December 31, 2011

Good fortune to you in the coming "New Year"

Tonight is what we have all been waiting for the last night of the year,
Here it is, the very last day of the year of two thousan
d and eleven. So how are you planning on ringing in what is known as the New Year did anyone notice how I wrote New Year just a moment ago if not think of it as a clean slate of the start of one whole year and each other color till you come to today as your last bit of mistakes, or mishaps if you will, just before the next hour into the midnight hour which of course is the New Year. I do hope that you will without a doubt be partying safety if YOU DO PARTY that is?, For me I was just wanting to spend sometime with my friend Jeff and his kids or if not that maybe spend the New Year going ons with my brother Micheal and his gang of a family unit, although in the end Jeff's side won me over just because I had the truest feeling my brother would be working or outta town anyway...
So knowing that I was headed there to Jeff's I brought over their belated Christmas presents , , and for Jeff I gave him the J.J. Abrams long awaited movie from the past summer known as "SUPER 8", boy that very movie seemed like it was just never gonna come out on a watchable format. Here is what Jeff's tree was like
(boy I wish I could have any type Christmas decorations of any kind but my place is well shall I say rather small for a tree at least...) oh and just so you don't think Jeff and I don't like the same things have a closer look see at his tree
, yes that is a Star Trek Hallmark ornament of the Defiant and Voyager around his lights. Our friend Steve and another friend of his named Tristhen had heard of a all night poker game going on on the other side of town and I by chance didn't forget Steve's belated
Christmas presents. Once we got to this person's home Steve had asked do I know this person from waaaaaaaaaaay back when in nineteen eighty seven? I then went and reminded him that I was living over on the east coast at that time in Gathierbrug Maryland. I guess he forgot of when he had come to visit me while I was over there (now there's a tale for sure for some other time). Anyway since they went to "play a night of risk all you money till the ball drops...." I was content with watching a about seven little tykes and four teenager playing the Wii Nintendo game system with Guitar Hero of two thousand four. I got to in a way put my babysitting skills a try which I hadn't done since last August when Micheal and Kathie wanted to go see James Crameon's "AVATAR" in three D over at the newest movie theater over in Pasco I offered and was also asked if I'd like to watch Heidi & Cannon I most assuredly said yeah. I also gotta play up a due that I had happen to eat a salt filled night of snacks tonight as well. We did miss the bewitching hour on the nose because people just kept playing porker till fifteen after midnight , yet there's Steve's outstretched arm holding a left over Roman candle that the one's throwing the gig had left over from the 4TH of July.

December 28, 2011

2 great birtdays are happening today (pt. 1 of 2)

Hello once again,
I know that many of you are truly curious as to "what's in the box?.... " from yesterday
are still scratching your brains for the who part? of who today I happen to know who has a Birthday all day today to herself, well in truth there are many who share the same day of birth as this young girl does, more on one in particular person later. The young little princess I'm talking about is my ever loving sweet niece Heidi Byrd . Who today happens to be grasping birthday fun as if you can't tell from her opening this gift of
a book series she wants to finish ohhh so very much! I had chatted with my sister in law her mother on Christmas day while at her parents place where we celebrated many things like this card game,I told you all about. Anyway before we left the plan was set on this morning of my brother or her would pick me up at a little after nine am. It turned out to be my brother Micheal who came a got me before heading to their house we stopped at Fred Meyers to pick up coffee cups for the party's drinks, we also got Heidi a little something special or rather Micheal did. Once we got to their place most of Kathie's family were there and we were waiting for a few neighbor friends to join us as we all enjoyed a healthy fruit tray choice, before we all dug into some coffee cake . Here is a set of pictures of , ,
Heidi opening my gift (oh I was the only one to not only provide a bow I also gave her a card) . To say that this Princess or her party guests didn't like her party would have to agree with the birthday girl there just weren't enough candles to go around for everyone

, numbered or otherwise! Again Happy 11th Birthday Heidi Boo.

December 27, 2011

What 's in this box?

Hello there,
I just got done wrapping someone's extra special set of gifts for tomorrow......I bet you all know who I'm referring to? or at least I hope you would? But still whoever it is for thi
s wrapped box

contains a whole lot of fun is all that I will say other than this person will also been getting one more gift that I can't simply hide....
To be continued for sure indeed!

December 26, 2011

Abe's Vamppy days....

Hey All are you ready for a blood dripping analysis of a horror book?,
Right after the beloved holi
day known as Christmas, you want your reading public to think your plain crackers, right Matt is that it?, No I don't not really but I just am now done with my first foray into horror fiction that I was sharing back during the month of October. Does anyone remember this cover from a entry dated Oct .24th, of this year. If not go find it If you dare????

And now for that bloody Abe Vampire Hunter review. Really this book has a lot of fun with our honored sixteenth Prez in many ways yet it mostly the captions under photo shopped images throughout this yarn that scare the reader with laughter (at least I seem to think so anyway). Most of what the writer did was of course add simply blood sucking Vampires as Abraham Lincoln's foes and one known as "Henry" that is Abe's friend and mentor in dealing with his blood brothers. Abe is learning much of what his parents can't in books by log fires as a boy from what his mother offers because of course she wants him to do much better than they are limited too. One night she is attacked by a vampire (here is where I'm guessing...), for Thomas Lincoln Abe's father has had a deal with one. The Vampire says when Thomas refuses to live up to their said deal "Then I'll take it in other ways" Abe comes to find out from his dad whom he doesn't like that his grandfather had given over the family farm to people who claimed to be part of Shawnee tribe of Indians that were pale faced and was killed because he didn't, and young Thomas was a witness to the whole thing.
Years later he was offered the same deal and knowing how his father died he gave into the pale face Shawnee what they wanted for fear of what would happen to his family. Abe upon hearing the depiction of his grandfather killers ways of brute force took it upon himself to throwing his wood cutting axe as fast as he could. "Henry Struges" was a boy that never had wanted to be a Demon of the night, but became one because of the girl he loved had unfortunately fate of falling prey to one. (Here is another part of the story that is very interesting but as to if it's true I have no idea) On a mission that Henry sends Abe on he happens to meet Edgar Allen Poe. The two share their knowledge of Vampires. At some point in this Abe and Mary Todd happen to have a fourth child before any of the three known Lincoln offspring. Also Vampires are running back up for the soldiers of the Confederate army, oh and don't let me tell you the John Wilkes Booth angle of the yarn..... for that you have to go get a copy of the book I guess?

December 25, 2011

MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and yours

Hello to ALL,
It seems as if the one day that every or any sized kid has finally arrived the day known as Christmas the day when WE will remember those WE will love and are also misfortune who need to be loved. It is nice when you can help those you will NEVER KNOW today by offering a little piece of real love which is mainly spending time with them if you can, we all tend to get
wrapped up in the meaning that today is about presents yet it's a whole lot more than that alone.
Christmas is really about giving of yourself not giving just gifts but hopefully the
love that has been missing from that person's life that you knew (or always thought you knew had it made in everything that they have in life), let say your friend that you have loved always from afar is needing help in finding a little something to strengthen their relationship with their children, yet they come to you their still single friend from long ago for gift ideas you can offer the best kind of love by what YOU say in words more than you can any other way. You can help the poor people of your town by lending a helping hand at the local mission. You can most certainly can help anyone you know or not every met mostly by bringing them to knowing GOD, today and it doesn't mean THEY HAVE TO CHOOSE, what you offer them as the only answer, but by day's end YOU KNOW that YOU TRIED and that is what matters most. As if asking me did I enjoy my Christmas day ways of partying I say "yes resoundingly so" even though some
thought a game of War was fun too. I just had happen to hear all th
e excitement of the game called Nuclear War and thought it best let them have at it
before the Jesus cake was severed!

December 24, 2011

A Letter to Santa....

Mister Clause,
Hello there Santa I know that soon you will be here at my house even through I know that your probably are on the other side of the planet right now headed this way with ol Rudolph leading your sleight through who knows what kind of stormy weather, yet you will be back at the North Pole soon for a trek here to good ol USA. I just wanted you to know People believe in you as a gift giver with a heart of kindness especially when some may think gift giving is the only way of having a true friendship with other people, you show us as much as God's son Jesus does that everyday matters...whether a person has a heart or not the know that they have a soul in them that matters to loved ones no matter how far away in steps or miles they are a away. They still love a little old man who bears a bit of hope no matter if it helps a lot or a little... It is that we people of belief know more kindness or compassion in the matter of caring...I want you to know MY Soul know why believing in you matters more than that? It's because at some given time in our lives WE ALL FORGET that we need hope during the holiday seasonal time of year. You Santa help remind us ALL it's okay to a little kid again if only for one day. You matter as the bearer of faith in anyone can matter so long as they have something to believe in.... I know I may sound like I on a merry go round of words repeating themselves but I think WE ALL need that hope in love everyday and thanks for being part of our lives.....I think I hear you coming and I'm not asleep yet so off to bed I go....

December 22, 2011

A cool stocking stuffer, even through I won't be having a stocking by the fire place

It so close to here isn't it though.....
Can anyone really believe how super close the day known as Christmas is away right now?, well for all of the children of the planet earth (me I am in there as well it's only three days away...) I want to talk about stocking stuffers. I know children of any age really, really, really can not wait to get up on Christmas morn when your parents are still very much in the land of zzzzs to see what is under that bright lit up green tree with all of the presents beneath it ( NO kid can deny it you just can't believe me, I know....). Well where I live I don't have a fireplace where I can hang a stocking from to put the little things Santa brings you, although I guess for next year I can always try hanging a stocking off of my kitchen counter where I happen to have my own stocking stuffers as you can all see .
I know most everyone loves a little candy on that morning I mostly remember my brother and sister and I got either the storybook Lifesavers candy boxes or those chocolate covered sticks also I think one or two years when we were tykes I recall the Chinese wrapper candies you could eat along with the candies. Yet I also remember, my grandaddy Ben Powers loving that top box of milk chocolate covered cherries every Christmas morning or actually anytime he could buy them year around. The two bottom ones are chocolate covered blue berries which are new this year I know I love those and when I saw them on our holiday selection shelf at work I knew that I had to keep the promise to at least try them. So I shall come Sunday morning regardless that I don't have a stocking to reach into and pull them out of, aw well you can't win all the time huh? I will enjoy them anyway in the coming year.

December 21, 2011

BATTLESTAR GALACTICA , where the miniseries leads to....

Hey sci-fi and Christmas pals,
Last month I finally started watching the updated take on BSG with the miniseries, that I have mentioned here about quite a lot. The main reason I finally decided to give this a kick start was that after hearing about it from so many friends at work speak so highly of it and to have another foray of good, no make that great science fiction a gutsy try. Also the main reason was outside of that was to have another conversation piece to banter back and forth with my sister in law Kathie about, since she like me is a sci-fi nerd as well...... If you recount what I said in the second part of BSG caparison I never really told you much of what was going on in the Miniseries itself other than that a certain machine race was in another main character's head.....What I didn't share with you was that those machines known as Cylons have evolved into a lot more than just "Robotic Toaster ovens"as the character whom has one implanted in his head told us, as I have said before in the miniseries. Now I still won't reveal everything of the mini (other than it takes us up to five hours after is where we begin with the series itself:) After Admiral Adama has promised everyone in the hope of finding the mystical planet called earth and the colonies from the twelve parts of the galaxy unsteadily put their trust in backing the militate choice of the newest president to let the military guard them while being hunted down by the cylons prove a bit tiring you could say. Meanwhile one member of Galactica, is still trapped on Cylon occupied Carpica being studied by the main Cylon leaders for what propose is still unknown at least till the end of the season anyway. There is a bomb that blows Galactica's main water tanks, which makes everyone think that someone is a Cylon in the crew. After training new Vipper trainees StarBuck is lost in a fight with a Cylon raider, when Adama and his son refute the president's order leave her behind as a loss they start to understand more about the Cylons because StarBuck uses the downed raider to get back to Galactica. Then they find not earth but the hidden planet called Kobol. At the end of the season we do find out in spades that there is a Cylon among them as copy known as number six has been telling Baltar for quite sometime. It turn out that Cylon Drone opens fire on Adama as things just start escalating with a onslaught of raiders trapping the whole fleet that Galactica is leading out of Cylon space....

December 18, 2011

Call me crazy just because if you will.....

Hello out there to all,
I just know it was a few seconds of a dream that I had earlier this morning, but I know somehow and somewhere for sure that come Christmas day morning something very special will happen for or to me?, now just so you all know next Sunday will be Christmas day by the way. I will be the first to admit I usually have it pretty easy of getting family and friends gifts for the special day known as the 25th of December but this year it's been I don't know a little harder I guess in a way and maybe besides the awesome dream I had I just need to reassure myself Matt everything will be okay no matter what the thing is you give. This dream that I had was about my dad and heaven. He still is gone no matter how it happen of his passing away but I saw him with his dad and his brother Jim and my mother's dad Ben Powers and for some reason I could only focus on my dad I was wanting to cry because he was so young they all were. I was I guess thinking of dad a lot this past week maybe just because I still feel alone and empty without those that I know are good people in when they were living here on earth. Anyway the four of them were playing a game of poker and what made it so neat was it was they were enjoying it as if it was a speical game for the joy of playing a game with Christmas tunes being heard on the day off during a remembrance of a army training session but there was finally no more that had to be done and they saw me or dad did and he looked at me in his purple tee shirt and said "Don't worry everything will be alright no matter what you get everybody this Christmas they'll love whatever it will be?', the funny thing was he didn't really say the words he just showed it in a smile no less.... I hugged him and then woke up. I think when your stressed just dream and the answer will always come of course but most especially at Christmas time.