November 10, 2010

A Great thanx to All my friends from Alby's # 252

It has now been one solid week since my teacher, my friend ( I came to find that out a lot later than I should have is all I'm saying), my sport loving pal, all of these in one way or another describe the man I knew as my father. Now like I will honestly say there are some parts of my father that were hard pressed no matter what?, but for my dad did as I said before "The best of what he could with three young kids to raise." At times he would have to understand things from a child's perspective which was never to easy at times (such as being shot with a bee-bee gun in one's hindy, or filling your truck with water to make it go), but he without a doubt understood love even when he didn't choose to express it. My dad was Micheal Joe Byrd, I would like to thank everyone who at Albertson's whom I work with and help on a daily basis that includes Albertson's costumers as well for they gave me this wonderful sympathetic

grieving card with strong and helpful words to pull me out of troubling thoughts of when I will remember the deserving loving man my dad Micheal Joe Byrd really was. Here are those many great words that everyone whom has lost someone can relate to
hopefully in a resounding positivity way. For all I Matt can say is know that when you have a death of someone close to you that NO MATTER WHAT you are loved by many good helpful friends in your own time of grievance.

1 comment:

retired_poppi said...


You are so fortunate to work with such loving people.
