February 14, 2021

Love how much do we really know of you?

 Hello everyone,                                                                                                                                           So I have not been able to get a bit of shut eye all night long, why? I want to really say it's because I want to wish everyone no matter who you are a very honest and hopeful day of love for you and your spouse. Yet I really want to devote my words today towards some point of the real understanding of why does love matter to us as a species and how we don't always get it right in our every day lives at times... now in the end of all of this will be a great reflection of how I'm hoping we can be bolder in our communities of respectively knowing not only ourselves and our families and friends for a individual that is making their understanding of life a BIG WIN but also be aware when words are hard to get across in every day conversations of life.                                                                         We all have an emotional core inside of us that is what keeps us focused on our little events called existence we use them to keep expanding our drives and dreams to keep us from falling into negativity and devastating brokenness. Now I know that every one who is reading this knows that I can be extremely silly at times, an even if I am serious at times I will admit that I really am trying to come from a passionate part of understanding myself alongside with the topic of which I happened to be investing into, not because it's set in stone or of religious responsibilities that is the only outlet for which I happened to be reaching for. In fact I have genuine knowledge that we all see and relate to our greatest feelings very much most times like an avail an know why we care about growing into each challenge of every day with humbling sense of knowing more than just ourselves and at the very same course, of knowledge can care to be treated as a feather to be tossed around like a piece of tracing paper because of said every day mistakes we make and yes I am very aware it can and does go both ways with our every decision we make as to how existence throws us a yeah or an nay on helping us make things so simple or so freaking frustrating when we don't use our brains for helping us out in said choices. So why does it always come back to the brain of understanding our unique needs of our lives more importantly our own expressions of our emotional and state of feelings?                Our greatest organ that we are talking about today is our thing called our noggin or rather more physiologically  the inside of our head under our skull known as a brain... when we sit down and put together what makes us thick or squirmy headed by this I mean when use our every day experiences from what and how we have grown in increasing learning about life for having a chance of understanding our very unique emotional sense of knowing what love is comes to us all from here more than even our pumping organ that is controlled by the brain called our hearts. We all know that in all aspects of wanting to live out every single moment of our existence, we have to keep these two very vital organs functionality streaming together because as we all know from experience of our families and friends who don't want to do this by keeping both constantly active with mental and physical exercising we weight out that darkness I was talking about earlier in the form of non existence or better yet known as death. How can we understand the emotion of love in our lives throughout history when we decide that it's only about material matters like money is essential for everything is right or wrong or better yet indifferent, yes we need currency to exist, yet to care about money no matter it's color in the end money is like a feather more than an avail. I can use more examples of earthly foils to explore why we can always be so uncertain and uncomfortable can lead to the brain feeling of fear and never get to how love really functions for those who are always in search of it.                                                                                                                                  To understand how our brains work on any form of an emotional level we have to admit to ourselves that it constantly comes from not only how we are raised or how much we set out to growing our potential of educational opportunities to balancing our chances of Releckessly Initiatives Scheming of Kidnapping, boy did I just put the anagram of a daring challenge in the word of R.I.S.K. in describing an emotional stance on detailing our emotional core?  When we want to understand the meaning of love what we need to do is communicate with our words of why we like and respect someone of the opposite gender other than yourself. The true reasoning of knowing what love is in the end of each day is remembering most of all is that it all comes down to having patience inside of us as a species and most definitely it boils down to letting everyday be able to start with a new set of advantages and adventures... Most importantly of all remember that each relationship that we have is absolutely able to make us stronger and smarter as we explore our greatest feelings of knowing we can manage it best by having a simple conversation of "Hello How is Your Day Going so far?...."

February 02, 2021

Is there much more to curse words than we know of???

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        Well where is the best starting place for this very exciting new post about curse words that will truly make us all be truly smarter than we even know ourselves to be?, okay what is the part of our own bodies that we all hold the most importance of... I think that a whole lot of us as a species would for certain have many different types of answers to that very thoughtful question, right? Yet how does this really relate to our greatest part of what we are going through with this world wide pandemic called Covid-19 too! All three of these are valid things that can honestly be of help right now as a means to an end for keeping yourself busy with other stuff besides being that we should be eating more and devastating our lives by being non productive isn't right for anyone we need to be engaged in something that will be getting us to be addressing our skill levels of continuous learning while dealing with every day living. Also how can thinking about curse words be beneficial for our overall success in life your asking yourself?                             Well last month before the election was over for who was to become the next president of America I won't be trying to say that you were wrong or right with your choice of who you voted for. I was just so very thankful that I was absolutely able to forget about what was going on at the time by posting on the social media site known as Facebook about my two cents of what is one's views of how come do we use curse words more than we realize in our every day conversations. I will admit maybe I was wrong about how I was trying to get my friends to think about a serious matter that I can honestly say it's really up to you to make that said choice of if you want to use that kind of language.                                                                                                                                                       Now if you are new here as a reader I want to welcome you and if you haven't been to here in quite some time I welcome you back, yet if you are a regular reader of this very blog you will be able to note that I really do wholeheartedly wish you all well and I truly hope that you enjoy seeing something very positive in your internet roll scrolling or searches. I also want you to know that I will admit that I really don't want to change your way of life but to hear that maybe just maybe that you are finding something very interesting and valuable in these letters and ideas for Helping Others People Everywhere, simply because learning is important no matter what right? As you just saw I am getting a whole lot of the true direction of where I am taking you on this very venture this time around by using my very first anagram that I went and made from an already established word from at Christmas time was when I came up with it back in 2017. Yet it didn't come out till the first of day of January of 2018, so how does that make me think of making an effort of making a anagram out of a curse word or cuss words mainly more or less for the challenge of something new in the way of using my greatest gift that my creators which are Michael Joe Byrd my human father and my human mother Nancy Powers and of course the love of God is most definitely in the mix as well in using my cognitive learning experience has taught me to allow myself to be wanting and wishing to know more about keeping my brain active besides whatever it is I normally do each and every day to live life. Today while getting ready for work, I had again been thinking about anagrams and cruse words the main one on my thoughts was now remember how this works is you or rather I have taken whatever word that I am thinking about an use it from it sounding symbolism of what the said word is then play with it in my thoughts and then put more meaning to said word in a proper productive positive richness to a higher understanding of being helpful in sharing potential fun and keeping myself busy from being bored in my spare time. Here's what I've come up with for the cuss word called FUCK. F.undamentally U.nderstanding C.orcerning K.nowledge. I am really thinking about this other cruse or cuss word at the moment known as SHIT! I love these ways of using my brain for a growing challenge of something very interesting and valuable in a new way of learning  anything new,  I do hope that however you can help keeping yourself busy positive during this pandemic that you are happy no matter what!