September 04, 2022

A very short road or a lot of wordplay going on?

Hey All,                                                                                                                                                           I am not sure of where the starting point of this one should be? Or maybe even if will have a great ending area of my great Sunday of labor day weekend of twenty, twenty two. Sure without any doubt I WILL ADMIT that I really do love comics as I have always talked about in the past many times over.... but over the past few weeks of the end of last month I will definitely admit that I have very thoughtful work ahead of me. Yet I am not sure if you are ever going to really believe it or not unless I really can prove it!                                        So last Thursday I had started my long hard laboring work of actual fun and here's only a bit of what it all boils down to! 


This is in my main living room area minus where my couch is, so as I was saying your able to really see what I DO MEAN by using my noggin bit of work.                                                 What is it besides reading monthly comic books that is IMPORTANT ABOUT THEM is really remembering to keeping it simple for yourself when you're or myself wanting to go back and wishing to remind myself of the reading order besides that each comic publisher has in the upper left corner of each title of every comic issue the issue number and the month it comes out. Sometimes it might even be in the bar code of more recent comics. And a lot of times it is that the bar codes are on the back of a comic so that the artists work isn't cluttered by the letter head of the title at all, also the companies put out variants an charges a couple more dollars for the cover itself. How most collectors also sort their collections of comic runs is by both titles and volumes, especially since in recent years the main two companies which are Decetevice and Marvel comics are always restarting their line of storylines for their characters.                                                                The only thing that I really wish that I had true time for is for me to sit down and put real thoughts into reading these characters storylines and then review them and share my ongoing thoughts of how good or bad a title is? So overall I am very grateful to always have a label in here for each title that I am wanting to share with everyone who visits here at this very blog. Also in a couple of weeks time my mother and step dad are coming for a brief time and my sister Kylie as well in near the end of this very month. So I am off to work over this rest of today and these upcoming weeks as well too!

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