August 01, 2011

Time for a very heated type of change

HOT Enough for ya,
Well today as far as I know has been the hottest yet, as far as I know temperature wise. Here is how I know this for sure as a roasted turkey at Thanksgiving time tries to avoid being killed for a festive feast, two hours before my shift ended I was pulling apart two of Albertson's mini carts that like the regular size ones do every once in a great while, got stuck into each other. I spent at
least seven minutes trying pull them apart when within the third minute I had my face be like a wet mop of sweat. So here was another quick way of finding this out after work I walked my usual path to get some walking in and four times I felt like my face was like a fried egg if not a boiled one. When I came by Hapo a bank that is on the way home said 95% degrees I can tell you the truth I am not sure how HOT it was really but it felt like it was that muggy out, for darn sure. Well with today being the beginning of the eighth month of the year you know what that means here at this blog site right?, If don't know it's time for the previous moth's hidden plate here to be revealed in it entirely. It is also when I show you all what has been on my desktop for the last month as well. Do you wanna know why I chose "CAPTAIN AMERICA" as my two choices and no the answer is NOT because he had a new movie come out last month either. Nor was it because as I said before he and a certain D.C. comics character have a flag as their choice of duds. I believe my main reason for choosing them was for America's big BASH known better as the 4th of July, "Nuff Said!"

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