May 25, 2015

Countdown to my own Wedding, not sure if it is Mine (pt. 2 of 3)

Hello to all who are just a wee bit in need of a AH-HA moment from your current read.......,
      Just so you all know before taking this much needing splash with me into a grand novel of everything from being hunted like a dog (that's the Alpha Centurions who are helping rid the planet earth of any and all kinds of space threats) then finding out that one of them that you consider your bestie, of the whole lot has family issues beyond what earth parents would call overprotectiveness just stretching it because he finds love in the wrong species, and last but not least they use alligators to save your hinny is just the tip of this set of go find your own black hole to fall into agent Katherine Katt..... I got back from visiting my mom Nancy Watson and my dad Chuck Watson in Cuneca, Ecuador today in fact so be on the lookout for more vacation entries very soon. 
       Okay where was it that we left off from last time in part one of this? If I recall rightly so, Katherine and her team were taking care of SUPERBEINGS appearing in far Connors of the earth, when one of her empathic lover's family member's father send her new team on a mission to find out what is transpiring with a terrorist origination that is calling itself Club 51.....and to top everything off that is already worst than a white out from any type of pie covered with meringue topping fight in a outer space station's mess hall, Kitty's pal Martini that's her alien love bud picks a fight with Saguaro international airport cop for unknown reasons before a bomb went off from the gate they had just exited from..... 
        Oh  and finally there is the strange mystery calls that Kitty keeps getting from this point of the book that I didn't answer in the main overview of the main arc of the story that I'll reveal here as well....        
     Authority ran in the family,  and I had to admit this wasn't too much of a surprise-Martini had indicated his father was essentially the head of the scientific stuff. "So you were the target for the bomb." 
   "I don't think so. It didn't go off until Jeff arrived." I clutched Target No.2's waist. "The bomb was closest to you two." "My mystery caller's words rang in my head. "Oh no not again."
"Not again what?" Martini sounded confused.
  "We have two freaking plans going at the same damn time again." Why couldn't the homicidal psychopaths and world conquering megalomaniacs take turns?
    "Why so?"
"The caller said they'd kill me and my boyfriend unless I left the state. But we've had two attacks that were trying to kill all of us, you and your father specifically in the last one. I wasn't the target, you were."  Oh I hated where this line of reasoning was taking me." So for whatever reason, those running Plan A want the Martini men dead."
   "Fine, that seems at least a workable hypothesis."
"Why would they want to kill me and Jeffrey?" Alfred sounded far less convinced. 
"Maybe  they think Jeff can do whatever it is you do here. Or that he will do whatever it is you would do here." This sounded lamer said aloud in my head. Strangely enough, my most confusing statements seemed to make the most sense to Alfred. He nodded his head. "Okay, that I could see." Really? I hoped he'd explain it to me, I was confusing myself.
"Great. So Plan A is to get rid of the Martinis, and I'd guess that all the others on the Alpha Team are targets too. But Plan B isn't the same thing. Whoever called me wants me to leave, and take Jeff with me, but they aren't in on whatever Plan A is because they didn't say leave or we kill all your friends' or 'leave or we kill all the A-C's."
"Who did you piss off girlfriend?" Reader asked.
"The list is so long." Christopher said. "Really, do we have all day to go through potential suspects?" 
"I'm ignoring you." Besides, I didn't have a suitable comeback. " I think we need to figure out who wants to kill Alpha Team and Alfred, and why." Something niggled. "Alfred? Do you know Leventhal Reid?" He's one of the House of Representatives from Florida."
   He nodded. "Somewhat. He's not a particularly friendly man, but he's been here before always on House business of some kind."
          I do happen to have two more funny bits to pass around before I reveal who Kitty's caller is so let's find out those other two pieces right now shall we?
    Okay in all the flying lessons, and meeting only parts of Martini's parentage, and stopping Club 51's hating spree of well you know.... I forgot to mention that there of course is a new lifeform that Team Alpha come in contact with when questioning three astronauts. One of which happens to know Kitty from way back and his name is Brain Dwyer who is also a high school pal of Miss Katt's that for a very long time didn't know what he wanted to do with his later career so he became a astronaut. In the course of the story he his small team of two other astronauts came back from a space mission with something that is a new kind of lifeform that can interact with anything that is sentential. and when Team Alpha finds out that it could be possibly being hunted like most of them there is sure chaos in trying to give the said lifeform a name. Here is just a few that the team tried to come up with: "BOB", Dakota, and the one that the entity likes who was inside of  Gower the whole time they are naming it . The entity  loved "Kitty", even though Jeff isn't amused by it so they are still searching when Kathrine herself recalled a dream she had just woke from that had when she was sharing time with the entity she had seen Alpha Centauri and Earth, though she had no idea what was meaning of the many planets  cruising around the double stars was the A-C home world. What did the entity have that made it unique? In a way, it belonged to both Alpha Centauri and Earth. Just like the A-C's The A-C's of   Earth.
  "Um....what about.....ACE?" 
"As in spades?" Christopher asked, sounding unimpressed.
No, as in Alpha Centauri and Earth. All capital letters, sort of thing,  A-C-E." 
  That'll sound like he's got a great pilot in there," Joe said sounding uncertain. 
    "Or a  card sharp," Reader added.
     "A tennis pro," Randy suggested.
"There aren't a lot of negatives associated with it," I reminded them. "Most people would take being called the ace as a compliment."
"You just like it because you thought it up," Christopher said. That was true, but I still thought it was good. "We like it," the voice that wasn't quite Gower's.
Gower twitched and nodded. "I'm fine with ACE."
Reader's phone rang. "Hello. Uh-huh. Yeah, we've solved the astronaut problem. No, nothing on the other two. Oh, yeah? Great we'll be there shorty." He hung up. "Glad we have that whole naming issue taken care of, because that was Kevin. He thinks he's found Kitty's stalker."
    We all know that before I reveal the Stalker I have something about Alligators worth munching on and let's say that when the Alpha Team is on the help hotline of saving Kitty's stalker things just get rather yummy for a couple of  oversized reptiles to say in the stopping of  more terrorists whom are working for a certain representatives of the house from the Orange state itself of Florida.  
    "Paul, I don't think ACE can kill someone, right?"  "Oh it can. But I think you mean is it willing to? And the answer is no. At least, I'm not willing to have ACE go insane on me. I think requiring it to kill anyone would cause a major malfunction."
    "Yeah, that's what I meant. But can ACE put some kind of shield around the hostages?" Gower had the expression I was coming to know him having a chat with ACE in his head. "Yes," he said finally. "But ACE isn't sure how well it will work, since this will be the first time we're trying this together."
     "We'll have to chance it." I looked at Martini. "Really, I mean it. Can you, Michael, and Christopher go wrangle up some alligators?" 
     "Why not a couple of grizzlies while we're at it?" he snapped
"If there were any here, I'd ask for them by name, but we have to work with what we've got."
"You're insane," Christopher said. I Know I say that a lot, but it's true." 
"Boys, the longer you wait to get my requested prehistoric attack dogs, the more chances we have of people we care about getting hurt, more hurt, or killed. Oh and don't hurt the alligators- they're a protected species."  
"Unlike the three of us," Martini grumbled.
The only issue with opening the door and releasing the alligator was that I didn't have hyperspeed, and Gower wasn't here to have ACE do crowd protection. On the other hand, it was clear Christopher wasn't going to hang on too much longer. I compromised. I reached up, flung the door open, and screamed, "ALLIGATOR IN THE HOUSE!" as loud as I possibly could. Christopher shoved it in and slammed the door. We both  dropped to the floor. I could hear screams and gunfire. 
"I hope that's a working like we wanted it to." 
  "It's a plan of yours, Kitty. I'm sure it's going haywire somewhere."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence. By the way, not clear on the idea of a big 'gator, were you?" "I was, but that was the biggest I could handle alone. My clothes look like yours normally do."
"They smell much worse than mine ever do."
"So we let you believe."
I was about to say something scathing, when I saw Martini and Michael heading towards us , carrying the largest alligator in, I guessed existence. It was much more pissed than the other one had been and  was struggling with clear intent to at least maim, if not kill . Even in a crouch, though, they had it fairly well under control. "The door Martini hissed. "Like now!" Okay, maybe not all that much  under control. 
    I flung it open again. "BIGGER ALLIGATOR IN THE HOUSE!" They flung Gigantagator in and Christopher slammed the door again. 
    "I just want to say that I hate your plans." Martini leaned against the wall. "And as the go, this one was both the grossest and the most dangerous to life and limb, and, yes,  I'm including when we took down Mephistopheles and all the others." And like one of the other characters said Kitty finds herself facing both of her prehistoric dogs alone. So like I have said these "ALIEN NOVELS" go to well should I say it wet yourself at times and let you find out for yourselves if it's any good? 
   Oh yes before letting your lounge take a rest Kitty's stalker is known as Serene who is also very much who this book in the ongoing series is about and no the answer isn't because she dances well for how she fits in you will just have to read it to see and believe it!                  

May 24, 2015

Still getting use to being home.......

Hello everyone,  
Well as you all know I have now been having a blast of fun for a little bit of a while  and I don't have to tell you where it is that I have been for the first few weeks of this very month. Still just in case you have been in a haze for that brief period of time I do promise that I will tell all of my very fun time of being welcomed back to a place known as the country called Ecuador and of what I did do while needing a very grand break from my place of employment known as the grocery store named  Albertsons ... Yet today I wanna say that I was able to get right back into my weekend routine of making bacon and being known as "The Baconatior" for the men breakfast at Hill Spring church. I was able to go get something that I had seen before my trip started out via by finding it through a website that I frequent ever so slightly about the toys that I collected as a young kid, namely known HE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe. On that very website I saw a link to a sale of a book called "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE" so even through I went and put all of my wanting the book on that webpage site I just decided in the end it would be a whole lot better if I did it through my local comic shop. So back around my birthday back in March I went to Adventures underground and when I was done with my purchase I had remembered about this very special order I wanted So I asked the cashier to look up the ordering information about it. He said the were selling it two ways. I looked at the ordering on  the screen and decided to go with the deluxe way it came. Which was it came like the main thing of power both sides of the classic toy line were fighting for seen here.

Better known as Castle Greyskull, So course as I have said I went over to Adventures a couple of times before my BIG Vacation to still find out it hadn't yet arrived. Yet last Sunday when I got home I had heard one of three messages on my telephone answering machine that I was all ears for without a big horn being added to them. They told me "Your Fancy Shamancy "The ART OF HE-MAN was at the store and for this thing they don't keep it for more than two weeks time....but since they know me they kept it till I was able to get in touch with them. Which I did this past Sunday and said I will be there next Saturday which as all pretense goes without saying is Ta Day! I went there and looked around till about three and got my deal and more as you can see here on 

that same coffee table as above. Anyhoo back to telling you all more about "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE deluxe set comes with the book which is Red in color with the hero's most known weapon on the cover known as the power sword. It also comes with a portfolio art print by an artist named Gerald Parel and the castle Greyskull is a Die cut Two piece box that when you open the jaw bridge of it you see HE-MAN  holding his sword in both hands like he does in the classic opening of the early to mid nineteen eighties cartoon series..... of the same name as the toy line. It was after all of this that I paid a long well over due vist to my friend Jeff Lassiter and his two children Christoper and Kira I stayed with them and had a nice dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread with his extended family and later on put Firefly on his to watch list on Nefllix mainly to see if he may like it I'm hoping he does but if not that's okay too, then we watched a classic episode of Deep Space Nine of Star Trek called "Crossover", boy I just don't know what it is about me loving the Mirror universe of Star Trek so much for if you look closely at the left side of the bottom photo of the backside of "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE your keen eyes will notice two Mister Spocks on a Star Trek collected comic trade called Star Trek Mirror Images!      

May 11, 2015

More than a problem at the Kennedy space center in Florida........ (pt. 2 of 3 )


Hello my friends of noveling space adventures of the ALIEN Saga....,
    In the first part of this book known as ALIEN TANGO I had told you that Katherine Katt had or was trying to learn about how to really fly jet planes since her first encounter with alien parasites that had been trying to be in the human race since the early days of the nineteen sixties and are known as Superbeings from the first novel in this series by Gini Koch, called  " TOUCHED BY AN ALIEN". Well in the beginning of this one did I say she wasn't sure if she wanted to go back to her own high school reunion with the alien pal of hers known as Jeff Martini? I do know that I did tell you about her being the new leader of Airbrone  Division of the Centaurion command by the American government working with the good but exiled Alpha Centurions who go by A-Cs. Why were they exiled here on earth you are asking?, that aside the leader of the earth based A-Cs sent Katherine and her team to find out what was going on at the Kennedy Space Center which is located on Merritt Island in the state of Florida. I had taken you all up the point of just after landing there the A-Cs and Ms Katt encountered a huge take over of the faculties for still a unknown reason?        Some of these questions will be answered here, yet most will not be, but the main one's about the going ons at Kennedy Space Center will introduce a few new characters especially one related to Christopher and Jeff Martini. Also by time we come to the continual part of the story from here on I'm dead sure you will only think you can figure out how the TANGO part is pieced together. 
  Let's back up just a wee bit shall we.... So after hearing what sounds like a bunch of voices while talking to the man who was guiding her crew in at Canaveral ops Kat was worried something big was going on in a big way.....for when she had tried talk with the man who is known as Karl Smith whom was trying to warn her not to land at the space center had suddenly stopped interfacing with her Kitty was more scarred for him than anything else for she had heard what sounded like a scuffing just before that said radio contact went dead silent. The only human on Alpha team   who was running the interface with radio transmissions at their end had given Kitty his thoughts of what he that had happen to who they were talking to with a make believe gesture with his hands of a gun at his temple of his own head. It was then that Katherine was told why they were here at Kenndy Space Center from that same man known as Reader. He told her that recently a shuttle had been on a mission with two other humans and a A-C whom it turned out was related to his lover Paul. The shuttle had encountered a  strange and unknown entity before returning to planet earth. When they land they were facing a tact team of counter resistance lead by a man known as Fred Turco. We also for the first time while all of the commotion was going that a certain relative of Jeff's works for Kennedy his name is Alfred and he is Jeff's papa! After the very incident had left her team scattered all over the space center's main entry way and herself included Kitty had called her Air Force pals in to help out the injured A-C's.....    
       Now that Katherine knew that her team was well taken care of by Alfred she was really unsure of what she would like to identify Jeff's parent as in her clear mind for she feels calling him "Mister Martini" just doesn't feels normal and besides she already has many nicknames in her head for Christopher's dad who originates the A-C's religion practices. So for now she is keeping her mind open to just anything and later on I assure you we will meet Jeff's mama. It turns out that after everything is okay with her team she gets a call on her cellphone from a unknown person that warns her that she and her boyfriend are in constant danger if they don't leave the Kennedy Space Center right the point that this unknown caller will kill them if the means of the warning aren't carried out right at this very moment! When Katherine tells Alfred about the call at first he tries to be all cute with her but at the same time his son let's daddy know how valuable "His Friend has been over the past five months in helping them all. After this it seems as if Alfred feels he can trust  this human female enough to include her in what seems to be a classified secret among the personal of everyone at the space center.
        Everyone of Alpha team  follows Alfred to a secured part of the facility of where they find the three astronauts. It is here where "A BIG BANG OF" emotional fireworks blows up in Kathrine and Jeff's faces. For it turns out that one of the Astronaut pilots is...... someone that only Katherine and Christoper knew of to this point from at the end of the first book in this grand series....... her teenager boyfriend Brain Dwyer. Now remember if you will Jeff Martini is the world's most powerful Denna Tori if you know what I mean from Star Trek the Next Generation, so he mostly goes off the rails for the most part for this half of the tale. We also learn that some of the A-C's are greedy little con artist to a certain degree when those are born without gifts of any kind. This turns out to be the very case in the brother of one of the A-C's from the last book as well named Paul and his brother known as Micheal, tries to smoother Katherine with unwanted affections if not more so than her own ex Mister Dwyer does. While questioning the three astronauts they find out that there happens to be a very different life form from Alpha Centauri that is much in a way like I can't help but again reference Star Trek in someway or other? is where and what I can say about this character so far? 
     Katherine keeps getting phone calls from the mysterious caller while the team is trying to save her trainers from the Air Force that were teaching her the ropes of how to learning more of being a lot better pilot since none of the A-C's can master the trait. She sends half of the A-C's to go get a stronger set of weapons other than just guns. They come back with of course upon her request two alligators to deal with the main baddies of this story whom happen to be part of a group of combined A-C's and humans known as club 51 who hates that most Alpha Centaurions are here to populate but more so help with big problems like attacks from outer space Superbeings for one thing. 
After all is said and done at this point, Kitty has to not only deal with the mysterious caller at the crack of dawn the very next day in a all out cat fight to protect Brain. She also finds herself meeting the whole rest of Martini's family over a meat loaf meal and finding out that before it's even began she has to be the Alpha Centaurions main protector by "ANNEXING CALIENTE BASE!"
         To Be Continued...............                                         

May 10, 2015

Mothers through out time.......

Hello All,  

As you know today is of course Mother's day the all over the world and when the time comes to be "NOT ONLY BE THANKFUL" or "POLITE AND RESPECTING" or "REMEMBERING THE MEANINGS MOST THINGS OF  LOVE COMES FROM YOUR MOM". Now I can say this much about my own mother she has shown me many of these very things that are in between each set of ors that I have listed here same is true with both my dad Michael Joe Byrd and my step father Chuck Watson, but I can't lose focus on who brought me Raymond Matthew Byrd into the world on the date of March 24,1972 and raised me and my brother Michael and sister Kylie into the world as well along with Chuck's son Lyle Watson and his sister Merri Watson  now (Mickelson ) she has been through our hopes and sad times as well. Nancy carol Powers Byrd Watson there is ONE IMPORTANT Thing so super heroic about you that you can never forget you are loved not only on Mother's day but every day. To  everyone who has a mother please read this with a tenderness of feeling so that you can remember to spend time with your own mothers this fine day , and weather you may be at odds of your own feelings or not with the lady who bought you into God 's big beautiful blue and green planet earth. Do something kind for her with a nice lunch and flowers or a call if you're far away, show mom whoever she is to you that she matters in your every thought. Also thanks for letting me Matt Byrd spend my vacation time that falls into mother's day with you pretty lady over the past few years, 💖💖💗💗💞💓your son,Raymond Matthew Byrd     

May 01, 2015

Time to throw the blues of life to the winds of time?

Hello All, 
    So now comes something that I Matt Byrd have been waiting very eagerly for because comics aren't enough and neither is  watching my favorite type of television series, or reading a cool science fiction novel if not a comic book of some matter. That is so very right my good friends whatever has me writing on a excitement in my words has to mean I rarely do this whatever it is? Yet here is a small clue to what it is? Every month of  May I try to jump into this so I can be ready for a whole other year of what we call life. That is right if you haven't figured it out yet by these very words maybe these images will be of 


    my time away from home in North Dakota and South Dakota, and a small family related state known as 

Minnesota to see my sister Merri Mickleson and her bunch of family which is as you can see rather BIG no matter what. Or there was also the year I went 

to Niagara Falls in Toronto Canada and Vancouver Canada the year before that. Then of course even before all of that was my Disney Cruise to parts of Alaska in 2012
   , with not only the people I am vacationing with this year but also with my sister Kylie and her son Bryce were our partners in crime at the time. So yes if you haven't figured it all out yet I am going with these guys seen here
with Bryce and me on a trek to parts unknown. No not really we are heading to Columbus Geroiga to see family I haven't seen since 2000, and then on to their town of Cuenca Ecuador for a couple of weeks amount of time, and don't worry I will have pictures galore I'm sure when I return to share and stories to share aplenty as well! 
      Now on to the monthly matter at hand times two here is what I had here for the moth of April to honor Spock here at the site I call it 

The Enterprise Rockers of the twenty third century. 

Then as my desktop for the month I had his Spock's movie that is still hard for Trek fans to take since his passing 

or at least one of them if not 

the official one.  
       Now for the chess matters of who would win between Nova Wildstar Vs Mary Jane Watson Parker is Nova Wildstar only because she had to endure a game once of checkers where her future husband showed he can't handle a stressful matter of saving the planet earth more than just once! The month of May's contestants are Wonder Woman

 Jamie Sommers of Bionic Woman fame!