June 15, 2010

Cool Desret Nights Pt.1: What's your favorite car to want drive around in?

Gather Round for what is known as "Cool Dessert Nights". It isn't quite here for two thousand and ten yet, but I want to let you in on it's reeving roaring history or at least what I know of it? I use to know a person who was on the board committee of organizing this function, when I use to work at the RED LOIN/Double Tree hotel chain. I'm certain he still is part of it in this same way still all these years later. What Cool Desert Nights is a huge car show filled weekend with a show and shine on Saturday with a pancake breakfast for the fans and enthusiasts who want to put old cars back to almost renewed condition from as far back as the automobile being conceived (more on the pancake part in the very next posting). So as I said there are a lot of things going on at this said time there is a fifty & sixties dance also there a resonance merry greenwood fair, both share Howard Amond park in Richland. What I want to ask you all though is what type of car would you been seen driving if you were in the Cool Desert Nights event. Would you go with one of these or maybe this is more your style or even maybe one of this type of car. For me I think you all know what my first choice would be. It would be a dodge charger with a 01 on the door,
was part of last year's gathering.
My second choice would of course be the man who doesn
't exist that helped a fellow known as Micheal Knight.


retired.poppi said...

I will take the yellow one.


retired.poppi said...

I will take the yellow one.

Nancy Watson said...

I will take the pickup truck.