June 21, 2010

Bring on the HEATWAVE known as summer

Yesterday was a day to honor everyone's father, and I hope as fathers go that those of us who have kids did enjoy the day with them, with that said today is the first day of summer. What will summer mean to you will it mean more time at the movies, or catching up with friends you haven't seen in days or months, maybe even in many years of time. Will you go on that long awaited family vacation you've promised everyone? If you are a kid I'm sure you want to go to a pool sometime over this summer? Have you ever thought about what you can learn about things about yourself you like or don't like over the summer? like some people may like tending to your garden or some people may learn over the summer about a certain fear they may have like Water skiing (for me this was more of embarrassment, than fear) but you get my drift I hope anyway. For me my summer will be filled with reading books and at sometime overcoming my fear of my creative self. I also hope to spend time with family and friends when I can outside of work. The funny thing is with today being the first day of summer it sure as heck fills more like a spring day for some reason here in the Tri-Cities.

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