January 02, 2012

Here's something even I never even knew........?

Hey Sci-Fi fans,
I really, really, really, really, okay that's enough with the reallys still,I Matt Byrd a real big fan of anything relating to stuff such as this: , ,
, better known as SF? what's that your wondering well I will get to that in a moment. A few minutes ago I was wondering what to spool out today?, when on Yahoo's main page I saw something called Science Fiction day more on this in a few seconds.....,yet today is really the grand daddy of science writers Isaac Asimov birthday he was born in nineteen twenty and died on April sixth nineteen ninety two. Did I say science writer above what I meant was SF writer (the F stands for Fiction). Anyone who loves science fiction of weather it the two big American Icons of this or
this , I hope that today you let your true inner nerd-ism out. and if you want to pop in a DVD of the TZ
, if you don't know of those other two. Perhaps I would even more so recommend pulling out a novel on the genre weather it's good or not doesn't matter.....What does matter is that YOU willing celebrate today as if it's your first time hearing of it. I know it's been a few days since I last started a novel and my next choice is "IN CONQUEST BORN" by C.S. Friedman.

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