August 02, 2011

Finally seeing my little friend again

Hey there reader world,
I still can't believe it?, it has been quite a long while since I have seen this very meaningful little friend of mine. Her name is Gabbi and I do love to talk about her from time to time here just because..... Well see she and her mom and dad went to go see some cousins of his side of the family that happen to live in Spain. Shortly before I left to adventure in Cuenca Ecuador she and her mom Lisa told me that a week after I was planning my trek outta the USA that she and Gabbi were "Going to Spain to visit Julianna's family over the end of the month of June through to the time of the hydroplane boat racing time was when they would be around the Tri-Cities again, with Juliann catching up to them closer to the fourth of July." Well here and then came and I'd seen Juliann a couple times at the store and he said "That they were at it again still vacationing, only now they were in Walla Walla for a little while and not to fret I'd see them both again real soon." Lo and behold today, as I was rounding a corner to go wipe down the outside parts of opening courtesy I walked right into who Lisa and Gabbi who were getting her lunch for going to a friend pool party. The one thing I told Gabbi was that "I didn't get her the special hair clips she wanted while in Ecuador, but still I got you something I'm sure she will like all the same..." Which I sure she will without a doubt?, boy seeing both them made my whole soul gleam the rest of the day away which was very rewarding all in all I just gotta say again "Welcome back home Gabbi and Lisa"

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