Earlier tonight at eight thirty four I was looking through some old photographs of my high school graduation from back in 1991. I all of sudden stopped on the one of my dad. At that same moment I had received a call from my mom in Cuenca Ecuador I knew what the call was going to be about even before she had said anything.... He had been in long term battle with many pains throughout his life....and I can't say I didn't get to say goodbye to him in my own way see the October twenty third posting here soon. All that I can say is I maybe had a HARD TIME most of all of with me Matt not being able to give him offspring in anyway like my brother and sister had done. But I still want my dad I never really called him daddy expect maybe when I was real little....to know that he's in a lot safer place now, and even though I found it HARD like I just said to say "I LOVE YOU" to him "Dad I LOVE YOU even though your not here on this planet earth anymore, and you and I found it so hard to communicate when we did have the opportunity I want you to just know I wish you and I could have been better at knowing each other, so much more than we did. I loved the times we did get to spend together with camping, sitting in your BIG RED chair with Micheal & Kylie too. Thanks for NOT but still (BEING) mad at me for tearing up the back bathroom at the Hoxie house I only wish I hadn't locked that sliding door, by taking us out to Dairy Queen. Also thank you for taking us and my friend Steve to that comic con in Tacoma Washington back in 1990, where I got to see THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN/SPIDER-MAN artist Todd McFarlane for the second time and thanks for taking this photo,
the small one . I will never forget what a good and great person and dad you were. I LOVE You, Micheal Joe Byrd with all my heart & soul.
Matt, This is a beautiful memorial tribute to your Dad. He loved you very much even though communicating it verbally was not easy for him.
I am so glad that you posted this tribute to your Dad. You have truly found a way to communicate your feelings.
PS I remember the story of the bathroom and imagine there are still scars in the wall.Who could be mad at a little kid trapped in a bathroom with no way out except by using "Hulk Powers"?
Dearest Matt,
We are thinking of you and your family during this sad time. Thanks for sharing this lovely memorial with us. It is very well written and we can tell it's from the heart.
We love you, Matt.
Rich and Nancy
Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow,
May looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow.
With all my love,
Matt, what a lovely goodbye letter to your Dad. It's really hard to physically lose a parent but he will always be a part of you that you can visit at any time.
Jim and Audrey
Matt - I was a classmate of your father at Chief Jo Jr. High and Columbia High School. He was our quarterback and I caught many a pass from him. Our Sr. year in high school we thought we were pretty good, but your Dad got hurt and our football team went down hill from there. I saw Mike this past June along with some other classmates. May he rest in peace. - Ray Stein
I too was a member of the Richland Bomber Class of 1964. Your Dad was a well respected young man along with being a fine business man. You have become your parent. Hold fast to remember the good times and forget those not so good. The Class of 1964 grieves with you and the rest of the Byrd Families. Salute!
Gary Behymer
Matt...I got this from your Mom this afternoon. I would again like to thank the Byrd Familes for sharing their Dad's life with the Richland Bomber Class of 1964.
"When Mike and I met, he was stationed at Ft. Benning, Georgia. He was in Officer Candidate School (OCS) at that time. (1966). After OCS, he went to Ranger School in Dahlonga, Georgia. After graduating from Ranger School, he served in Viet Nam (1968-69). He was honorably discharged in late fall of 1969. He received two bronze stars." (Nancy Watson)
Gary from downtown Colfax, WA.
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