May 30, 2020

Why can't WE ALL be richer for humanity as a whole!

Hey There World,                                                                                                                                                Phew, Oh my God, can anyone anywhere please tell me why is it that we as humans we have the greatest capacity for being the best that we can be, yet at the same moment as much as we keep trying to be understandably honest with being humble with our family and friends.... why are we so far away from understanding that we no matter what our outsides are like by this I DO MEAN OUR FLESH THAT IS COVERING OUR BONES. As humans we all have choices to helping enrichment for all of our souls rather we know how that comes into existence is by always learning and understanding that by how we communicate how we are taught is absolutely necessary in our every day lives.  I know that it seems like that I just really repeated my own question but remember this, we are always learning by questioning what it is when we learn. So here is a question of great concern about what is happening in our country and world related to what's happening in our every day lives....                                                                                                                                                                 We all know that because of an unknown flu strain called the Coronavirus every government all over the planet are choosing to keep their citizens in their homes to stop the spread of that flu strain right, so here is my initial quizzical mind at work here... When has the human race ever let something of that mysteriousness that we can not even see it, scare us into being afraid of living our every day lives?, Is it right for us as humans to be completely alone when we are facing and fighting an unknown problematic set of situations?, Should we be listening to the news all of the time with a one sided view on just negatively outcome of the subject matter, whatever the topic is?                                                   These are just a few set of questions going through my mind each and every day when I am being isolating at my home after work. Here are some ways the news media has spun the topics of the Coronavirus a wee bit much... The very history of this given strain of this very virus thought of starting out in China as subjectively being a way to controlling their overall population problem in a very small area. This was back in early January of this year as best that I can recall. As it spread to other countries there were even more stranger links to China's ways of it's start but by very different narratives, such as it came from what the population was consuming too. As the virus started moving away from China and into other countries such as France and was affecting people it was now considered an outbreak of enormous size and propulsions. When it had hit United States shores every news media and parts of local government went into Control mode!                                                                     I'm sure that you all know that when there is anything new in the world, we as humans know that at some given time that rather we want to know of what that new impact is we shall encounter it with mostly an opened heart and an opened mind...yet as I just went and mentioned it seems as if the governments of the world have found a way to keep us from having our own set of hopes and choices of living our daily lives! Is this right for the world to be held to one rule of no now because we are saying it you can't have your right to decide what you do is safe? No matter of how I am trying to phrase it seems ONE SIDED DOESN"T IT? Here is a even more fascinating question to throw out there, even more so than should the people live off of the government entirely don't you love to make up your own decisions of what YOU WANT TO DO weather you have a choice to work where you like or be creative as you like? When the matter of this pandemic is over how many people will truly have died from the virus? How many people will have decided to be caught up in their state of sadness of not being able to live life to it's fullest that they will be many suicides because someone who thinks they are bigger is pushing the person with the depression into greater wows of fear than their mental state is allowed to see? Does all of this have to do with HATE for one person if so, we all are showing how much of real limited we are as a growing society of living and breathing of the God we believe in!                                                                                                                                                     I know that I have talked about HATE before from other peoples way of seeing and understanding the greatest evil we have on our precious blue planet and of course I have talked about my feelings on the sickening yet sadden subject at time too. You also know that as of a few years ago that I have started trying to come up with acronyms for already existing words. I STILL REMEMBER MY FIRST ONE way back in the winter time of twenty seventeen, it was with the word H.O.P.E. here was what I did with it being so close to Christmas at the time I hadn't started my gift buying just yet so I got to thinking if I used my noggin for other ideas maybe just maybe shopping would come a whole lot easier that year. So I choose HOPE since it was fitting any which way because it would help me with getting on with buying my gifts in the long run so I hadn't realized it but there was my word for H in the word of Hope, Helping. Then I got to thinking about the letter O what would work in a defining way of extending it... I thought of the both the characters from the second season of the television series known as "LOST" and again about the season of the year we were in... it came to me then the letter O came to me Others or rather Other, then for the letter P I already knew what I was using without a second thought at all P was going to be for People. And finally the letter E was rather easy as well I was thinking of places I had already been on vacations with my folks also I was for some reason thinking of the word Every as well, so I put Every as the start of the longer wording of HOPE and then it hit me as snow is white a little pun there but I was using the color of snow to finding the word Where. Then I had it and a huge inner smile was both on my lips and in my soul I knew the extending acronym for H.O.P.E. to being Helping Other People Everywhere... Sorry for the back history there but I felt that I needed to for myself to being thinking about the word H.A.T.E. as an acronym. Now while I'm bringing this up just so you all know before I get to far astray  the second half of today's entry is gonna drive deeper cuts into even more current topics of late, so if you want to stop reading as of right now I won't mind but remember you have been warned!                                                                                                                                                         Recently besides the topic of the Coronavirus being a matter of the meaning of everyone's world falling apart, there is also the spread of fear for our current way of right or wrong in how do we as humans respect and love one another. For the cop who broke the air pathway of George Floyd a man who happen to of been two years younger than me, by the cop's knee on his neck for eight minutes was an extreme view of the acronym of the word H.A.T.E. as I was talking about just above here. For me Matt I believe the extended word of H.A.T.E. is simply broken into at least two words apiece for it's true definition which is this Having/Hitting. Another/Attacking. Targeting/Threatening. Exiling/Eliminating a living breathing thing or person is always been taught to each child of the planet we share as home. Yet no matter where you look throughout history there has in someway or other been someone having these said feelings or emotions which leads to people of any outer bone color wanting to protect their rights and thinking by gathering others who share their learned ideals to cerate a group to fight what they most fear? Now I'm sure you are all wondering WHY I ended that last  wording of sentence structing with a given question mark, well the reason is very interesting to say in the least.                                                                                                     Everyone who is made up of the building blocks of life known as DNA has the ability to grow and be an intellectual smart person in their existence in the journey called life. I know that I keep coming back to it all of the time about the most important stance of understanding what the essence of growing is in my blogs that I write. I will admit that I'm not always super smart about everything in my everyday life, but I do know that ONE VERY IMPORTAT THING ABOUT LIVING OUR JOURNEIES OF LIFE. WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF CHANGING INTO A BETTER PLACE YOUR NAME HERE, for getting past our VERY OWN FEARS WHATEVER THEY ARE! WE HAVE TO BE WANTING TO STEP INTO ACCPETING CHANGE TO HOW TO GROW IN A MORE HUMBLING  PERSON....Can you be one, by being willing to give up what you have been taught and wanting to learn more or anew to be a moral and thoughtful encompassing YOU as a human being.                                                                                                                                                    To say have I hit everything here in this very entry of what I meant about the top two most overdriving topics of late concerning our everyday living of life? YES for as much as I can put into them, hoping to be stepping stones to a better understanding of if not the said perfect solutions/Answers for now maybe even something I can look back on  when things are chaos driven again, which we ALL know there is ALWAYS something unknowingly waiting in the winds of change in our experiencing our daily trails of life. NO because I know with everyday something new arises to give us poor humans another interesting set of choices to deal with. But with a new name to make it seem even more darker and uglier than what we had just experienced.... I'm sure to write about HOT and COLD TOPICS of our lives, when I know that I Matt too need said reassuring of again Helping Other People EVEYWHERE!   

May 26, 2020

Finally I have a new baby to talk about.....(no it's not what you are thinking?)

Hello comic lovers of all ages,                                                                                     If you're a regular visitor to this very blog you know that besides everyday life that I the creator of "Day life of the Matt", try to engage my readers with the hopeful need to learn the best out of our journey of existence and again I am hopeful that by the end of this very entry that I as much as you can have an opportunity to spread something very encouraging worthy to be read by you who want enriching enrichment of a very interesting subject that speaks of ways to learning about new ventures gradually gained for your mind. Today I want to talk about a comic novel that I have ordered from a comic company that calls itself Comicsgate. I know that I have said that most comics of mainstream ones from Detective, Image, Marvel and other smaller publishers have for the time being because of the world wide pandemic known as Covid-19 has put all of the world's current hope for innovation on hold because right now we don't understand it's beginnings other than it being something that is new to our every day lives. Yet the distribution of all mainstream comics has been put on hold because Diamond the ordering warehouse has put a hold on shipping all comics to comic shops throughout the United states.                                                     Comicsgate is a company that like IMAGE lets creators own their creative creations. The main one that I can tell you that I have become very interested in is Ethan Van Sciver's character called "CYBERFROG" seen here 
 and like Todd McFarlane, Van Sciver started Cyberfrog very early in his career like Spawn for McFarlane when both started drawing for comics before either made it big in mainstream comics for either DC comics or Marvel comics respectively. The only other Van Sciver work that I have is his work with Geoff Johns called "FLASH REBIRTH", which he did the art for. Back in twenty eighteen I had found out on YouTube that Ethan was restarting his career starting character with a crowd funding campaign called Cyberfrog Bloodhoney. I found myself wanting to follow the campaign even though I didn't want to participate in being a backer for getting it.                                                                                   When earlier this year in January, I saw the reviews of Cyberfrog Bloodhoney on YouTube I knew that from his current Cyberfrog titled book that I wanted to back it and so I did at it's highest tier. As I have said before that the main reason I put comic collecting on true hold is because of a forced story by Marvel comics editor in chief Joe Quesada called One More Day for the Peter Parker character of Spider-man lore. Yet all in all, I could not give up on the Marvel comics because of a movie that was called IORNMAN that kept me going with my loving addiction of collecting  and at the same time I expanded out into looking beyond Marvel comics as well and went into Detective comics and even other independent publications too.                                                So since I have been following Ethan on his YouTube channel I have found myself backing a few more comics from Comicsgate the one that I want to talk about here is seen here 
 called as you can see VESTIGE, which I originally ordered back on May tenth, twenty twenty on INDIEGOGO website where Comicsgate comics can be purchased. Ethan while recently talking about his latest project Cyberforg Rekt planet he went and sold me on VESTIGE by saying it's got not only a western style parts of story elements but it has of course one thing that I can't ignore a bit of the Twilight Zone is in this that made up my mind about getting it besides it having Ethan's art on the cover, mine also came with a poster by Van Schiver of the character called  Mathilda Klein. Here is a short video of me opening the comic             
                          I do hope that the story is going to be grand as Ethan says.... I am certain that either way I will find a reason to love it as I have all of the comics that I have read in the past. I know that I truly fooled many of you with my title of this post in the way of me possibly being a daddy, well no I am nowhere near ready for that kind of excitement and with the world full of great inspiration already maybe I can love another human being but comics are far better for me that I know of.

May 10, 2020

All Mothers Matters (MD: Sunday May Tenth, Twenty,Twenty)

Hello to All Mothers,                                                                                                                          I  know that it has been a long way to long since I have written about the barers of all humans who are called MOTHERS, it not because in the past I didn't have anything to say about you. It was more I wasn't sure of how I wanted to phrase my words of how YOU share YOUR LOVE each an every day of your own lives. Mothers are just as important as Daddies to each of us because without them finding each other how can we all be here on planet earth? Of course we all know that answer to that don't we?        Okay let's get into why ALL MOTHERS MATTER, one reason beyond each mother giving us sons and daughters lives after growing inside of them for a total of thrity nine weeks.....nine months if you're wanting to not use your brain at the moment I can understand but for those of you who do mothers are the first ones that doctors give us to be held by. Sometimes it might be that you are to early of being birthed and you may need time to grow a lot more than your mother could give you because of a medical condition she's having...still she will be there to help you anyway she can.                                                                                                                                     A mother trys to teaching us how to eat and learn about high fives and reading small stories. They share with us what love is by holding our hands when we are crossing the street or a parking lot to get to the car. Mothers work to give you the best opportunity of becoming the most important part of yourselves.                                                All Mothers try to give us the best  of their knowledgeable experiences that their parents and family give them so far, they also hope that their closest friends will teach us good hopeful examples of life as well. Mothers hope that each lesson we learn will be one that grows our hearts toward loving our fellow human beings by how we continue to explore life every day that we all exist.                                                            Now I will say this, that what I have written about Mothers comes from knowing that yes they are as Broken at times as we as daughters and sons can be, and that I have written from the heart of my soul as best I can to share why Mothers of us are simply like us just every day humans. If you're near yours call them and share a reason why you love them, believe me what you say is absolutely more important than just sending flowers or candy to brighten her special day. Who knows you may find a stronger way to share that humbling love during this time of being separated this very year, when we are to be isolated because of a virus we can't even see.