May 14, 2011

My last day in Richland is today

Hey everyone,
As you can all tell from this week's past starting posts that I'm off soon on vacation somewhere and yes I know you know where I'm headed so I won't tease ya for as a inquire? I can say though I now have a little bit of changing for my carry on if I so decide? Now why is there a question mark here right your asking well that book of "MORE STORIES FROM THE TWILIGHT ZONE"
that I wrote about losing a few weeks ago in April finally arrived yesterday on the 13th which was did anyone notice was Friday. I'm also going to go get my moo'la for this awesome adventure in a little while after I have some lunch or breakfast I'm gonna do that right after I decide which of my camera's memory cards I'll use for the adventure in deleting what's on them, I hope that whichever one(s) I choose of them I have all the "HARD COPY" pics I want already. I also have a small bit of cleaning to feel at least comfortable with here at the house so I'll let these words trail off in wonder for now.....

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