November 02, 2010

Today is very speical to a Spider-man creator but oh which one?

Now who of Spider-Man's many creators could be having a another year older party today, Do you know who it is?, I can say it even surprised me and you know that with something related to the wall crawler that's knida hard to do with me, right?, but still it interesting for sure and by creators do I mean one of the writers of the character or do I mean an illustrator back in the day of when comics were still in the starting stages "Of oh comics are just for kids, right?", flow of thinking that is how comic artists were referred to. So whoever this grand comic creator is, he must have had to be close to one of the first gentlemen to be part of the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN project way back in the formation of the newly christen "MARVEL COMICS" which before that was simply called "ATLAS COMICS" and even before "TIMELY COMICS" in the start of the late nineteen thirties. So let me give you a couple more clues before I reveal who the Spider Birthday belongs to? There were three creators of the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Comic character they were I say "were" for one is no longer with us and he helped create the MARVEL UNIVERSE with Stan Lee his name was Jack Kriby is, who helped Lee with the first two big Marvel comic creations which were the Fantastic Four and The Incredible Hulk,Lee had Kirby draw the cover to Spidey debut Amazing Fantasy #15
, (which is mightily different from the purposed birthday creator who did "ALL" the interior Illustrating for the whole issue and did the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN cover art and page art for the next three years of the title's starting. NO this birthday creator of Spidey
,isn't this wordsman known as Stan Lee which also happens to share my niece Heidi's B-Day.This guy with Lee also created Doctor Strange the sorcerer supreme but because of creative differences between the two on the origin of one of the web head's foes caused this creator a lot of grief (which Spider-Man fans the world over would like to hear this guys thoughts of...), but like Richard Dawnson of "Family Feud" game fame this creator of Spidey prefers his privacy and there is nothing at all wrong with that. His name is Steve Ditko and here are two pages of his and Stan's finest moments on "AMAZING SPIDER-MAN" that truly define all three at the top of their game.
These are from The AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #33 titled " IF THIS BE MY DESTINY" Happy birthday Mr' Ditko!

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