July 29, 2012


Hello I'm here once again with a movie review but not just any movie replay tease if you will? I am hoping to later today catch the final matinee run of the guy seen in this , very poster. I know that many people may or still NOT wish to see this film because of what happen in Auora,, Colorado on it opening night a couple of weeks ago. As I sit here composing my thoughts on the film I am listening to the BATMAN motion picture, compact disc from movie made for the character's 50th anniversary which was in 1989! With all of my past week's line up I'm sure you knew that I would be seeing real soon, so here we go (IF YOU don't want ANY SPOILERS stop reading from this point on ) The movie opens with a party honoring Harvey Dent at Wayne Manor, everyone from the new mayor a "LOST star whom was on the island for a real long time, no more hints than that:" to police commissioner James Gordon are there with a lot of high socialites with one very important exception? Wayne himself , but why your asking if from the end of "THE DARK KNIGHT" he or rather Batman goes into hiding till he comes to terms with what happen not to the clown prince of crime better known as the Joker or even Dent's fair playing Two Face, Bruce is feeling like a bum because he couldn't stop the passing of Rachel Dawes his beloved. He finds a safe cracker whose wearing his mother's necklace and lets his butler Alfred Pennyworth know of a need to change the lock's code, yet he let this cat burglar go with Martha Wayne's necklace for he thinks she may know whats going on in Gotham city's local crime waves of late.....At some point Bruce decides he can't do nothing by waiting on the sidelines and becomes Bats again when some guy and his gang make Wayne a penny less bum he fights back till the guy known as BANE brakes his back. I won't tell you more than that! Yet I will tell you who see this, THAT THIS film isn't about how one man alone defines as a hero, but about everyday people like you or me being a heroic strength of not power, but a strength hope for anyone who needs a reason to strive it's just there in everything we do. No other superhero film that I know or love has shown that till this one...I hope you will like the movie if you do choose to see it sometime over the summer.

July 19, 2012

BSG starts second half of season two with a civil war....

I can't believe how hooked I am on some sci-fi series outside of these two seen here ,
respectfully known as Star Trek, Star Wars. Yet I can't forget all my love of the genre in novel cartoon drawings
or even the greatest format outside of using one's scanners known as eyeballs.... Season two point five 0 of this new take on Glenn Larson's take on the aforementioned Star Wars was a little ditty called BATTLESTAR GALATTICA wasn't a huge hit in the early 1980's yet when a couple guys named David Eick and Ronald D More went and put a revamped feel to it in the late spring of two thousand three with a mini series on the sci-fi channel it brought forth a new take on the whole search for the thirteen colonies hope of finding a place called earth.....in the opening of this part of BSG the crew of the Galattica find another ship of Galattica class known as the Pegasus(see BSG point two 0 a run down, to view what occurred up to this very set up.......) Pegasus her crew start out it seems as allies against the enemy called the Cylons. Yet even though both ships have a Cylon prisoner for intelligent on why they are fighting these machines it seems as if the Pegasus crew is harsher with theirs than Galattica is with what they believe to be Sharron Boomer. Still they without a doubt are the only ones who know that Sharron Cylon is with a human embryo inside her from Cad pilot Helio from when the machines had first attacked Caprica from in the series pilot episode. See season one reference points in the entry entitled "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA where the miniseries leads". One little great ST actress whom plays Amda's superior Admiral Cain is is Michelle Forbes ,
,who was the Barjon character Ensign Ro Laren on the Next Generation, I just thought this would help you if are curious as where you've seen her before? Cain goes through Amda's records to integrate the crews and finds that he is unaware that his CAD pilots are sentenced to death because they protect Boomer from being turned into Pegasus Pet study, meanwhile Karra Trace recalls a a promise she made to a remaining CAD fighter on Caprica to bring help to those still enslaved by the Cylons. It seems as if the Cylons are trying get a special deice smuggled onto Galattica by forcing Baltar's hope of peace by enslaving the crew on a completely unknown planet.........

July 14, 2012

Mom's here just to get me going in sorts

Hello all,,
I just wanted everyone to know that one of the two ladies who joined me on the Disney Wonder cruise is here with me at my place , for a while. it's not this gal who was here shortly not long ago again with the young man as well , they were here for the fourth.No this time as the title proclaims, it is my mom that's here. She going help me figure out cleaning and origination a whole lot better than I do on my own I've always seem to get from time to time a long bout of "slacking" when it comes to picking up stuff and I will admit it, it because I like everybody who is anybody will get to having to much of a good time of doing anything fun, that something fun leads to so much freedom that "WE ALL" from time to time forgo our daily duties of keeping a place known as home well kept up. I know for a second there you all thought it was I was going say "it's because I'm a guy" as would be the typical response because it's easy to come to that as the only answer more times outta ten, when learning why some grown guys act more out of character than they should or will? The case here through is I will say I wanted more fun times than thinking a clean place really matters. Yet in the whole end of things if one wants to show a bit of responsible understanding living well at all something inside YOU or in the case as it is ME, has to see things from clearing all the cobwebs and dust from my train of thoughts and do a twist with my brain power into maybe a little each day of picking up this or that won't hurt as much as being the last man on earth with cockroaches as the best of worst fables go........ So I am thankful my mom is here for at some given time we will make a great impacting of cleaning up the house!

July 02, 2012

A real Grand miss for me what a grand webbing of shame.....

Hey Spider-fans and movie goers alike,
I feel like the greatest how do I describe this feeling of mine right now? I feel like a dangling little piece hair outta place on my head, or like a brick that's not with the right mold of cement, in truth I could go on with these pointless cliches to no end and still be nowhere near I
really want to be in roughly a couple hours time. I know that most of you if not all know that tomorrow is the opening of one of these two postured flicks seen here on this wall, just outside of the Regal movie theater inside of the Columbia center mall in a place called Kennweick Washington. I have my suit for going and seeing "The Amazing Spider-Man and don't I wish it could be like the one I had last Halloween ,boy what a great black suited Spidey or am/was I Venom? no in truth the apparel I'll be deck out in is more fitting which I got a few weeks ago when dealing with my camera business that I told you of yesterday as being Kai-put with now. Still with all of these clues you can't figure out why I am so down tonight of all nights.....Well it is that dang tooting my own shot of seeing a midnight screening is of the movie I have bashed here for the most and you all know why...I have a lot to keep me on my toes throughout the day tomorrow but I still hope I can grab a screening of this AMAZING take on the kid named Peter Parker better known as the superhero ol Spider-Man!

July 01, 2012

Today is full of more than just the monthly wallpaper change

Hello out there to all,
Once again it is the start of the month called July now your wanting know what in heckle smheckle I wrote the seventh month of the year with a orange colored letter "J" for I am almost certain you know the reasoning behind the red,white, and of course blue? I decided since it's so scorching HOT after the end of the first month of summer known as June that it seemed appropriate enough an today's no exception? it's suppose to reach the high eighties at least. You of course all know how big of the comic "S-Man and nha I don't
mean ol' superman.,Later today on YouTube I found some classic at least as far as I still know never released on DVD here in America of spidey in the early nineteen eighties of his
amazing friends. I started with part the first one which had the Green Goblin wanting to turn everyone into his likeness, which is wired in a way because then wouldn't everyone want a piece of ruling the world or city. Still he wanted everybody to be insane like him, because of what?, still outside of this I wanted see whole thing of this but couldn't find the second part of it. I watched a couple more and for some reason the on
e I watched of "Along came a spider..." retold the origin of Spider-Man and as far as I know when I saw that back in the day I knew it was just awe striking because even though I loved spidey as much as I do now back then I didn't know his point of origin back then.I was going to go to my church's annual fourth July picnic at the Cathedral of Joy because I had gone only once before (and was when I first started writing these in two thousand and eight, if you wanted to know for dead on certainly). I had called my sister Kylie since she's in town as watching one those classic Amazing toons earlier to see if she wanted to do something with me and my brother Micheal she had told me he wanted us to hang out at his house after six. If you recall me talking about my camera ordeal a few weeks back I went and tired to at first get a great deal on a 3D one over father day weekend that Saturday at Sears. Only to find out I don't have a great ideas from time to time, since I don't have a Three Dee monitor capabilities in my TV set up, so I took it back on Monday that next week to get my money back. Anyway to make the rest shorten for neatness to the point, I got my proper replacement today at a little after two at the mall this afternoon, I then went to Branes and Nobles to see if they had a copy of a "Brothers Grimm novel of all their fairy tales at first I didn't find what I wanted till I asked a couple of sales associates of what I was looking for. I also got a cool Ultimate Spider-Man history book collector piece as well. Anyway enough with the small potatoes and now on to the catch of why your all here to see my monthly puzzle parts of the blog pate here it is .
Now do you really want know the story about this one is? well simp
ly put it's what I would refer to this as "Hey why aren't I loved as much as whoa Spock help me please ?" and as for what I had as my desktop background plate for the month
of June of 2012.

I call it "Nova at her station with the Yamato/Argo bypass." Pretty cool huh? As to if we had fun at Micheal's you bet we did playing their playground across the street and Kylie and Bryce seeing their home, then we all watch a movie called "Journey Island 2" and course all the dogs had fun as well Kylie brought her and Bryce's little friend Ziggy and like I said they too horse played around a bit, and in the end it was just fun being with all my biological family as a whole.