July 29, 2012


Hello I'm here once again with a movie review but not just any movie replay tease if you will? I am hoping to later today catch the final matinee run of the guy seen in this , very poster. I know that many people may or still NOT wish to see this film because of what happen in Auora,, Colorado on it opening night a couple of weeks ago. As I sit here composing my thoughts on the film I am listening to the BATMAN motion picture, compact disc from movie made for the character's 50th anniversary which was in 1989! With all of my past week's line up I'm sure you knew that I would be seeing real soon, so here we go (IF YOU don't want ANY SPOILERS stop reading from this point on ) The movie opens with a party honoring Harvey Dent at Wayne Manor, everyone from the new mayor a "LOST star whom was on the island for a real long time, no more hints than that:" to police commissioner James Gordon are there with a lot of high socialites with one very important exception? Wayne himself , but why your asking if from the end of "THE DARK KNIGHT" he or rather Batman goes into hiding till he comes to terms with what happen not to the clown prince of crime better known as the Joker or even Dent's fair playing Two Face, Bruce is feeling like a bum because he couldn't stop the passing of Rachel Dawes his beloved. He finds a safe cracker whose wearing his mother's necklace and lets his butler Alfred Pennyworth know of a need to change the lock's code, yet he let this cat burglar go with Martha Wayne's necklace for he thinks she may know whats going on in Gotham city's local crime waves of late.....At some point Bruce decides he can't do nothing by waiting on the sidelines and becomes Bats again when some guy and his gang make Wayne a penny less bum he fights back till the guy known as BANE brakes his back. I won't tell you more than that! Yet I will tell you who see this, THAT THIS film isn't about how one man alone defines as a hero, but about everyday people like you or me being a heroic strength of not power, but a strength hope for anyone who needs a reason to strive it's just there in everything we do. No other superhero film that I know or love has shown that till this one...I hope you will like the movie if you do choose to see it sometime over the summer.

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