December 05, 2011

Wheather fact or fiction this is just to cool not to share.....

Hello all,
I most certainly had happen to have other plans for today's posting and with a lot of us as a people being on the very optimistic verge of not knowing what will come next year on the omnibus date December 21st, 2012...... Many think that someth
ing deadly awful will happen to us as a whole! now I'm not claiming to know the far future at all..... expect hopefully my own. Before writing anything I saw something very intriguing on one of my YAHOO news windows that brought a great sense of what we need during this time of year. That would be HOPE, if your wanting to know of sharing good news of every kind and this really does qualify! A NASA telescope has found in the constellation of vela (the sail) which is located thirty five light years from our planet earth has found what is known as a Super Earth:
it is being called H D 85512 b and yes it seems to have liquid H2o. Even though I'd love to be able to take a certain fictional star ship there (boy I wonder what's it's name would be?) I like a lot of you would still be leery to put our kind on a place we would know as Eden because ONE THING needs to happen , and that would be is WE need to grow in a way of accepting changing OUR destructive ways of caring for the very place we call planet earth.