June 12, 2010

One's True friends are everywhere

Hey All,
Originally this was going to be about all of Sp
ider-Man's different loves from comic books vs the daily newspaper strip. Instead this is about something that happen to me personally just this very morning at the Men's fellowship breakfast I attend every Saturday at The Cathedral of Joy. We were having a different type of sermon, we have had another like it only once of a video presentation after having breakfast, that I truly know of. Well what that sermon was about was a eye doctor helping others in Ethiopia who are blind. As I was watching the video/slide show I felt my head really perspiring, it turn out the air conditioning wasn't working quite yet in the part of the building we were in. While this was going on I'm still trying to get use to my new glasses and I took them off for just a second and the next thing I know everyone of the guys were around me and were propping my legs onto a chair. I had blackout for a few seconds and had a brief seizing moment of just a seizure. They tried to have a blood pressure wrapped around my arm only to find it didn't work, they however have someone there whose a citizen medic who knew how by touch to take a pulse and wrote it down so that doctors could know what it was at the time of happenstance. They all finished the meeting around me (talk about a sure fire way of getting attention huh?) My friend Kendall had first took me to Physician's immediate care and my friend Paul Elmler followed as well. We took the Church's wheelchair so I could be steadied mobile while getting around. it turn out that they didn't have the proper exam materials at Physician's immediate care so they sent us to Kadlac hospital in Richland I had to help direct Kendall there because it had been a long while since he'd been there and besides he knows Kennwick General hospital area a lot better. So once there I asked him to please stay with me till I knew what was going on. He had a heck of a time trying to find member of my family (but that was my fault for forgetting my Trac phone at home) He had at by 10:45 found and contacted my brother Micheal through the number I gave him for my sister in law Kathie's work number. We my brother & I were there till almost one pm before they release me. One thing I won't forget about the whole thing was my brother had asked me was "SO, When are you thinking of getting married?" He was being both funny and serious with his questioning of course, because what if they can't get in contact with immediate family what would/will happen if no one were to be there to help me. I know many people who can drive to help if needing them is necessary but who knows one's medical history better than one's significant other outside of one's own doctor. Which by the way my mother's friend is going to be helping me find one early Monday before I have to work. here what my hand looked like for most of today.
Micheal & I went to "WING STOP" after my day in the hospital and my mother's mentioned friend from earlier helped me fill out my needed prescription at Rite Aid earlier tonight. Just think about this, I also had a choice to go fishing up on the snake river just image the chaos that would have been going on that way, good thing I didn't go huh?


Merri said...

Wow Matt. What a day! I'm glad they were able to get ahold of Michael and that you do have friends who can drive you places. Thanks for posting this.

Laurel.Elise said...

Gosh thats so scary, I'm so glad you're feeling better now.