August 29, 2011

How darn lucky am I?

Boy what a breeze has been today, all weekend I was a little worried about where to go to for a blood test today. See all of Saturday and Friday to I had this sinking feeling I was gonna have to get up at the crack of dawn, but unlike when I DO get up which is mostly Saturday if you have read this blog before you'd know I go to a Men's Bible study and breakfast or from time to rare time catch a very early sunrise at least once a month if I feel up to it. Yet till five fifty eight yesterday evening I was assured I was doomed of getting to work real late today, here's why: I was thinking I would have to get up for this blood test at five this morning and start walking over towards the Tri Cities laboratory which is in Kennewick over by the Toyota Center and then on top of that have to catch a Ben Franklin Transit bus back over to Albertson's where I work, which would have gotten me there at ten fifteen when I would be two hours late for work, even if I was the first waiting in line at the lab anyway. Truly I have two things to thank for the actual quick answer one is that the receptiveness at Physician's Immediate Care for after thinking about it to long as I said I was down to one option with exception of thinking the Kennewick general hospital outlet behind Albertson's, she told me " That we don't draw blood here" I then asked her "Is there a place where a Tri Cities lab is closer than walking all that way over to that part of Kennewick I just described. I then just remembered as I was about to give up hope on the whole thing I asked "Is the building next to you guys here a place that would have one you think?" She pulled out the phone book and found out that the Kadelac clinic right next to them did have one. I asked her as well "Do you know what time they open at?" she said "No, but I would guess eight in the morning..." The other thing that I want to point out are not things at all but my parents Nancy Watson & my step father Chuck Watson whom decided a few years ago that they wanted me to be all the more independent than I was I had lived with them for quite a long time and they had wanted to enjoy their retirement years in a place called Cuenca Ecuador. Still they needed to find a reasonable living area for me near work and six years ago they had found somewhere being developed for persons like me with special needs which also you know where that comes from if you read here in the past. What I like about where I live I have everything available within walking distance which isn't half bad when I mostly get around by foot anyway. As to what the blood test is for is to see about if my seizure medication of Keppra is right for me. More on this later.

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