May 24, 2015

Still getting use to being home.......

Hello everyone,  
Well as you all know I have now been having a blast of fun for a little bit of a while  and I don't have to tell you where it is that I have been for the first few weeks of this very month. Still just in case you have been in a haze for that brief period of time I do promise that I will tell all of my very fun time of being welcomed back to a place known as the country called Ecuador and of what I did do while needing a very grand break from my place of employment known as the grocery store named  Albertsons ... Yet today I wanna say that I was able to get right back into my weekend routine of making bacon and being known as "The Baconatior" for the men breakfast at Hill Spring church. I was able to go get something that I had seen before my trip started out via by finding it through a website that I frequent ever so slightly about the toys that I collected as a young kid, namely known HE-MAN and the Masters of the Universe. On that very website I saw a link to a sale of a book called "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE" so even through I went and put all of my wanting the book on that webpage site I just decided in the end it would be a whole lot better if I did it through my local comic shop. So back around my birthday back in March I went to Adventures underground and when I was done with my purchase I had remembered about this very special order I wanted So I asked the cashier to look up the ordering information about it. He said the were selling it two ways. I looked at the ordering on  the screen and decided to go with the deluxe way it came. Which was it came like the main thing of power both sides of the classic toy line were fighting for seen here.

Better known as Castle Greyskull, So course as I have said I went over to Adventures a couple of times before my BIG Vacation to still find out it hadn't yet arrived. Yet last Sunday when I got home I had heard one of three messages on my telephone answering machine that I was all ears for without a big horn being added to them. They told me "Your Fancy Shamancy "The ART OF HE-MAN was at the store and for this thing they don't keep it for more than two weeks time....but since they know me they kept it till I was able to get in touch with them. Which I did this past Sunday and said I will be there next Saturday which as all pretense goes without saying is Ta Day! I went there and looked around till about three and got my deal and more as you can see here on 

that same coffee table as above. Anyhoo back to telling you all more about "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE deluxe set comes with the book which is Red in color with the hero's most known weapon on the cover known as the power sword. It also comes with a portfolio art print by an artist named Gerald Parel and the castle Greyskull is a Die cut Two piece box that when you open the jaw bridge of it you see HE-MAN  holding his sword in both hands like he does in the classic opening of the early to mid nineteen eighties cartoon series..... of the same name as the toy line. It was after all of this that I paid a long well over due vist to my friend Jeff Lassiter and his two children Christoper and Kira I stayed with them and had a nice dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread with his extended family and later on put Firefly on his to watch list on Nefllix mainly to see if he may like it I'm hoping he does but if not that's okay too, then we watched a classic episode of Deep Space Nine of Star Trek called "Crossover", boy I just don't know what it is about me loving the Mirror universe of Star Trek so much for if you look closely at the left side of the bottom photo of the backside of "The Art of HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE your keen eyes will notice two Mister Spocks on a Star Trek collected comic trade called Star Trek Mirror Images!      

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