December 28, 2011

2 great birtdays are happening today (pt. 1 of 2)

Hello once again,
I know that many of you are truly curious as to "what's in the box?.... " from yesterday
are still scratching your brains for the who part? of who today I happen to know who has a Birthday all day today to herself, well in truth there are many who share the same day of birth as this young girl does, more on one in particular person later. The young little princess I'm talking about is my ever loving sweet niece Heidi Byrd . Who today happens to be grasping birthday fun as if you can't tell from her opening this gift of
a book series she wants to finish ohhh so very much! I had chatted with my sister in law her mother on Christmas day while at her parents place where we celebrated many things like this card game,I told you all about. Anyway before we left the plan was set on this morning of my brother or her would pick me up at a little after nine am. It turned out to be my brother Micheal who came a got me before heading to their house we stopped at Fred Meyers to pick up coffee cups for the party's drinks, we also got Heidi a little something special or rather Micheal did. Once we got to their place most of Kathie's family were there and we were waiting for a few neighbor friends to join us as we all enjoyed a healthy fruit tray choice, before we all dug into some coffee cake . Here is a set of pictures of , ,
Heidi opening my gift (oh I was the only one to not only provide a bow I also gave her a card) . To say that this Princess or her party guests didn't like her party would have to agree with the birthday girl there just weren't enough candles to go around for everyone

, numbered or otherwise! Again Happy 11th Birthday Heidi Boo.

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