July 17, 2017

So how many DW fans have this insight?

Hello all fans of Doctor......
    Now if you think I am going to be talking about all television doctors then your mind is truly and utterly shall we say....much like the above pic of doctor Leonard McCoy from the original series of Star Trek when he had to use the device on his head called "The TEACHER" to save a very dear friend and let's leave it at that shall we? for I know everyone who is a science fiction fan knows what title of Star Trek I'm referencing anyhoo.... but if I were to tell you it was any other doctor from any other Star Trek series seen here

which "Bones" as his Captain calls McCoy as a moniker nick name just because at times that's James T Kirk for ya! 
         In fact actually I'm really talking the only other science fiction series that has the same longevity of Star Trek itself of being yes that is right also being GOLDEN in years too. Yet the character that I am speaking of is of much like a certain character from Star Trek the next generation that helped young Westley Crusher understand much about the equalizing of Space and Time and why each of us should put a little brain power towards that everyday would be a good or fair thing, perhaps?
        This given sci-fi character that I'm yapping about happens to use a phone booth to transcend the corridors of space and time, and like the many starships of Star Trek or even a certain space base in a cone of the series this phone booth is much more than what it seems! In fact this character is known as a "TIME LORD" besides as "The DOCTOR" and his phone booth is better known as the T.A.R.D.I.S. , okay so I just gave away that this very post is about this entity seen here

, better known as Doctor Who: Just a few minutes ago I found out something that Doctor fans known as WHOVIANS have been waiting a whole year as far as I am aware of for the greatest question of the WHO-VERSE since the current version was to me seemed like storytelling wise that the Doctor is going back to his older self of the classic first series with a nod of the most recent take of Peter Capaldi's Doctor back to William Hartnell's Doctor waaaaaay back in nineteen sixty three of the first episode titled "AN UNEARTHLY CHILD". Which in the above photo in the clock position of one is Hartnell..... Which in that first episode while talking to his own companions, yes when in the beginning he had two companions instead just one The Doctor mentions he has a grand daughter as the first adventure processes..... So here is what I'm here to tell all WHOVIANS the upcoming thirteenth, Doctor/Time Lord is
British actress Jodie Whittaker. I had found the trailer to the newest Doctor while testing one my newest toys that I actually got just late yesterday, if you want to see the newest Doctor just do what I did which was I went to YOUTUBE.          

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