very young like a baby or a kid entering middle placing in your learning days or even still a high schooler, or better yet entering your years of collage it more or less starts for the year of twenty seventeen or is that two thousand and seventeen....Today is the first day school. Now what I want to really explore more than anything is recalling my many first days of school as best as I can? Yet along the way pave the way so that newcomers to where ever your going to be learning this year won't be so daunting on your introduction to a area that will help you be the hopefully most engaging part of yourself outside of being at home like you were for the past two and half months known better as Summer.
          For me while growing up, I in my own way always felt that in some way that going to school was more than just a outlet of finding out where your place to sit was in the classroom. It was also about learning what you needed for each class in the way of supplies to waiting for recess when your in elementally school. To finding out how to really learn your locker combination while getting to classes in ten minutes time in high school, while also getting your ASB card as well which allows you to get into events that are going on year round. As for going to collage me myself I can't really speak in terms of what that must be like other than that you really are on your own for the most part in making the ultimate outcome be what your main goal is towards your everyday career once you step out into the workplace of your choosing? 
           Now one very important thing that I want every kid to know is that sure at times your parents are going to be hard and demanding on you to stay on your classwork that you bring home even when your in collage this will be a bit of a sore spot for some of us but we must always remember that our parents are more than just our protectors from when we are very youthful, they are the ones in our everyday lives that help us stay strong in wanting to be both like them and be ourselves at some point. One very immense thing about every first day of school to always remember is see if you are great at making NEW FRIENDS.... The main reason I'm talking of this here is that after our schooling years are behind each of us we need to stay in touch with those we have really bounded with because in truth we really never do know exactly what or where life's paths will lead us..... 
        Still one very important thing matter to me about kids that attend a day or a full lifetime in school are and this isn't anything to be ashamed of at all.... your striving for being the best you put your name here ______________________________________, the best you that there is!              

August 24, 2017

To Adam's many friends.......

ADAM WAYNE ZEIGLER Guest Book on Tri-City Herald     

Hello to all friends of Adam Zeigler,
      It is with a very moving heart that I'm finding my way of wording this very entry tonight. If you will recall earlier this month that I had shared a entry titled "Are words simply enough" it was about what I had felt of a dear friend of mine from back in the days of high school. I have been going over his passing since it occurred and still I feel very shaky in my own has given me Raymond Matthew Byrd a way of looking a lot more deeply about our causes of appetence of the afterlife! I'm not saying that I want to know when my own date with destiny is set for I do hope it is a very long time in the far reaches of  my given life. 
     I would like for all of  you to know that Adam is a very special soul of heaven, I know your asking what do I mean by this? Well Adam has two families that love him the one that is showed above is being held by his wife and her family and his kids that he was raising with her. It will be held on this upcoming Sunday afternoon.  
     The one for Adam by his blood family will be held on September ninth on that Sunday. I'm sharing this not because I am trying do anything other than share this hopes of those who would like to celebrate Adam's life with whom you've known as him best with, in your way of knowing Adam best. Also if you would like to share a story of how you knew Adam there is a area where you can leave your story of heartfelt love for your dear friend!
      In fact I may go back to I think myself and I have written something short, but I'm wanting to expand it a bit I'm thinking  so?

August 09, 2017

Are Simple words ever enough.....

Hello All,
   It seems at times in our lives that we are at a need for tears for those we have known all of our lives or even a certain part of our histories with those we call friend from as far back as high school, if you know me those two colors of purple and gold were our school's main color scheme. I was just on the social media site of Facebook for just a few minutes when I saw that my dear friend Adam Zeigler seen here

from back in nineteen ninety one yearbook.  Had heard from another friend of mine from those days said "I knew a couple days ago, but waited for proof. I'm stunned. R.I.P. Adam Zeigler. You were a one of a kind an a amazing soul. I had no idea of what happen but I'm beyond sad." As I myself was reading this friend's very comment I welled up in my own heart, too! Back in those days of high school Adam was always able to make you smile he had the type  of humor that made you know him as a rich man that later in life would have a kind thing to say even if it was "Hello" to brighten your day. I still remember when I first met Adam, it was because he was a friend of my cousin's just like the other West Richland boys were....Adam did go on to having a great life he married Marsha Bulter his high school sweetheart and had  two wonderful daughters whom I am very sure really are writing heartfelt love letters of thanking him for his teaching and inspirations in his ways of raising them. I'm sure that his twin Glenn and his family are feeling very lost just as much as we all of Adam's caring friends do.
      One thing that I want to share with you all are what Adam wrote to me in our graduating year back seen here on the left. He wrote these endearing words "Matt!! You are definitely an inspirational person. You have the qualities of a gentleman and are  the nicest guy I know. Good Luck! AZ" 
   Another thing that I'm going to do is this upcoming weekend at Men's Breakfast I'm going to speak of Adam and what his meaning of life meant besides of what I'm writing here and now.

Good night all, before I leave you to your sweet dreams let me say this one thing about people who might be needing to know how to help families or friends who maybe on edge at times.... I'm not saying that I know for certain of what took Adam from our beautiful green and ever growing planet earth or his family and dear friends but if you know of someone in need of help in anyway please talk to them with a humbling heart and let them know that you not only love and respect them but that you care about them as a person no matter what the heck they are dealing with as everyday struggles because your kind words from your lips to their hearts can be always for the betterment of true friendship.

Again to all of the Ziegler families I Raymond Matthew Byrd know that Adam, is safe with  the son of God and learning still at Jesus feet as a brother who loves him.


August 03, 2017

Possbilly getting killed by candy bars.......say what?????

Hello All,
   Well I got to say for today has been yet again full of smoke in our local skies.... we have had this since this past Monday and most of the Albertsons shoppers have been wondering where the smoke is coming from? In truth to some degree everyone within the whole state of Washington has been wondering where it is blowing in from, there have been many guesses that seem to go unanswered.  Some think that the smoke is coming from other states within the country that are having their summer fires whether caused by humans or natural means of being too dry in most places throughout the season known as summer. One theory is that the smoke is coming from Canada our closet neghbior of the foreign countries of this beautiful planet known as mothr earth, as for myself in what I think and believe I will get to telling you my thoughts after sharing about how I about killed myself after lunch today.  Which was when I got the Snickers candy bars that you see here next to the Spider-Man comic digest  here

on my coffee table That I also got today after work because after what I went hallowing through I guess I deserve it and it has a Spider-Man story in it that I have never laid my eyes on. So that is kind of special! 
             After grabbing up some carts from the parking lot I went to go help out at check stand number six the very customer that I and the checker were helping out was on her own motorized wheelchair  not one of the store's silmair kind. We all three of us were talking of if we had a car hiden in the store's break room for her with her name on it, as I was finally finishing up bagging her canned goceries and also finding a place for her orange plastic bowl to be placed while she rides home, she was finishing up with her payment when it was as I had tried placing her orange plastic bowl at her foot rest area I had when I was coming up had with my left thumb had only slightly applied just the right amount of pressure that she pulled forward with a yelp of shakiness and my glasses that I wear went flying behind her. We had hit a corner display of a summer chairs and table set just to jolt us both awake. I told her  that I was very sorry and that it was my fault and not hers because I admitted that I didn't know my own strength I my left thumb but I was to blame if I had gotten hurt, which thankfully nothing was out of place on me expect a small bit of startled motion itself. After she left a few minutes later the checker told me "IT'S a good thing you really DON'T DRIVE" and I just to myself laughed because I had just been thinking of it just before that very customer came through the line.
                Yet I never feel that in truth I can be careful enough behind any steeling wheel what so ever! As to what my thoughts on  what was bearing the smoke our way that I was talking about earlier I  don't rightfully know expect maybe a little of what  I thought were other peoples hunches as well?  Oh and maybe those Snickers candy bars labels really do show who I am most of  all  a gentle one the whole combination as a whole! 

July 30, 2017

And still a boy who loves collecting........

Major "RED ALRET" All,
     Hello everyone, and how are we doing this very nice and sunny Sunday morning?, Well I'm sure your all expecting something this time around to be a bit overwhelming well you would be right for sure with that said excessiveness task that you see here in these pictures seen here

just outside of my bedroom door looks like a CAPTIAL sign of trouble huh? well not really when you see the small bit more I have in the

bedroom itself! In truth though because I am writing this in RED TEXT isn't at all because of this load of work that I have been putting away for years and years......
        I really for some reason or other took small tiny naps through out last night because I'm really a lover of the station M.E.T.V. late night midnight hours of watching what they call RED EYE TELEVISION, After Batman's episodes with the Joker in them I stayed up and saw two "Outer  Limits" episodes the first was one I hadn't ever seen before that starred Carrol O'Connor who portrayed later in the seventies Archie Bunker in "All in the Family" and the guy who was after David Jensen's character in the nineteen sixties series known as "THE FIGUTVIE". They played two aliens who had come to earth to learn of murder of our species and tried to understand the difference between it and the emotion of love. The one after that I have seen at least two or zillion times over of the box that had a one eyed monster in it and pulled unsuspecting persons in for it's food source. Then I was in for a treat for sure because then they had two hours of Irwin Allen series on the first was "VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA". I was rather tickled when I saw that the episode had this classic 

Creepy actor or for those who like Michael Jackson's THRILLER album as the voice over intro scare you out of your wits....... Mister Vincent Price. In the episode he was the leader of well these guys
"THE DEADLY DOLLS", which there was one for each main character to be replaced by while the crew was knocked out. The one on Vincent's shoulder here was to replace the admiral played by Richard Baseheart, but never came to be! Then there was "LOST IN SPACE" which I napped through then awoke to another surprise of shorts.... I'm sure everyone who reads this knows that this is
Dell Frye's creature from the episode of "THE FIRST part two. Right after (LIS ) a show called "Swamp Thing" came on and guess what everyone I saw that actor who is known as Dick Durock as himself with no makeup on
which I found to be rather awesome and nifty at the same time. So now I'm off to sorting my comics for the rest of today I just hope I can stay awake?                

July 17, 2017

The 13th Who Doctor no longer in shadows

        Hello WHO lovers, 
        It was really weird just a few minutes ago I was trying to do as William T. Riker did in the second part of "THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS part II" when he and the crew of the twenty fourth century star ship known as the Enterprise D went and chose to "Intervene" the foe that they were facing known as the Borg of stopping their invasion of sector 00.1 a course to planet earth, by retrieving their captain who is now a voice for the Borg on a human species level. See earlier this very late in the late morning I was posting about Doctor Who or rather the latest news from the series itself.
    No matter what I was trying to achieve I just couldn't figure how to attach this short video to that given known as "So how many DW fans have this insight?" from just a few short minutes ago.... Ok before I let you all enjoy this nifty promo of the latest version of the Doctor can anyone please tell me of your own favorite change in any series that your currently watching or have watched that made you feel the utmost hope or even disgust for the hero or heroes of that said series?
          For me in the way of hoping for the ultimate hope of a science fiction character trying to find his greatest chance of getting rid of his other self, was David Banner in the episode of THE INCREDIBLE HULK known as THE FIRST part 2. Where he had at his finger tips the cure for his affection, yet the first hulk threw Banner's hope into the empty coffin from the beginning of that well deserved series of a man who could help others yet never himself. As to what series of any genre affected me with the sadden sadness of great grief of ending before being respectful resolved, I have to get back to you on that one?                  

So how many DW fans have this insight?

Hello all fans of Doctor......
    Now if you think I am going to be talking about all television doctors then your mind is truly and utterly shall we say....much like the above pic of doctor Leonard McCoy from the original series of Star Trek when he had to use the device on his head called "The TEACHER" to save a very dear friend and let's leave it at that shall we? for I know everyone who is a science fiction fan knows what title of Star Trek I'm referencing anyhoo.... but if I were to tell you it was any other doctor from any other Star Trek series seen here

which "Bones" as his Captain calls McCoy as a moniker nick name just because at times that's James T Kirk for ya! 
         In fact actually I'm really talking the only other science fiction series that has the same longevity of Star Trek itself of being yes that is right also being GOLDEN in years too. Yet the character that I am speaking of is of much like a certain character from Star Trek the next generation that helped young Westley Crusher understand much about the equalizing of Space and Time and why each of us should put a little brain power towards that everyday would be a good or fair thing, perhaps?
        This given sci-fi character that I'm yapping about happens to use a phone booth to transcend the corridors of space and time, and like the many starships of Star Trek or even a certain space base in a cone of the series this phone booth is much more than what it seems! In fact this character is known as a "TIME LORD" besides as "The DOCTOR" and his phone booth is better known as the T.A.R.D.I.S. , okay so I just gave away that this very post is about this entity seen here

, better known as Doctor Who: Just a few minutes ago I found out something that Doctor fans known as WHOVIANS have been waiting a whole year as far as I am aware of for the greatest question of the WHO-VERSE since the current version was to me seemed like storytelling wise that the Doctor is going back to his older self of the classic first series with a nod of the most recent take of Peter Capaldi's Doctor back to William Hartnell's Doctor waaaaaay back in nineteen sixty three of the first episode titled "AN UNEARTHLY CHILD". Which in the above photo in the clock position of one is Hartnell..... Which in that first episode while talking to his own companions, yes when in the beginning he had two companions instead just one The Doctor mentions he has a grand daughter as the first adventure processes..... So here is what I'm here to tell all WHOVIANS the upcoming thirteenth, Doctor/Time Lord is
British actress Jodie Whittaker. I had found the trailer to the newest Doctor while testing one my newest toys that I actually got just late yesterday, if you want to see the newest Doctor just do what I did which was I went to YOUTUBE.          

June 18, 2017

Happy Daddy day to you even if your not a FATHER....

Hello to Dads every where,
       Well today is your day to be honored if you are a guy with offspring, and I'm hoping that your very offspring are trying to remember those greatest of times that you have had with them if they are not living with you at home anymore. I know that being a father isn't always easy in life, for your wanting to hopefully make your offspring have a better chance at some of the experiences in life that you couldn't always have that you wanted from life. Now the one thing that I can say about my own personal understanding of being a dad is nill to none is very true, yet from the aspect of being a uncle I have had plenty of room to hand out living experience of in doves... and it isn't always easy to find a way to wait for the next set of time when I can say "Hi" or "How are you doing to my thirteen nieces and nephews yet I am grateful for social media like Facebook and Twitter and the other sites that let us help stay intact with our families. Still for those that don't have children because of choice that is more than fair and respectful to say that you still have memories of your beginnings  and even if you choose to not like those times that your fathers may not have had the opportunity to share his and your grand father's set of time and teaching of quality of life as you feel that your owed, you have to recall that they like your mothers had to learn about living with you while providing for you or us. We should never have a reason to put a wall between ourselves and our fathers or our families either, we may know that life is a great struggle with some family members at times and we have to remember that every choice we make or decide upon is a huge test from both of our human parents and as well from the one we know as our creator. However YOU  relate to God the one thing,  that  you have to keep in mind is that HE IS trying make sure you are the best Teachers, Providers, Learners of the example of existence that HE HAS made for free for all of us humans to see. It is up to each of us to understand that sure we may see the creator of life as either a small or BIG part of how we understand our peacefulness in life. I think that life may not always be what we want it to be to our given taste at times but I KNOW ONE VERY IMPORTANT thing about our time on this lovely planet known as earth and that is loving your father should be a thing known as being respectful of him, even though he may be human like you respect is the way of showing your deepest emtions to the man who gives the main buildings of humbleness to us.            

May 09, 2017

Jokes are the SPICE of life of any wedding Alien or not? pt. I of III (Also known as A Vacation to TRUE to be a lie Pt.14)

   .....Or also known as "So just what is Katherine Katt's Picard moment before her BIG DAY to Jeff Martini like? (pt. I-III ) 

Hello watchers of the Alien book series,
      Look I know it may have seems as if I've been a while getting back to this series in a forever set of context, in fact I am working on this while trans versing the great water ways of traveling from Japan all the way to Vancouver British Cumbia, known better as, Canada.  Really though I have just chosen to let life  be in my way of READING FOR A VERY LONG TIME..... along with the STAR TREK TIMELINES online game  much more than just life too.You and I are looking now at the spewing springs of laughter from the third book in Gini Koch series where the humans are the real aliens so to speak!
         Without any doubt Mrs Koch knows her reading audience's like of wit for sure. From her first book in the series  (T.B.A.) as you know her main human lead is well rather a young woman who loves her taste in tunes....outside of getting to know a race that is protecting all life of humans. Her name is Katherine Katt and when we all are first introduced she is taking down a fellow human that just turned in a strange monster, with only a writing pen....  or from when in ( A.T.)  she threw alligators into a group of a drug cartel were beyond crying your eyes out....let us find out in a small way in "IF" She and her intended are really ready for surviving a test that other A.C. that are in part from HIS side of the family. Now I will also agree that I may have let some of KITTY's fun stream through the main story part as well....but here are the one liners of the bridging of the first interspecies marriage in "ALIEN IN THE FAMILY " as I found them worth a laughable piece to my needs of waiting a book full of comical stirring as possible. 
    Very early on in the story of when Alpha team is per studying the necklace from around Katherine's neck on the cover which is seen here 

, before the A-C's version of mass leader comes to join the team for the studying too, Jeff has a good chance of taking with his father when the topic is getting on the nerves for Katherine. From how she hears it " Jeff is it morning in Florida?" Martini sighed. "Yes, baby, it is." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed. "Hi Dad, good morning, No not yet. Yes, glad you liked the invitations, it took us three weeks to choose them. No,no, I didn't. Because I hate them. No, I'm not joking I hate, no make that despise them. Your have to be kidding. Mom has no right to invite anyone to our wedding, let alone them. Argh! okay, fine! Look that not why I'm calling." 
   He looked over at me and covered the phone.  "Against all logic and common sense my mother invited  Barbara and her husband  to our wedding." 
    "Is she high?" Barbara had tried to force Martini to marry her daughter, Doreen. In fact, it was this incident that caused the younger generation's revolt and mass exodus to Caliente Base.
    "Who knows?" Martini went back to the phone.  "Thanks for the update. Glad to know everyone's healthy, and I could not have lived without the newest babies' pooping,  eating, crawling,  and walking reports. Now can we get to the reason I called since we're about to go to a state of national emergency?"
    Apparently not. Martini leaned on the conference table, his head in his free hand, without speaking.  He grunted occasionally.
    "Is every call to them like this?" Chuckie asked me quietly. 
       "Pretty Much."
        "No wonder he's always in a bad mood."
                       It is just a reward short sentences away from this where Katherine shares of what the females of the Alpha Centurions would be intoxicated with of in the way of being enticed by a human male. Which are looks  are grand. .....but I 'll let Katherine do the explaining so your not lost by my wording of things.
    "Doreen says she and Irving will be happy to physically prevent her parents from entering." I managed a laugh. "Tell her thanks and I will keep it in mind." Irving is a human science geek,  meaning he was what every Dazzler under thirty was hoping to bag. Dazzlers really go for brains. If the package is decent to look at, that was a bonus, but it wasn't what mattered.  Once we relocated  to Caliente Base, I'd have to pass a law that they were not allowed  to try and meet  Stephen Hawking-they would have killed him with love, and I figured we still needed his brain. 
         Now before I take us to what I consider the best comical bit of the first twenty four chapters I know that your wanting me to shall we say "PICARD UP my game points. Since I have been a huge fan of something called Star Trek I hope that you will be along with me I really do, so for a quick couple of minutes let me "ENGAGE US to that part......."   
         After getting James Reader to take her scoping out for a wedding dress to die for in Los Vegas, it seems as if he is replaced by an unknown alien who is known as Moira. Katherine drives Moira to her breaking point by telling her when Alpha team finds her mentor that they will catch her by tormenting Moira in front of her mentor.
       "I 've got help. And  your mate doesn't does she? she had you, but you're not going anywhere. In fact, I'm going to shoot you full of drugs, so you can't escape even if you manage to get out of the restraints. They might kill you, but I'm willing to take that risk."
    "She is more experienced than me. You won't catch her." I did my best to give her my mother's most intimidating stare. It worked, if the look in Moira's eyes was any indication. " Of course I will. She's going to come try to recuse you. And I will  be  waiting. I'll have so many traps waiting for her that even if most don't work,one will.Then you'll get to see her suffer and die. So you can feel what it's like when hurt you a person someone else loves."
      "Why would you do that?"
"Because you not only hurt someone that I love, you gloat ed about it. You were happy to hurt him, and you had no reason to do it other than pure viciousness. On this world, we have an old saying: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.  My father's people wrote that, millennia ago. It's still apt. I'm going to make sure you suffer like you made me and my friends suffer. Only worse."
    She swallowed. "You won't succeed."
        " Sure I will. I'll bet you've missed check-in time with your mate. She'll be looking for you, realize we've got you. There're only a few places we'd take you. She'll be here, soon And I will be ready."                                                                 
           I dug into my purse and pulled my phone out. "Chuckie."
"Yeah. Why are you calling me? " I looked out of the conner of my eye and saw him walk away from the window. I went further away from Moira, so she couldn't hear him, at least I hoped.
     "I want all manner of security put on the Center. Make them evil, make them nasty. Do your worst and do lots of it. Space Bitch's girlfriend's  going to be coming to save her, and I want our little friend here to see her suffer and die. Got that?"
           "Um, yeah I assume this is all for show? Since Reader's alive and going to be well, I mean."
               "You got it. Make it vicious. Oh and I want  Space Bitch here to be drugged out of her Man-Hating mind. So she can't do anything. Oh Quick thought. Do we have          still have all that truth serum?" 
                Chuckie started to laugh. "God you crack me up."
"Great! Bring it. I want her full of it. No, I don't care if it'll cause her brain to stop functioning if we give to much. Good. Yeah, of course we'll toss her to the troops once we're done with her. Right. Of course to rape her in all possible ways. Why  would you even need to ask? Maybe we'll let her mate live long enough to watch."      "Martini is indicating that our prisoner is starting to cry.  Wow you're nasty."
"Yes, I know. She's a threat to world security, and her partner will be more of one. I want them both treated like the animals they are."
   "You know that I was a lot nicer than this."
"I'll bet. Yeah, that sounds great. I want the one who's  still loose to suffer. A lot. Yeah of course you can break, shoot, or cut off things that aren't necessary to survival." 
"Okay. I think she's broken or at least close to. Should I put on security for real, however? "
   "Yes, make it so."
"Oh over and out, Captain NOT QUITE  PICARD."
      We hung up, and I turned back to Moira. 
"You could have copperated. Pity for you, nice for me. I'll have some men along shortly to drug you and do horrible things you'll hate to you. You won't be able to fight back. I may film it, just for the pure entertainment."
                 Now I did of course promise you that there was one last bit of zesty fun okay maybe I didn't phrase it that way, originally. Still there is a part That had me Matt in pieces and without further ado, here it is!
            We were back at the lair. It was on the fifteenth floor of the Dulce Science Center, and no one went there but Martini and me. Other than what I now called the A-C Elves. I had no idea if there really were elves about, but someone or something did the housekeeping, ensured that the right clothes were there for you, no matter when you showed up or what room you showed up in, and snatched your dirty laundry in the night. I assumed that the same elves provided the drinks  that appeared in the variety I wanted, anywhere, any time, as long as it was in a fridge  of some kind. As of yet, Martini hadn't shared how this was done.I got the impression he enjoyed the fact I really wanted to know.
    I would have loved something stronger than Cherry Coke, but A-C's were deadly allergic to alcohol, and the last thing I wanted to do was either kill Martini because there is too much alcohol residue in my mouth or have him unable to kiss me.
        So as you wonder, I do as well for the laughter from the upcoming section of the main overall story review known as "All because of the glowing necklace part Ii. I as well hope that Katherine's "KITTY PRIDE" doesn't help her realize that Picard and Charles Xavier are one in the same. A little X-MEN humor there, if you  * Wink,Wink* know what I mean?
      To Be Continued.......                    

May 01, 2017

A very outstanding TRUE to be a lie (pt. 4 of 20)

More or less even though I mainly give you some goods in other ways this happen to be a great hold off point till my folks and I are assured of our footing here in Japan Read on my friends.... to see our fun!

April 30, 2017

A outstanding VACATION to TRUE to be a lie part (3 of 20)

So are we there yet in Japan, well by how I write this one you could very well think so? Soon these very pics seen here

will be coming around in this very blog very soon..... 

April 29, 2017

A very outstanding VACTION to True to be a lie (pt. 2 of 20)

So it may seem like I and my folks are here in our vacation spot of Japan.... Well really this still very interesting I shall say! That a over and out Mister Matt till next time.

April 28, 2017

A very outstanding VACATION to True to be a lie (pt.1 of 20 )

Hello vacationing ones....
      Oh wait, I think that I'm really forgetting something where did I leave off on my last cruise when I was on my time off from the work place known as Albertson's. That was so last three hundred and sixty four days ago or right around a time when I and my mom Nancy Watson and my step dad Chuck Watson were on a trekking road trip through the golden state of California after a second time of also being imprisoned in place  

known as Alcatraz, while visiting these two family members seen here  

    my sister Kylie and her son of course my nephew Bryce before beginning our trek trip at the time they lived in Dublin California. My folks came and got me nine A.M. because we are catching a plane to Seattle/Sea Tac airport to begin a very awesome trip to a part of the world I have been wanting to see since nineteen eighty seven from when we were living in Gathierbreg , Maryland. Well in truth it goes farther back than even that for where we are heading, here we are at the Pasco airport ready to leave 
for a very far off part of the world that happens to be where this very special anime seen here still holds

a big part of my heart to the art world on many fronts for sure! It is a very early poster from nineteen seventy six to the new release back then called Space Cruiser Yamato. Which was known here in the United States as STAR BLAZERS ! We are yes going to Japan.
          To Be Continued....... 


April 01, 2017

Talk about Weird for Apirl 1st, huh?

Hello All,
   Talk about something really offbeat, maybe even kinda  Twilight Zonish I mean I really in all my days of finding stuff to share here on my site never in a very long time thought this would happen and it is because of a would you believe it if I told you? a tiny round rubber band of all things?  Back during the lead up to last Christmas when I racing around doing my shopping thing, I went and picked up the watch you see right here

and for the moment of the punchline of this joke everything is a ok normal, the time is right exactly, so are the seconds, the alarm is setting the way it should, the stopwatch part is working correctly  even the light over by my thumb area is pitch perfect! So that is leaving out only one part right? the date setting button for here is what I found out way early this very wee hours of this morning that the date looks like this 
all day long and one thing I know for darn sure no matter what, that one of my friends that I have known since close to forever isn't having a double aging day for the year of twenty seventeen because that would be insane if every human ages every four months to our next age.....I really am glad that we all have to wait a whole three hundred and sixty five days a year, except when we have a extra day in the second month of the year known as February twenty ninth every four years.
     So what had happen to cause the rubber band to be messed with or even moved your asking yourselves right? Well this past Wednesday right before I was about to get off from work at Albertsons I was pushing in my last bunch of carts for the day and when I looked down at my watch's face it was blank, which means the battery on the inside was kaput. So I went and brought a new battery for my watch after seeing the back plate of the watch  back cover and I went and also got the smallest pair of screwdrivers to work the cover off, well when I was trying to open up the inner casing on the watch I couldn't figure it out to replace the old dead battery with a new one yet I did happen to pull out the tiny inner rubber band that is keeping all the functioning side buttons on the outside of the watch working by mishap when I was trying to re screw that back cover plate back on and that is why I'm back at square one with the date setting button on my time piece. As to if there is anything funny going on outside of that well for today, not that I plan on happening. Still maybe something will knowing my good luck charm I'm sure.
            Now let's go into a truly foolish game of wits shall we? you all know that what I'm getting is really odd for this month's answer to how would you say which of these two machines from the original Star Trek series seen here  
 the top one is the ultimate grail of all of the original series known as "The City on the edge of Forever" in the course of the episode McCoy or "Bones" as the ship doctor went an injected through a hypospray a medicine that made him be on high of any drug that we know of in real life. after chasing him down to the planet below the ship and he jumps into the strange device that Kirk and Spock are looking through, Kirk and Spock come to find out that what they see is a gateway to anytime or place and use it to go after McCoy to stop him from preventing a huge ripple in the fabric of time. To counter balance that the other episode I chose to weight it against is the series second season episode known as "The Doomsday Machine" seen below   
in the course of this classic episode we see a fine example of the crew of the Enterprise not truly in command of their own ship when they are exploring a part of the galaxy that according to Mister Spock had seven planets in the area where there are. They come upon a nearly destroy other starship that has a lone survivor on it, while Kirk and Scotty remain aboard the wreck ship the said survivor takes charge of Kirk's ship and goes on a all out mad rage hunt for what nearly left his vessel in shambles..... I would have to say this time around the said match up comes out being a draw, because no matter how  I say it both machines will keep any captain player going into a complete stand still of a paradox of time.  For next time in the month of May with still keeping with the original series we will have the coolest match of  a while. It is going to be about these here images

of James T. Kirk?   Now I know you all have your own jokes of laughter to prank your friends with..... and yet I can not let you go and just leave yet for what one thing have I to reveal this month from the month of March well here they are this is last month's plate for the site was definitely Green centered for sure in a toy fully comic way if your thinking rage with Green your so right!
I'm calling this plate comic "Heroes toy of Generations, FOREVER UNKOWN REALLY!" Then I fully was really aware that I had to stick to my favorite superhero live action series that I knew was only right in the way they did it no matter what anyone really says and that of no doubt was the one that started out with "Doctor David Banner - physician, scientist...searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all humans have. Then an accidental overdose of gamma radiation alters his  body chemistry. And now, when David Banner grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs. The creature is driven by rage and pursued  by and investigative reporter. A clip from The Incredible Hulk television pilot from nineteen seventy seven is included, The creature is wanted for a murder he didn't commit. David Banner is believed to be dead. And he must let the world think that he is dead, until he can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within him. That is so right my dear reader I'm thinking of watching that classic series along with many others when I get the time to fit them into my relaxing time. So be on the look out for you know what very soon, as to what graced my desktop was this 
known as "Banner and his inner rage".  I again do hope that you'll all have fun time punning with those you respect and care about!