January 29, 2012

When you never have cable you still find interesting things out from time to time....

Hello to all,
This post here maybe my most uninteresting or maybe the most surprising thing you have ever laid your peepers on?, I know that since I have my 42 inch screen plasma television I would have the world as my oyster as to jumping at getting cable or Netflicks or any of the
other forms of watching the big screen version of anything I wanted? Thankfully I have as you know a small well maybe medium size collection of DVDs and other forms of entertainment. What I really want to share about is this past Friday in the early morning right before I happened to get ready for work I was flipping back and forth on my TV when on one of those foreign networks I just so happen to get I saw a lady interviewing this guy
about his Barbarian comic that he puts out through who I didn't learn. All I know is he mentioned this guy
who is famous just because of his art skills alone. Before the segment was over the interviewer asked him about "How well do you think a comic about wine would go over in the states?" He said the oblivious of course " I don't think it would that I know of?" the segment then went and showed these two English men

who are actually truly making a premise of wine in comics in where else Italy of course. All that I can say to them as with every time I speak on what I have heard is "Good Luck sirs and may you be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor

with founding success."

January 23, 2012

A great late night movie from TBN, last night

Hey out there to all,
I still can't believe it? , yet it was just so darn AWESOME, is really all that I dare say about this movie that I caught on TBN into the wee hours of this morning. I went and had just gotten done watching a cool anime at little after eleven, when I started flipping the remote back and forth to see if anything could be a decent fine at all before hitting the pillow off to dreamland. I all of sudden stopped on one of my Christian broadcasting stations it was the image of seeing John Schneider (from yes two favorite series that are mentioned here quite a lot by the way is how come the name is so familiar to you as well), in this whatever it was he played a community pastor leader in a place that was looking to turn misguided youth around and focus their attention on GOD. In the course of this story he found four teen three boys and girl, after finding out that each was heading towards "A STREET DRIVEN life" he got in touch with some faith believing cowboys and had the three boys the girl was still not to her broken point yet, go on a road experience. On the way to where they all going of the boys one of them tries to hide stuff under his shirt and the bus driver sees this and makes him be honest about what he did to the convenient store cashier. At this point we find out the young girl is being hassled by guy to do bad "street life stuff", John's character intervenes and helps her join the three boys on their road trek, by plane. Each of these young characters still view the outside world as their true only hope in dealing with everything. Once at their point of origin they all learn that at first to get somewhere fun in whatever you do requires hard dedication towards getting there and never stop believing in GOD for help of being strong to FAITH. After working at learning this they cowboys offer to let them have fun in partaking helping with a fundraiser redo show.During this time one of the "street life gangs comes looking for the boys to of course offer them recruitment in the gang again, the one troubled kid who had stolen from the convenient store saves the day by asking for
GOD'S Praise in saving one of the other boys , and in the end that boy wins them all scholarships to further their educations. Now as to what TBN stands for is Trinity Broadcasting Network, for those of you all wondering and I'm now wishing I just knew the title of the movie I saw?, ah well I guess the good ol internet will be good for something in the next few days or so for me by the looks of it!

January 21, 2012

An Amtempt at a Really "White blue guy"

So Why is this little "white Smurf"so bored when there's "WHITE STUFF" covering the ground, well read on to find out......

Hello out there on still on "Winter day" for most I'm thinking?
What could the title of this entry mean? well if you recall a few days ago I was talking about making a Superman "S" shield with a dangling spider around it that in truth went on to become this
A Santa face. Both ideas came from finding this really cool sculpted "Snow Spidey"
, that I not sure if told you I found on the Crawlspace website a couple months ago. If Blue's in the title as a clue all you have to do to figure out the answer of what I've been trying to since I got back from my Men's Bible study breakfast is think of one of these little guys. Still I also had more ideas filling my head that maybe were more complex than a smurf? My main other idea was a Snoopy Red Baron on his dog house and knowing that last night I got a few plastic drinking cups from Starbuck's within Albertson's I chose to really just stick with the smurf gig more than that other wild brainstorm. Yet I had a get little problem besides which one I wanted to set my heart on doing Papa or Brainy smurf, of course my feelings went with Mr. Annoying. So your wondering what the problem is right? well it's that it turns out all the snow we have had since Monday is melting or at least slowly doing so. Here is what I got a few minutes ago of my attempt at the so called "Snow Smurf"f now those do look like nice rounded dome feet like what a smurf would have and a start on their tiny legs huh. Still without a shadow it's really quite hard to prove it is really and truly anything like their feet at all so here's one with the shadow to put it to rest of if there is still any doubt out there .
Yet when I tried to make the rest of the pants one or the other leg came crashing in on itself. I think I really should planned it out better with any kind of a rough sketch before I went to sleep last night, well hopefully next year I'll be better prepared either way.

January 19, 2012

Hopeful plans with "White Stuff"

Still the "White Stuff" beckons me to play in it......
It's very much the truth I have to say. Almost whenever I see the falling flakes of "White Stuff"as I am calling it since last November when we had just a very tiny hint of what fell early yesterday. If you noticed to right I had this
in the now search for the real spider-man hero hunt that as I have said before started sometime in that same month. Well for some strange reason or maybe not so strange a reason I decided I really wanted to built something in the "White Stuff"so I really didn't want to work today even though I most certainly had to, so all day I got to thinking what do I wanna sculpt in the snow? I came up with this as my idea:
a superman "S" shield with either a spider dangling from it like seen in a way here
or have the spider have the "S" shield breaking because of it's super tight web breaking the other hero's insignia. Now I know in truth it looks more like face in a way especially with the biggest indicator being the nose? right? well I too was thinking that after the whole other idea fell apart mostly because of how darn flipping freezing it is. So I worked with it being a face instead and I think I'll let you decide is it
a Santa Clause ,or is it not? please be honest with your answer.

January 18, 2012

Dumped on by the "White Stuff"

Brrr it truly freezing outside,
This has been on the weather monitor for quite the pass few weeks now. It is st
ill coming down to even as I try to bring out the words to describe the pure ice that is seen here: , , , .
I just know from hearing the roar of the snow plows at four fifteen (I'm not really sure if that was the right time , but for sure it wasn't much longer till I just couldn't close my eyes) this morning. It's going to not only be HARD,
to work at pushing the carts at Abertson's through the "White Stuff" it will be ever so bad if the wind will be blowing even more of it around as it will I am sure certain will continue to come down through out the whole day. I am sure that every kid was excited to hear that they can't go to school for a couple of hours, they maybe even some who got to stay home all day and play in the "White Stuff" . If two kids I know had happen to of got that chance I DO HOPE they made a couple of snow angels, or whatever else they could come up with to do with the snow. I myself plan on something after work if I'm not to exhausted (see the snow plows or city sweepers) woke me up at a little after four thirty in the morning, so I'm sure I'll try to have fun with the "White Stuff" too....

January 15, 2012

Boy am I just sneaky or what?

Hey class of HANFORD "91"
I for some little reason can't get it out of my head....of my little add on since Nov.14th of last year that I happen to of added to the sit
e. I know I said I'd be flipping it everyday till Marvel comics admits their powerful mishap of breaking up this comic book couple
,whoops, I think I really meant this comic book couple

for aren't those other two part of the D.C. comic universe? Or were for the last eighty eight years before some family members of Jerry Segeal wanted to rip apart a tapestry comic book lore for money. Well I Matt,wish I could be the ONE fan to show MARVEL how crazy they are for messing with the Parkers love life, but for them it's not about "EVERY SPIDER-FAN" being contented with how Peter's life is brought across....for them to it about $, which sad for a FAN like me who loves promise of growth in the things, I always read. Yet why I'm writing today is to show that maybe a whole high school class can be reflective of being heroes for which I know NO colorful tights are ever needed to show the true emotion of Love and here they are the who class of Hanford High 1991
, showing me a class member that Love is forever boundless no matter if ONE thinks they never can hold on to it in fictional heroes it always there in one's fellow friends "FOREVER!" Take a look at whose in that mentioned window to the right if you don't believe me?

January 13, 2012

Second Friday of the year is the omnibus scary date:

Hello out there scarred ones,
You know what is truly spooky about today's date?, only thing I can think of is it ain't the month of goblins it don't matte
r if they are green or not?, or that a black cat is nearby you or if there is one I'd run far, far, far away from it, if I were you. Also you shouldn't have a taste for walking under a ladder today if you superstitious in anyway.....and if you are by the way it not the month of October or at least NOT yet it isn't! Actually it's the first month of two thousand and twelve. Yet how does anyone really know when the today's date
will fall on the track of time called a calendar?, well here is the easiest way like the TV series LOST with #'s 4,8,15,16,23,42 as Hurley's lucky or (rather in this case not so lucky numbers) you can count on the calendar to be set up like this sixth, blank, twentieth, twentieth seventh for the days Friday will fall on. Now all kidding aside, in truth I bet your day went pretty well for the most part right???? But if at at last you need to think of being scarred today just think of this guy

coming after you and you know I don't have to name him right?, but oh those crawly friends of a certain comic book character mentioned here quite often may put more fright into you all the same anyway!

January 10, 2012

Blog #747 is about what?

Here we are at a very famous number in blog listings,
You are all wondering I am sure is, what's Matt talking about how is this post so super special by numbers well here is the answer plain and simple as the title says this is seven hundred and forty seven, yet you still foggy about what it means right?, well so am I?, nah just kidding I do know what I'm planing on sharing today and I have a feeling it will leave you mak
ing a choice in what you really love of sorts in a BIG WAY! What I am very intrigued by is that there are a lot of us around the world who use these nifty things called computers. "Hold it a minute your saying to yourself "I don't have one of those electronic gizmos no way in a million years would I ever want one..." Believe you, me I know a lot of people who don't have these things, they would much rather prefer finding information in something like these

or even a newspaper to catch up on the day's events. What I really want to know from you my reading public thinks of how do you like getting your everyday information? At the touch of a button or actually holding it in your hand and seeing it that way?

January 09, 2012

The Ulimate candy protector is.....

Hey sweet tooth lover of all candies,
Let me ask you who would you trust to protect any if not all sweets from coming your way if your on a diet? I know that not to long ago well maybe it was a few weeks at least,
but I am sure you will remember when I showed you these boxes
of Chocolate covered stocking stuffers? Well over this weekend here I went shopping for Magnets see yesterday entry if you had happen to forgot! which is silly since you just read it I'm guessing? Other than picking up those magnets at Hastings I really went looking there for the "Mercy Me" music disc that has "I can only Imagine" track at first I was looking in the books at the newest comic book colored price guide. I of course was hoping to see how low priced "One More Day" arc of Spider-Man was going for just to laugh at Marvel's greatest mishap, as I see it. I then headed over to the section where the music compact discs are and eventually I did happen to find a duel pack of a Mercy Me music CD/DVD that yes I made sure had the song I was hoping to find. As I went looking for those two magnets I also came across two more things that I wanted one was a set of Marvel pins that I can wear. The other was a well showing you might be better so here you go, I found a Brainy Smurf with his classic pose of "Papa Smurf and I always say....." just before all of the other smurfs well you know, what happens! Anyway, I thought it would help to have strength when I'm weak for sweets and why not have one of those little three apples high friends known as Smurfs. Of course mine is Known as Brainy just having him on these boxes is truly helpful indeed!

January 07, 2012

A great use for a super type of magnet(s)

Hey there everyone,
You wanna know something I noticed earlier this week?, that I would be needing s
ome super weights for holding up that Star Trek calendar I showed you in the post from well actually yesterday. So later today I will be heading to "Adventures Underground" because the type of super weights I referring to are collectables in of course relating to superheroes but of course? So by a super weight I am of course talking about magnets like these seen on the front of refrigerator here , ,
, ,, So as you can already see I have more than enough magnets already by the looks of it right?, Sorry for being a bit overzealous in showing all the family and friends that I am that are held by those super weights, by the way. Like I said I wanted some very special super weights I got all but two seen here at "Adventures". I also picked up a couple comics while there more that at some other time. Here are those magnets I'm talking about , the two that I got at somewhere else are the Justice League one and the Purple Decepticon Transformer one. I got those at Hastings which is on the same street as "Adventures Underground" they are just a parking lot away from each other in the north part of town. Finally here is what those super weights or Magnets are holding up on the side of my fridge. The two thousand twelve Star Trek calendar!

January 06, 2012

My Christmas loot

Who doesn't want to share a peek at least?,
You know it was just a little while ago that a jolly elf known as Santa came to see everyone who was not super, not bad, and in truth not just good as a tale about him coming to town usually goes... He brings smiles in someway or other to all in the sense of rejoicing
in loving your fellow human being. Okay I admit maybe I have Ol Saint Nick, known as Santa Clause mixed up with fellow called Jesus. Yet in truth I know my real reason of sharing this with you is to show you almost everything I got on Christmas morning I still have a few gifts to find out what they are? here is what I got from family
near and far expect for one thing that should soon be in the mail and on it's way. As for the aforementioned presets I think on Saturday I will be finding those at a friend's place in Richland.For all who did give me a gift and I forgot to remember in tiring to send you one please think of this post as a kind offering of thanks that's just now a great big way of saying I care for you even though it always a little hard to know what to get you on Christmas day.

January 05, 2012

My last steps of 2011

Hey everybody,
Boy in all the excitement of the start of the New Year I just had remembered today to put the end of the year count of my walking for last year. So here are my pound crusher heights and lows: Dec.1,2011 S:13091,D:6.19, Dec.2,2011 S:86021,D:3.55, Dec.3,2011S:5145,D:2.41, Dec.4,2011 0, Dec.5,2011 S:4127,D:1.93, Dec.6,2011 S:11209,D:5.26, Dec.7,2011 0, Dec.8,2011 S:12018,D:5.64, Dec.9,2011 0, Dec.10,2011 0, Dec.11,2011 0, Dec.12,2011 S:17583,D:8.17, Dec.13,2011 0, Dec.14,2011 S:17000,D:7.95,Dec.15,2011 S:8475,D:4.74, Dec.16,2011 S:42073,D:2.25, Dec.17,2011 S:5160,D:
2.42, Dec.18,2011 S:9354,D:4.39, Dec.19,2011 S:17290,D:8.12, Dec.20,2011 S:24214,D:11.38, Dec.21,2011 0, Dec.22,2011 S:14093,D:6.62, Dec.23,2011 0, Dec.24,2011 S:2412,D:1.01, Dec.25,2011 S:2829,D:1.32, Dec.26,2011 S:14201,D:6.67, Dec.27,2011 S:15942,D:7.49, Dec.28,2011 S:24000,D:10.64, Dec.29,2011 S:15444,D:7.25, Dec.30,2011 S:14681,D:6.90, Dec.31,2011 S:8439,D:3.96, I can see that what has been happening in my excising is that the weather almost always has a factor in what the outcome is. Mostly in the "Winter months" one who walks as much as I do can never escape the frigid cold of the day so I try to liven things up with stories titles for these blogs that I post and for some weird reason because of the cold they seem to come at a faster pace, I just wonder how that is for I know the why part already, don't you think so?

January 04, 2012

Sometimes I wish I always could have my camrea no matter what.....

Ready for a strange First Aid type of tale,
Boy when I was just thinking earlier
this morning about something to post here and coming up blank, I should remember the name Righer Steelson for a main character in my next yarn whatever it will be called?, also I should have known I haven't had anything from the place of where I work known as Ablertson's posted here this year. Yet we must all remember the year of two thousand and twelve is only ninety six hours old. Before I get to far into this I gotta ask do you all recall that one image from my Easter postings from two years ago....well if not that okay but in it, it had this cool red car that had

you know who on it fighting Venom. Well today at work shorty after one I was out gathering up a set of our mini carts out in the parking lot over by the fuel center as I was coming up to the nearest cart coral to get a small amount of the carts there when all of a sudden I just stopped dead in my steps and caught myself laughing lightly to myself. You know you want to ask don't you? well here is the answer plain as if you were eating a pizza with whipping cream on it (what you haven't ever tried that?) I saw this champagne Grey colored car with I kid you not a Band Aid on the area of where the gas tank should have been, while I was awe struck a regular customer that I have helped in years past was coming out to her car and asked me "What are you giggling about?" I brought her over to where the car was and I said "Look at that do you think that the driver/owner must be embarrassed or ashamed of a scratch from a fender bender incident not so long ago?" She pondered it for a moment herself and said "well maybe, but whatever the case I think you should check the gas cap area all the same?" I had told her that it was mt first thought too. She had left a few minutes later and I was still mighty curious I just had to know. So I went over to the other side of the car and on that side was the Gas tank unscratched at all I then went and looked on the back window of the car it had a huge White butterfly with many more coming out it. I really felt silly because I think I had figured it to be that the owner of the car was either a doctor?, a nurse? or a surgeon? but it had never occurred to me that maybe someone put their greatest fear on their vehicle as a grand joke to help them through tough times for when seeing their doctor. All I wish is that I did have my digital camera to show what made me bust a gut the rest of the day, but maybe next time I guess, ah well....

January 03, 2012

Why do I feel like Rosco when I look at today's strip & a bit of a Star wars Villain's passing in sorts....

Hey out there in the place known as the Blogosphere,
I gotta say this early morning when I saw today's strip of Spidey's newspaper adventure I had a roaring hoot of laughter flow from me I nearly cried. I had also heard that a part of the "Man in Black" No not the Johnny Cash movie or song title
by the way, had a sad passing today in part of the many people who played this

ventilator breathing fellow from the Star Wars saga. Better known as Darth Butter nah really it's Darth Vader that I'm speaking of, of course?, but more on that in a moment or to. Right now I wanna say a few words of how awesome Stan Lee is just because he is, and the mentioning of classic Detective Comics leading heroin Wonder Woman who is now back in her classic look as seen here

where she seems to be tossing herself out of a match with herself. ( if you wanna know more about that outfit change up checkout "Wonder Woman Stripped of her American Flag look, posted back in July two thousand and ten) the two bit hood that is talking to both Thor and Mary Jane Parker has got the best bit and once again Stan shows us something that Marvel comics flatly refuses to admit THAT the SPIDER-MARRIAGE (so sorry for being on my soap box again about the very topic) is very much a work in the greatest growth of a pair of characters who makes no deal with no devil to make that said character more relate able to kids only because kids think being married is well in a child's eye something to never be understood because they don't need to see or witness that part of life in their idols of heroes mainly mom or dad. Stan as I have shown here before has taken heroes from that other comic universe many times and brought more recognition to all comic heroes. Which is needed to boost the comic market as a whole right now anyway, as far as what I've heard from people I know who are collectors like I once was, wish I could be again but I know I got to be more ready for any given day when it should come. As for who is Rosco your asking right? he was the county sheriff played by James Best who is on the other side of John Schneider's Bo Duke character seen here
he had a laugh a line that any fan of Dukes of Hazzard got. You know the one I talking about when he got excited "I love it, I love it Police works my life, I love it, I love it" I am so glad that at least Peter Parker's co creator respects his fans by showing that Mary Jane is a very strong character when push comes to shove.
Now on to the Vader part of what I had happen to of learn about today is a part of him is deceased as of two days ago. It will surprise you that this person wasn't David Prowse who was the actor who played the part of Anakin Skywalker father of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia from in the original Star Wars films hasn't died neither has the man with the booming voice James Earl Jones hasn't passed on yet either, although that's all anyone really knows who played the Lord of the Sith in those movies right? Well here's a stunner for you there was a stuntman named Bob Anderson who did the sword fighting sequences of the light saber dueling, in Star Wars V the Empire Strikes Backs and Star Wars VI Return of the Jedi, he did on New Years day passing away at the age of what Stan Lee himself just turned eighty nine.