July 19, 2012

BSG starts second half of season two with a civil war....

I can't believe how hooked I am on some sci-fi series outside of these two seen here ,
respectfully known as Star Trek, Star Wars. Yet I can't forget all my love of the genre in novel cartoon drawings
or even the greatest format outside of using one's scanners known as eyeballs.... Season two point five 0 of this new take on Glenn Larson's take on the aforementioned Star Wars was a little ditty called BATTLESTAR GALATTICA wasn't a huge hit in the early 1980's yet when a couple guys named David Eick and Ronald D More went and put a revamped feel to it in the late spring of two thousand three with a mini series on the sci-fi channel it brought forth a new take on the whole search for the thirteen colonies hope of finding a place called earth.....in the opening of this part of BSG the crew of the Galattica find another ship of Galattica class known as the Pegasus(see BSG point two 0 a run down, to view what occurred up to this very set up.......) Pegasus her crew start out it seems as allies against the enemy called the Cylons. Yet even though both ships have a Cylon prisoner for intelligent on why they are fighting these machines it seems as if the Pegasus crew is harsher with theirs than Galattica is with what they believe to be Sharron Boomer. Still they without a doubt are the only ones who know that Sharron Cylon is with a human embryo inside her from Cad pilot Helio from when the machines had first attacked Caprica from in the series pilot episode. See season one reference points in the entry entitled "BATTLESTAR GALACTICA where the miniseries leads". One little great ST actress whom plays Amda's superior Admiral Cain is is Michelle Forbes ,
,who was the Barjon character Ensign Ro Laren on the Next Generation, I just thought this would help you if are curious as where you've seen her before? Cain goes through Amda's records to integrate the crews and finds that he is unaware that his CAD pilots are sentenced to death because they protect Boomer from being turned into Pegasus Pet study, meanwhile Karra Trace recalls a a promise she made to a remaining CAD fighter on Caprica to bring help to those still enslaved by the Cylons. It seems as if the Cylons are trying get a special deice smuggled onto Galattica by forcing Baltar's hope of peace by enslaving the crew on a completely unknown planet.........

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