October 24, 2022

"Cult of Dracula", or is it absolutely about something else?

    So Ummm what is up for you my humble readers, well here is the start of some fascinating treats or threats that I am sure you'll undoubtedly have a yummy scare with.....                                                                                                                                                              Ultimately it's very close to that given day when children of any age really love and no I don't mean the day known as Christmas morning... but rather the given holiday that gives those very young and inspiring little people always get a chance to really realize how best to use their imaginations to be something outside of themselves to get treats by running up to a front door of a house and saying "Trick or Treat" after ringing a doorbell.  To get a favorite candy of their liking from a big bowl from the one who is handing out the candies who like them when it has been me in past few years of time I am dressed up for fun like seen here 

                    with a young lady who is being Supergirl! And I just so happened to be heading home from Albertson's on Halloween night before going over to my brother's house to celebrate Trick or treating with his kiddos who are much more than just little ones now, but I helped hand out treats for them while his wife took the kids Trick or treating around their neighborhoods. The picture itself goes all the way back dating wise to October of twenty, twelve. Yet I do not know if yours truly will be costuming up for this very year...                                                                                                                                                          Enough with all the teasing of what ALL the little monsters want on Ol Hallows Eve, and even though we are a little over a week left before the scares or horrible horrorfic day is here for this very year of when I happen to be half way to a specific year known as twenty, seventy-two when I will be if I am seriously lucky one hundred years old! So today here is our first treat of October, twenty, twenty two:                                                                     
We are going to be going over the trade that my spider reading pal is holding known as "Cult of Dracula". It is six issues full of words from writer Rich Davis and main covers of the whole series are by GYULA NEMETH with the B covers are by SHANNON MAER. The publisher who put out this series is Source Point Press. Before we get into this review I thought you'd all like to see Maer's B cover to issue one,  well here     

,it is. I don't  have the individual issues of this very series but this one is the one I would love to have for certain!                                                                                                                               I know that I mostly give away the story in most of my reviews but I'm sure going to  try not to do that with this one....                                                                                                                You all know who it is that wrote the original story of Dracula right, it was a young man by the name of Bram Stoker who was born on November eight, eighteen forty seven. Was originally named after his father minus the junior part because of their Irish heritage I would like to believe?, but I really have no actual ideal reasoning for it. His full name was with "Bram" actually shorten from of course Abraham Stroker, when he was choosing his pen name. He was the third of seven children to Abraham and Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley Stoker in Dublin, Ireland. His first novel was a romance themed story in eighteen,  ninety titled "The Snake Pass", it was seven years later that he wrote Dracula, when he was fifty years old. He died on April twenty in nineteen twelve of locomotor ataxia, better known today as Syphilis.                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                           The feeling that I can say while I was reading  Cult of Dracula was a very interesting mystery from in the sense of it being a four point set of characters stories in the very town that inspired Stoker to write
 the character of Dracula to begin with which is the coastal town of Whitby, England. Was a both driving me into of course a horrorfic blood bath at points and a straight up as weird as it might actually seem an odd love story in a odd way,  so I would have to think that besides coming up with his own plot for his own tale of Dracula Rich Davis had read the original novel by Stoker a few time over!   Now one very thing that I am certain of, that as far as I know about I don't believe that Davis used Bram's characters beat for beat in his graphic novel series....                                                     Here's a quick list of some characters in "Cult of Dracula": Mina Murray who is a news reporter in Whitby, England her camera operator Jonathan Harker who like Murray is an graduate assistant of Abraham van Helsing. Jonathan finds out that he needs to get some more gaff tape when he meets Lucy and Arthur Holmwood, and the Reaper (who is more than whom he claims to be), and there is also an unnamed decetevice. The art through this series by Henry Martinez, and Puis Calzada, pulls the world of Rich Davis story of the most famous vampire into hunting haunt for the scares of all ages. The rating of this graphic novel is assuredly Mature readers in case you're wondering if it is for little kiddos, it's not! My overall rating of this Halloween scare fest is an B plus! 

September 04, 2022

A very short road or a lot of wordplay going on?

Hey All,                                                                                                                                                           I am not sure of where the starting point of this one should be? Or maybe even if will have a great ending area of my great Sunday of labor day weekend of twenty, twenty two. Sure without any doubt I WILL ADMIT that I really do love comics as I have always talked about in the past many times over.... but over the past few weeks of the end of last month I will definitely admit that I have very thoughtful work ahead of me. Yet I am not sure if you are ever going to really believe it or not unless I really can prove it!                                        So last Thursday I had started my long hard laboring work of actual fun and here's only a bit of what it all boils down to! 


This is in my main living room area minus where my couch is, so as I was saying your able to really see what I DO MEAN by using my noggin bit of work.                                                 What is it besides reading monthly comic books that is IMPORTANT ABOUT THEM is really remembering to keeping it simple for yourself when you're or myself wanting to go back and wishing to remind myself of the reading order besides that each comic publisher has in the upper left corner of each title of every comic issue the issue number and the month it comes out. Sometimes it might even be in the bar code of more recent comics. And a lot of times it is that the bar codes are on the back of a comic so that the artists work isn't cluttered by the letter head of the title at all, also the companies put out variants an charges a couple more dollars for the cover itself. How most collectors also sort their collections of comic runs is by both titles and volumes, especially since in recent years the main two companies which are Decetevice and Marvel comics are always restarting their line of storylines for their characters.                                                                The only thing that I really wish that I had true time for is for me to sit down and put real thoughts into reading these characters storylines and then review them and share my ongoing thoughts of how good or bad a title is? So overall I am very grateful to always have a label in here for each title that I am wanting to share with everyone who visits here at this very blog. Also in a couple of weeks time my mother and step dad are coming for a brief time and my sister Kylie as well in near the end of this very month. So I am off to work over this rest of today and these upcoming weeks as well too!

A comic that's closely to our time!

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                         To say since  the one who  is writing this very review of the very book seen here 

, by my Spider pal is wanting to push forwardly my thoughts on why we as people NEED TO BE HELPING the ones we know as our close friends and family that being judged for any reason of anything negative in any way right now is very wrong no matter that as of right now the whole planet is crazy about something  that is completely unknowable of a very interesting yet strange virus. That seems to be affecting each one of us very differently than when it first came to be known as what it is Covid-19.  But I am only saying that this very comic's content is just as important to not be a complete unknowable thing about being judged on whom we are on our nationally or our skin color, which in and of itself seems to happen quite a lot.                                                                       The comic that I am going to be reviewing today is as you saw above SUPERMAN SMASHES THE KLAN deals immensely with the first created superhero that stands for American driving hope of helping others. This very comic story is written by Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru did the art and cover that I have. Gurihiru are y women from Japan     named Chifuyu Saskai and Naoko Kawano who do art for American mainstream publishers Decetevice and Marvel comics and their many characters, and yes they have done my favorite one Spider-Man as well. Gurihiru is the name of their production studio from what I have been able to find out through my many internet searches as for what I have been able to find out about the writer himself is also from the web, which is that he is uncertain of where he was born... he thinks it's either ALAMEDA OR FREMONT, CALIFORNIA. This is according to his Wikipedia page and he might know more about it on that since it was posted as far back as August twenty eleven.  He was born on August ninth,  nineteen seventy-three to Taiwan parents who emgrainted from Hong Kong when they were young.                                                                                                                                             So I am going to guess that like myself Yang grew up knowing very little about Superman other than when he saw a animated cartoon of the character or read a comic book that he was lucky enough to find?, but decided early on that he wanted to be a creative person in his own young life. Superman Smashes The Klan was originally published in twenty nineteen. It's contains a feel of the original Max Fletcher cartoon series like the scene here 
, where he is saving Lois Lane from flowing lava in the episode titled "The Mechanical Monsters." The Max Fletcher cartoon series came out in nineteen forty two and forty three and was based on the character who was created back in April of nineteen thirty eight from National Comics by Jerry Siegel and Joseph Shuster who was only five years old when the cartoon series was airring.                                                                                                                        Superman in Superman Smashes The Klan does have him fighting a huge mechanical robot that is apparently Germany's last stance of taking over the world. The robot is known as Atomic Man. He attacks the Metropolis Dam and is seen by two of Superman's coworkers from the Daily Planet... after the man of steel beats the robot which surprisingly has a human inside it...? After Superman flies off, our other characters are introduced a Chinese family just now moving into one of the many suburbs of Metropolis itself. The family consists of a mother and a father who have two kids a boy named Tommy and his younger sister Roberta, the kids act just as any normal children do as car traveling buddies do of just not getting alongside well because they don't have patience with each other in respectful ways. Both of Tommy and Roberta seem to grow up throughout the course of the story while others adults like their dad's boss and a boy who knows both Tommy and Roberta have strong feelings about their newest coworker and Little league team mate. Roberta tries her best to showing Tommy's team mates through words that he is just as important a tryout player as any of them are and his background of race should never be a reason to be judged for as to his merit to try in anything. The only player that isn't listening no matter what is the boy I mentioned earlier his name is Chuck Riggs.                                                                                                                 Chuck later after the game is over and at home with his uncle ( I won't mention his name in the story part but later I will), and they talk about one thing of the game and no it's not at all about Chuck's athletic abilities or if he handled himself as a responsible human being towards his own teammates. They talk about Tommy Lee the newest tryout player... the uncle tells his nephew that Chuck WILL BE ACCOMPANYING him to a new meeting in this very suburb of Metropolis... The very meeting Chuck and his uncle are attending is Chuck's initiation ceremony into the KLAN OF FIERY KROSS!                                           After talking with her mom about what had happened earlier that day at the local church's baseball playing field with Tommy her brother, Roberta tries her best to fall asleep. When she all of a sudden sees a orange light outside of her bedroom window. It turns out that members of KLAN OF FIERY KROSS are right outside setting aflame a cross on the Lee's front lawn, as the mom and dad at a indecisive decision on what is to be done Tommy  makes the choice to stand up against these invaders. The next morning Perry White has sent out his two best reporters Lois Lane and Clark Kent and photographer Jimmy Olsen for what has happened to this newest family in this part of Metropolis. The leader of the FIERY KROSS later makes Tommy Lee disappear and Roberta his sister gets help in possibly finding him with Chuck Riggs and Superman!            To Be Continued....                                                                                                                                       So why did I title this review "A COMIC THAT'S CLOSELY TO OUR TIME!", is besides trying to get it noticed, I hope that it will come across as a thoughtful moment of being always to have a chance to explore ourselves of our true and honest thoughts on living during post Covid-19 times. When anyone of us needs to have help with something that is beyond our given control what it is that we do? Well I would like to believe that as individuals we drive our brains to seeking not just one single answer to suit our given questionable task of circumstances we are dealing with each and every day of our existence. I have mostly thought of when we as a species need to grow in any knowledge of  emotional learning how we respond to Love or Indifference and even Hate the two that are very easy are the latter of Love and Hate...                                                                               This comic story deals immensely with the emotions of one's feeling towards Asians specifically of Chinese decent Cantonese people from how they are adjusting to living life in a new country for them, and various neighbors who have been taught to ONLY have H.A.T.E. ( I do have an spelling of each letter of an acronym for this word that I am working out for clarification, which can be found in my subsequently area on here known as  "Brain Teasers that keep you Smart"). For this one here on racism in a or any comic story we'll label it Having. Animosity. Torturement. Everything/Everyone. It is very sad to me as a comic fan to seeing this topic needing to be addressed directly during a time of when we still are in a unknowable cross road of a pandemic that both we and the government don't fully know why Covid-19 is in full swing...                                                              I have heard that both Marvel the comic company that I really enjoy more than Decetevice comics have both been taking away the super heroes and super villains in their main story arcs over the last few years of time. To me I am willing to admit that I really still love comics no matter what. One of my last things I want you my many readers to know about Hate in all forms especially towards fellow human beings should NEVER BE ALLOWED AT ALL! WE Willingly share our reasoning to be understanding respectful of each other. Finally the last thing from this story of Superman Smashes The Klan that truly makes me feel sad is that Chuck Riggs character's uncle is known as Matt! Yet he's not full of being kindness of his heart at anyway at all! I do want to be able to find part two and three of this very story because I know that deep down I want to know what it is that will be happening with these characters in this very story arc. My overall grade of this story is an C minus for right now.  

August 18, 2022


Hello comic loving and horror fans alike,                                                                                            Tonight I am going to really ready to give myself something of a short but striking bit of a true introduction to one of character that I know at least a little about. Here is what I am trying to scare myself with, 

  here in great reading sofa with my cohort of  comic crime reading Spidey showing off what we are capable of being a smashing to maybe a silly review or a serious one! Who really knows? So here's a lot of questions that will impress me as well as you my reading audience... and we will cover THE DARKNESS volume II eventually if not this time very soon after this one the only thing that I will absolutely know about THE DARKNESS volume II is that last week I picked it up along with another oversized comic that is actually the whole nineteen nineties storyline and returning from the dead... Death Of Superman at of course, Adventures!                                                                                                               My overall understanding of the character known as Vampirella goes way back to when I was still a teenager. We, our family were living in Gaithersburg, Maryland at the time I was attending Wooton high school and it was my first year in a new environment.  While throughout that whole year of nineteen eighty eight I was able to meet a nice teenager named Chan he was a few years older than me. We really had found a common connection as friends besides being in a few classes together. One time over my many visits to his home I was able to see that someone was a big fan of comic books like I was starting again to be one myself from when I was a little guy. Anyway it turns out that they had some magazine sized comics with a woman in a eye catching red suit on the covers, the insides of these comics were Black and White,  which in later years I would come to find that I really appreciate what the creators do to sell their products.                                             Vampirella had her starting in September, nineteen sixty nine by comic writer Forrester J. Ackerman and comic illustratior Trina Robbins designed the character's             iconic Red suit. 
Now let's get this review of these current Vampirella comics started, we will start with Vampirella Hollywood Horror the trade that Spider-Man has in his lap. It's a six issue storyline that was published in twenty,  sixteen it was written by Kate Leth and is drawn by comic artist Eman Casallos,  with cover for the trade is by Jenny Frison who is currently doing a variety of variations of Decetevice Comics characters covers.
        In it's opening Hollywood Horror has an actress heading to work outside of Santa Clarita, California to her current production, where she meets the casting director Slade and the filming begins of a scene. Meanwhile in the hills of Hollywood we see that Vampirella and her friend Tristan and her chauffer Coleridge arrive at their new manison that Coleridge found through an offer on Craigslist. When Vampirella and Tristan are just getting ready to rest for the night 
they have a very unexpected guest break upon them. Vampirella chases the guest off of her private property.  When she tries to find out who the guest is he simply designated,  but she finds a calling card with the casting director from earlier. The next morning she and Tristan arrive in Hollywood to find a bit of help from an investigator in finding out who Slade is?                                                                                                                                                  Vampirella and Tristan use the help of the investigator who is named Ms Court by having her interview the alien from the planet known as Drakulon. One of the many attending adording fans during the interview is dressed very similar to the way of Vampi's mysterious guest from the night before and for whatever reason Vampirella attacks the fan. We as the comic reader, find out at the same time the casting director Slade seems to be trying use her own investigator to finding Vampirella!                                     Eventually both Slade and Vampirella meet up and have a huge battle to the death... by the fifth arc in this tale. Then the sixth part of this series seems at it's end to just be tacked on as Vampirella finding out on Halloween night that she has a particular new favorite love interests who happens to use her as his guardian while he goes trick or treating!              Overall this for my very first of reading of a Vampirella story is both very interesting to seeing how the character is good at being a horror driven female that's always at her own crossroad of dealing with her foes. Yet at the same time this story at the very given time is very compressed of where it's headed. I am giving it as a grade C minus.                                         Now onward with the two other comics seen with Spider-Man of Vampirella's more current titles... we are going to review VAMPIRELLA FAIRY TALES which is on the left of my reading partner.  Here's a closer look at         

   the cover first! Vampirella has a wolf behind her and she seems to have a red cape besides her classic red suit alone. Then of course there are bats behind her as well, the illusion of the cover and the writer of the story inside are by Soo Lee.  The main illustrator for the story is Emiliana Pinna. Vampirella walks through some woods and a pack of wolves are tracking her. She come to a mysterious old woman who tells her about a werewolf that has been killing a lot of the villagers and the village remains constantly in fear. The old woman asks for Vampirella's help to hunt down the cursed creature with a basket of goodies.                                                                                                                                      She returns to the woods and waits for her target while drinking some wine. When her target attacks they stare each other down. For a brief moment each thinks they can honestly best the other.... and yes with both being their own creatures of habits they of course bite each other! But when Vampirella does it, she cuts it's head from the wolf's body. She returns to the old woman place in the village she had offered to help.  She warns the old woman that there are always dangerous dangers just outside any village before she goes looking for a ride out of this chaotic village... the arc ends with her meeting another old woman this one happens to be offering Vampirella some milk and cookies!                                                                                                                                                             As I was reading this story I had the very feeling that Vampirella was extremely ready for her take of being Red Riding Hood only without a doubt a bloody end was the result no matter what the find outcome is? This is a one shot as to if the other story will lead some where is anyone's real guess? For still not knowing much about the actual character of Vampirella herself,  I am willing to give Vampirella FAIRY TALES a ranking of a B plus,  again mostly for the art of the story.                                                                                                            Now for a review of the book that really has me thinking that Vampirella is just as important as both Spider-Man or Spawn or even as fascinating as Batman or even as cool as the horror hostess named Evlira who is portrayed by actress Cassandra Peterson.  Who happens to be having a couple of comic series appearing here soon. The book we are glancing at now is part of the current ongoing Vampirella title which is titled Vampirella year one! On the cover of my copy she happens to have a silver suit on instead of her regular red one, it's because the character is currently celebrating fifty three years of existence. The writer of this historical background of the super vampire heron is Christopher Priest, who has written for both Decetevice Comics and Marvel Comics as far back as nineteen eighty four of most of their main characters.  Christopher has been writing the Vampirella title since July of twenty, nineteen. The illustrator for Vampirella year one is Ergun GuNDuz.                                                                                                                               Like a whole lot of "year one" storylines, at Decetevice or Marvel comics are made to help both old or newer readers of any certain characters a current telling of said character's original origin... I happened to have on this blog a review of Frank Miller's Batman Year one. Vampirella year one's cover that I have is illustrated by Collette Turner and Dynamite press that releases has a complete listing of all of their alternative versions of this cover, which amounts to thrity six different covers. The story begins with Vampirella talking to a man who is unnamed, he has brought her enrichment nourishment and she is talking to her belly as she holds it. We learn of her own history on her home planet called Drakulon. We learn of Drakulon's governing system and much her mother is someone of great potential power in her own right! Also one other thing that we as readers learn is her nickname by her closest friend is Snoop.             My impression from reading this year one arc that's bound to truly grace anyone who  is  a true comics lover  is that because  of everything new is our/my luring hook to not  only love or like what it is your brain is devouring...( see what  it  is  that I did there?, with it actually being that the character I am conversing of is well a vampire, no less) is giving me the one who cares absolutely about comics is the thoughts to flow for those of us that are always full of reaching ideas in certain ways of being caring about being creative in our own hopeful ways. As to what grade do I give Vampirella Year One number one for a whole altogether is an A plus... As to my review of THE DARKNESS volume II so far I am only on chapter 2, out of a spanning story of crimes throughout New York in the mid nineteen nineties that have magical weapons for the two main protagonists involved.  It has altogether twenty six chapters in the tomb of that very trade. Till next time my friends and love ones, enjoy whatever you DO have reading wise that let your mind wonder into a whole world of challenging growth known as reading! 

August 01, 2022

Today is of course a National comic book character day of????

Hello All,                                                                                                                                                        Let me start off by saying that at the beginning of the earlier post of today titled "Hailing Frequencies are always recommended", where overall I went and did my utmost humbling best to paying respect to everyone's original communications officer of a science fiction series called Star Trek. Her name was Nichelle Nicholas she portrayed Luentiant commander Uhura, there was one thing on that entry that I forgot about in sharing about the fictional character and what that was is that until the Star Trek Trilogy of films by television and film director J.J. Abrams was it that Uhura got a first name. It is  Nyota. 

 Truly though I was wanting to start this very entry with why I have been using the color of REover the last couple of years during the summer months... and I want more than anything to say it's not because of the weather being just so HOT. For myself I think that the main reasons I have been using this and other colors of REis because the different colors of REDmake me feel that it gives myself energizing ideas throughout the mist of each day of the three months called sun screen protector time known as sizzling summer time.                                                                  Today's very late entry is about comics again,  this time I am going to be talking about of course my favorite one known as Spider-man yet really I am going to try my best to do this one as a general overview of Spider-man's lore without to much of my reasoning of what I know is going wrong with the character as a whole and the company that owns him. Way before even Spidey came along there were two other big sets of characters that are just as important as he is for the publisher called Marvel Comics. They are The Fantastic four seen here 
 and also at first a monster that was at first grey in color, but was after his first appearance in his own title       

of The Incredible Hulk. These characters were illustrated by Jack Kirby and scribed 
by Stan Lee. The Hulk's color went from Grey to Green and was then given a chance to appear in another Marvel comic title "Tales to Asontish" starting with issue sixy.  Which was a full year and half after his six issue main series that started originally in April of nineteen sixty two with a May cover date. When the issue of Tales to Asontish with his first appearance was released in September of nineteen sixty four with a cover date of October #60. Speaking of sixty that is how old the characters of Bruce Banner and Peter Parker are, who are those given names your probably wondering well those are the civilian selves of Spider-Man and the Jolly Greemonster known as the Hulk. So the Hulk'actual anniversary owned month is the other "A lettered month" of the year,  called April.                                                                                                                                              Before you ask how I am hoping to celebrate the month of Spider-Man besides reading his adventures in his comics that I am going to devote the rest of my main free time to besides other comics as well, I'm wondering do you at all are you knowing of the anniversaries of Decetevice Comics super heroes? That are legacy characters like the Marvel ones that I have mentioned so far...                                                                                      Here they are from the likes of how I listed the Marvel ones on their popularity, for the oldest running comic book superhero that everyone without any doubt has knowledge of is the fellow whose motto is "T.J.A.T.A." maybe his animosity of his motto might be to admittingly hard on our brains when D.C. is trying to convince us the character needs to be modernized to fit our world as it is now. I am of course talking about the guy seen here from the Max Fletcher cartoon series of the character's 

  name. Simply known as Superman. He is eighty four years old as of this very writing . His celebration month is April with a cover date on Action Comics #1 June, nineteen thirty eight.  The other Decetevic
 Comics character that is equally the equivalent of Superman and has currently too many different comic titles it makes even my noggin spin worse than a plastic toy top is of course... is the guy 

            seen here. He is known as Batman, his celebration month is also April.  His first comic appearance was in Decetevice Comics # 27 that came out in May/June of nineteen thirty nine with a cover dated of  May,  So Bats and Sups are just a full year apart in their anniversaries celebrations.  The Third major comic character from Decetevice Comics is a female an is known as     
Yes you guessed right on who that female character is if you say Wonder Woman. Whose first appearance was in "All Star comics # eight, with a cover date of Dec/Jan, nineteen forty one.  It was released in October of that year so Wonder Woman's celebration month is October. The first Decetevice Comics team book that the Justice League appeared in was The Brave and the Bold issue # twenty eight cover dated March,nineteen sixty.  It was originally released in February of that year, so The Justice League * (which are known to most children as the superfriends from the nineteen seventies), celebration month is February and are sixty two years old. And the reason why the Fantastic Four were created in October, nineteen, sixty one with their first issue cover date being November in the upper left corner box. They are celebrating sixty one years this very year.                         Now as I am such a huge fan of the webspiner one of Spider-man's many nick names, besides doing a lot of reading of his monthly comic adventures,  I am thinking of watching the classic sixty seven cartoon series on DVD. His movies from the early two thousands, and  come up with my own stories to share here on this site. An finally if I can find some much needed time I will definitely be getting around to illustrating him if I honestly can find the time. Happy this 
guy day to all of... no more like Happy Spidey month to all of his many fans young and old alike! 


Hailing Frequencies are always recommended.....

Hello to All crews of exploration of everything and crews with imaginations that are full of loss always as well.....                                                                                                                                            Maybe the reason of why of late that I have been so focused on my writings of my blog posts have been showing up in a regardless colors that are in RED will most certainly be carefully explained. While I was working on my entry about talking of the passage of Tony Dow also known as Wally Cleaver on the nineteen fifties to early nineteen sixties television series called "Leave It To Beaver ", while watching the Memeroial Entertainment Television marathon which included "Wally's new Job". Here's a few scenes                                  


                                                                                                              , from that very episode. During one of the many comicreal breaks over the course of the ten episodes shown I had gotten to see that as I had said at it's end of yesterday post someone else had went to their heavenly home of existence, and if you're in need of what series the one who did pass was a part of  here is their station on a very famous spaceship.                                                                                                               

                         Up above is her place on the bridge of the N.C.C. 1701 constitution class of the earth spaceship known as the Enterprise. So before I get to who it is that passed away yesterday I will give you a run down of the original series characters that have entered into the energizing bridge of heaven with a quote from the character famous related line of dialogue. Believe you me, I am going to make this part very both interesting and worth coming back for, for every actor from a certain television or movie that I have cherished.  So the first line of dialogue that I am giving  is "There comes a time when a man finds that he can't fall in love again....He knows that it's time to stop. I don't belong on your ship....I belong on this one. This was my home. This is where I had a purpose. " It is on the holo deck and is said to Jean Luc Picard. The person who says this is James Doohan as ????                                                                                   

                                                                                  Here is another quote by Doohan's character from his character in the voyage home the fourth movie of the original Star Trek movies "Admiral, there be whales here!"  He went join his other cast member whom I will be talking about next, Doohan left earth on July 20, 2005. He was eighty five years of age. Now on to the first original series cast member that has passed, but first here's a few lines of his character dialogue "It seems Admiral, that I have all of his marbles." And of course when this very character portrayed by DeForest Kelley was an Admiral himself " I don't see no points on your ears, boy, but you sound like a Vulcan. " "No, sir. I am an android." " Almost as bad." From Star Trek TNG polit "Encounter at Farpoint."                                                                                                                       

                                                                                     Or his character's best line of the original series "I'm a Doctor not an...." DeForest Kelley left earth on June 11, 1999. He was seventy nine years of age. For those wondering who was more recent passing of this bridge officer that passed is without any doubt, of the original Star Trek series most famous character of all them was of course the character portrayed by Leonard need I say his last name? Well here's some of his character's dialogue that your may know of... "Well, we found a whole world of minds that work just like yours: logical,  unemotional,  completely pragmatic. And we poor irrational humans whipped them in a fair fight. Now you'll find yourself back among us illogical humans again." "Which I find eminently satisfactory, Doctor.  For nowhere am I so desperately needed as among a shipload of illogical humans."  Or going with his character's Next Gen appearance in "Unification" two parter that was made to honor the creator of all Star Trek Gene Roddenberry.  Here's that very bit of dialogue "In your own way, you are as stubborn as another captain of the Enterprise I once knew. " Then I am in good company, sir."                                                         

Then of course there is Leonard's character most well noted bit of dialogue that even any non star trek fan does know "Live Long And Prosper."                                                                       Of course who we are really talking about today is the Young lady who sat behind Kirk on the bridge at the communications station, called Uhura portrayed by Nichelle Nicholas.  Whose character according to Gene Roddenberry her name means freedom. Before she was cast as Uhura on Star Trek she was a singer and dancer in her very early twenties and was touring with bands lead by Duke Ellenton and Lionel Hamilton. She caught the eye of Huge Hefner when she was playing a fictional character based off of lose adaption of his famous magazine,  while living in Chicago. Two years before Star Trek was ever thought about by Gene Roddenberry she starred in his police drama television show called "The Lieutenant" in the episode titled "To Set It Right" which had dealt with racial prejudice. That very same episode starred Don Marshall who would later play in Star Trek's first season episode "The Galileo Seven". Her character in "To Set It Right"     

           was named Norma Bartlett.                                                                                                        Nichelle's character of Uhura first appeared in the episode titled "The Corbomite Maneuver" it was also the only time her character's uniform was command yellow like Kirk's usually is through out the series. 
 Expect for when he wore his alternate  green tunic one from time to time as well. Her normal one after Uhura's first episode was mainly Red for the remainder of the series. Nichelle throughout the course of the first season of Star Trek had very strong improvement of something that she was very unaware of?, what was that your are thinking of that she did that she didn't know of or as I phrased  it as unawareness of... 
    At the same time of when the first season was in progress of being made there was in the Civil Rights movement that had started in nineteen fifty four, the movement's leader was                                                                     

                                                                                            the man seen here with Nichelle.  When these two met Martin Luther King Jr had told Nichelle of how her most recent work experience was the best way of showing that all people are capable of making is a solid foundation of both people of African-American decent and of other races being absolutely capable of making their dreams a reality. In fact here is a picture of their                                                                                                 

                            conversation with Nichelle as Uhura. After also voicing her concerns to Gene Roddenberry as well and hearing that he made up his fictional space crew of people of all diversities, because he was wanting to show the whole planet earth that everyone can really reach their greatest potential,  no matter what! Seeing that both men saw things as understanding common people,  She stayed on as Uhura from the next two seasons of the series. Nichelle got to have William Shanter share the very first interracial kiss 

 in the third season episode titled "Plato's  Stepchildren" *( more about this when I review STAR TREK the television series itself). Star Trek itself, was canceled on June third,  nineteen sixty nine.                                                                                                                                However anyone who is a Star Trek loyalists of the series knows that there was something called syndication. Which allowed any network in anywhere to play and replay the series over time and again and that of course had new fans grow out of it wanting more... Roddenberry was paying very close attention to that and he and his actors, and screenwriters put together after seeing the First
STAR WARS film in nineteen seventy seven were hard at work on a new forum of Star Trek one way or another. They started out by trying to make another television series, but that overall plan would payoff in a whole multitude of new ways... in the meantime the animation company of Filmation came to Roddenberry and offered him a cartoon series as long as all of the actual actors were willing to voice their characters and all but Leonard Nimoy were willing to do it at first. In fact here is the animated cel of  Uhura 

 with Nichelle as Uhura, the animated series put the owners of Star Trek franchise ready for Star Trek the motion picture. Even when Nichelle wasn't working on fictional space in the nineteen seventies she was busy helping the ongoing real life space exploration known as NASA. The  re-release of the animation series after the motion picture was released increased even more new fans to the fantastic space operatic saga known as Trek. What then followed were five more feature films and in late nineteen eighty seven a new version of Trek was forever forged into place.                                                                     I almost forgot to mention that Nichelle was born Grace Dell Nicholas in Robbins,  Illinois in nineteen thirty two. And has been one the best communications of keeping not only Star Trek going for close to fifty six years... She found time to have a family as well.           Is there something that I am of course forgetting over this long goodbye to a great woman who died at eighty nine of heart failure in Silver city,  New Mexico just two days ago on July thirty, twenty,  twenty two. Well yes there's the reason I have been writing in R
ED most of this summer don't worry all will be explained later tonight in another post for August first? Yes your getting two for the price of one today! 

July 31, 2022


Hello everyone,                                                                                                                                            Usually when one thinks of a person's passing it really affects them weather they are famous or family, when it is family without any doubt it is absolutely a lot more personal and emotionally feeling wise because of how connected you are to your family member that has left for their existence here on planet earth is done or at least complete. Earlier last week Tony Dow had went home to be with his fellow actors Hugh Bueamount who was his father Ward Cleaver and his television mom Barbara Billingsley June Cleaver,  Ken Osmond, Eddie Hasskell his best friend in the series that they all shared with child star Jerry Mathers Theodore Cleaver who goes by the name of "Beaver" in "Leave It to Beaver". Here's a photo of 

       the main family.  The series was created by Bob Mosher and Joe Conelly and was mostly based off their childhood memories. The series started on CBS television for it's first season  which had this 

   as the series opening title page in nineteen fifty seven, when at the end of nineteen fifty eight television renewals the show moved to the ABC network for it next five years of it run. Tony's char
acter was show cased on M.E.T.V. from noon till five pm and the episode that is currently airring is "Wally's new suit". Here are some scenes 

from that very episode.  They had nine other Wally central episodes that celebrated both the character and the Tony himself.   
 I will admit right now that I didn't know that Mr. Dow was officially on his last bit of life anymore than most of the world knew of it. I only remember just a couple of days before he had entered his heavenly existence that the whole world knew it was coming because this past Wednesday the internet explosion of his passing was on every media site without knowing if it was truly confirmed. I really remember watching "Leave It to Beaver" while visiting with my mom's parents and her side of the family over our family vacations to Clomibus, Georgia... it's and really the Twilight Zone were my most likeable series of most of the nineteen fifties era of the boom of the early days of television. Of I will admit that I like the Lone Ranger series that was in Black and White as well, as Blondie. (Yes back in the beginning of Television they tried every form of comic media even in those days). Blondie is of course a newspaper daily comic strip that began in the month of September 

 , in nineteen thirty.  I happen to be getting off track here, but eventually I will post about my understanding of that given newspaper strip and hopefully before the year is out, so I can write it while I'm in my fiftive year of existence.                                                                      Back to the topic at hand of the life and respect of Tony Dow, after Leave It to Beaver had ended nineteen sixty three he started guest staring  roles on television series of "My Three sons",  "Adam-12", "Emergency!", "Knight Rider" of series that I really know of.  In the mid nineteen eighties he reprised his role of Wally Cleaver in "STILL THE BEAVER". Which ran from nineteen eighty five through to nineteen eighty nine. It had a television movie in nineteen eighty three that started the series, and it was dedicated to Hugh Bueamount who played the dad  Ward Cleaver in the original series. Who had passed away on May fourteenth, nineteen eighty two.                                                                                In the end of nineteen eighty nine slash early nineteen nineties Tony had went from being a livelihood of a actor to branching his creative mind to be behind the cameras. He started with an episode of the new Lassie show near it's end of a single season series, and while directing other episodes of various series he was learning on visual effects while working on Babylon five as a director as well. (One other quick note of late I Matt, have been opening up to lately on YouTube of looking into Babylon five at least a little bit of late). He was the visual supervisor on the Doctor Who television movie that was released in nineteen ninety six.   
He was born in nineteen thirty four, on April thirteenth, in a Hollywood on the outskirts of Los Angeles California to Muriel Virginia and John Dow.  Before he was discovered by  a talent scout Tony was training to make it as a swimmer in the Junior Olympics for his upcoming career  in his real life high school.  In May of twenty, twenty one he was diagnosed with liver cancer and as far as I know that is what was his cause of death! His death happen on July twenty seventh,  twenty, twenty two...  he was just a young age of seventy- seven. Finally before I leave you here is Tony and Jerry as their classic brotherly sevles                                                                 
Wally and Theodore Cleaver. Then while watching this very Tribute to Mister Dow on M.E.T.V. I had found out that just today another celebrity passed away into science fiction heaven... who is it? All I can say is that tomorrow I will have at least two posts coming is all that I will say for right now!