January 10, 2012

Blog #747 is about what?

Here we are at a very famous number in blog listings,
You are all wondering I am sure is, what's Matt talking about how is this post so super special by numbers well here is the answer plain and simple as the title says this is seven hundred and forty seven, yet you still foggy about what it means right?, well so am I?, nah just kidding I do know what I'm planing on sharing today and I have a feeling it will leave you mak
ing a choice in what you really love of sorts in a BIG WAY! What I am very intrigued by is that there are a lot of us around the world who use these nifty things called computers. "Hold it a minute your saying to yourself "I don't have one of those electronic gizmos no way in a million years would I ever want one..." Believe you, me I know a lot of people who don't have these things, they would much rather prefer finding information in something like these

or even a newspaper to catch up on the day's events. What I really want to know from you my reading public thinks of how do you like getting your everyday information? At the touch of a button or actually holding it in your hand and seeing it that way?

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