November 07, 2010

Everyone grieves in their own type of way.......

Everyone and Anyone, that is for whatever reason going through the loss of a loved one like I and my family are doing that is for sure needs to find your outlet to share your joy and pain of how you felt towards the person who has gone home to a much better place. Right now at this very moment as I write this I am listening to a Steven Curtis Chapman music CD titled appropriately

"THIS MOMENT".In a post that I put up at the end of last year entitled "What's a song's meaning to you?", in that entry I talked about how music can help us through our problems whatever they maybe and right now at this very moment I just know I need to hear something that can make me feel better even if only for a little bit at a time. Another thing that I'm doing is trying to find one of my many other loves right now too, last night I thought that a movie would help me in that said department. I went over to our CARMIKE Cinemas and looked at all the movie posters and felt nothing of hope at the time, so I headed over to TOYS R US for a little while thinking maybe thinking of Christmas gift buying may help or even a certain birthday for a little girl right after Christmas would help, but no a movie kept popping into my head as the answer. So I headed over to the mall and sure enough something else came to my mind a lot better than a any movie I went into Barnes & Nobles and was there for at least a good forty five minutes if not more.Now for other reasons I'm still reading this
from all the way back in May of this year. I knew when I was looking at the new Sci-Fi section I just knew something either about comic book superheroes or a Sci-Fi comedy would perk me back to my whole self. Here's what I picked out

for I'm thinking it should have the best of both worlds of helping me through these trying times right now. I also got from Hot Topics this cool old retro Todd McFarlane cover to Amazing Spider-Man #317 T-shirt
also with feeling like I do I had a overload of salt from the mall's Dairy Queen but I just needed to feel better and hey if it helps why the heck not, huh?

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