June 28, 2010

Into my well of ideas or at least possible ones anyway!

Creative Minds are present I sure do hope so because I want to share a few ideas I have running around in my head of late. For a while even though I haven't finished my "Clone of Me" story yet I plan to someday just when is unknown as of yet?, I as you all know have just started reading the book called The Artist Way I'm still just getting my feet wet with it as of yet you all can see where I posted about the very book I am talking about a few weeks ago. Well before starting the book I already have had a few story titles running around in my noggin and I wish to share them with you all. If you don't mind that is?, if you do mind just read on anyhoo because you may find something you like in these thoughts and you may get a giggle or two out of hearing these. I have been thinking a whole bunch on how we have always been so wasteful in everyday things we do and how we never seem to care about the true place we call home, our big beautiful planet known as earth. In a story idea I have called "IONIZED PLANET" I'm thinking along the lines of space being consumed by something extraterrestrial yet whomever these beings are don't care about wanting anything all near them for they live in a utopia and the smallest bit of whatever can upset the balance of everything in the whole of any universe.... Here is another idea I have something about RAINBOWS at midnight. I have a couple of thoughts on this here is my main one it's about a race to save something what I haven't figured out just yet? I as you know keep thinking about many different ways All Colors reflex parts of our daily lives when we do see such a thing as a RAINBOW. I also have a title only piece called "Wellness of wishful thoughts, of you" .

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