October 24, 2022

"Cult of Dracula", or is it absolutely about something else?

    So Ummm what is up for you my humble readers, well here is the start of some fascinating treats or threats that I am sure you'll undoubtedly have a yummy scare with.....                                                                                                                                                              Ultimately it's very close to that given day when children of any age really love and no I don't mean the day known as Christmas morning... but rather the given holiday that gives those very young and inspiring little people always get a chance to really realize how best to use their imaginations to be something outside of themselves to get treats by running up to a front door of a house and saying "Trick or Treat" after ringing a doorbell.  To get a favorite candy of their liking from a big bowl from the one who is handing out the candies who like them when it has been me in past few years of time I am dressed up for fun like seen here 

                    with a young lady who is being Supergirl! And I just so happened to be heading home from Albertson's on Halloween night before going over to my brother's house to celebrate Trick or treating with his kiddos who are much more than just little ones now, but I helped hand out treats for them while his wife took the kids Trick or treating around their neighborhoods. The picture itself goes all the way back dating wise to October of twenty, twelve. Yet I do not know if yours truly will be costuming up for this very year...                                                                                                                                                          Enough with all the teasing of what ALL the little monsters want on Ol Hallows Eve, and even though we are a little over a week left before the scares or horrible horrorfic day is here for this very year of when I happen to be half way to a specific year known as twenty, seventy-two when I will be if I am seriously lucky one hundred years old! So today here is our first treat of October, twenty, twenty two:                                                                     
We are going to be going over the trade that my spider reading pal is holding known as "Cult of Dracula". It is six issues full of words from writer Rich Davis and main covers of the whole series are by GYULA NEMETH with the B covers are by SHANNON MAER. The publisher who put out this series is Source Point Press. Before we get into this review I thought you'd all like to see Maer's B cover to issue one,  well here     

,it is. I don't  have the individual issues of this very series but this one is the one I would love to have for certain!                                                                                                                               I know that I mostly give away the story in most of my reviews but I'm sure going to  try not to do that with this one....                                                                                                                You all know who it is that wrote the original story of Dracula right, it was a young man by the name of Bram Stoker who was born on November eight, eighteen forty seven. Was originally named after his father minus the junior part because of their Irish heritage I would like to believe?, but I really have no actual ideal reasoning for it. His full name was with "Bram" actually shorten from of course Abraham Stroker, when he was choosing his pen name. He was the third of seven children to Abraham and Charlotte Mathilda Blake Thornley Stoker in Dublin, Ireland. His first novel was a romance themed story in eighteen,  ninety titled "The Snake Pass", it was seven years later that he wrote Dracula, when he was fifty years old. He died on April twenty in nineteen twelve of locomotor ataxia, better known today as Syphilis.                                                                                                                                               

                                                                                                                                                                           The feeling that I can say while I was reading  Cult of Dracula was a very interesting mystery from in the sense of it being a four point set of characters stories in the very town that inspired Stoker to write
 the character of Dracula to begin with which is the coastal town of Whitby, England. Was a both driving me into of course a horrorfic blood bath at points and a straight up as weird as it might actually seem an odd love story in a odd way,  so I would have to think that besides coming up with his own plot for his own tale of Dracula Rich Davis had read the original novel by Stoker a few time over!   Now one very thing that I am certain of, that as far as I know about I don't believe that Davis used Bram's characters beat for beat in his graphic novel series....                                                     Here's a quick list of some characters in "Cult of Dracula": Mina Murray who is a news reporter in Whitby, England her camera operator Jonathan Harker who like Murray is an graduate assistant of Abraham van Helsing. Jonathan finds out that he needs to get some more gaff tape when he meets Lucy and Arthur Holmwood, and the Reaper (who is more than whom he claims to be), and there is also an unnamed decetevice. The art through this series by Henry Martinez, and Puis Calzada, pulls the world of Rich Davis story of the most famous vampire into hunting haunt for the scares of all ages. The rating of this graphic novel is assuredly Mature readers in case you're wondering if it is for little kiddos, it's not! My overall rating of this Halloween scare fest is an B plus! 

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