August 28, 2011

Are WE in WASHINGTON STATE having our own form of IRENE stromy wheater?

Boy what strong winds we are having in the Tri Cities tonight, I just came home from BLOCKBUSTER a little less than ten minutes ago, and to me it seemed pretty rough of trying to see my hand or even see what I was holding in them. The wind gust are still being felt on window panes, also I have heard it will be thundering and lighting later in the night, I do know that as I was crossing the street to go home I saw a water truck of the local fire station heading towards where a fire must have started, so yeah I would without a doubt say that tonight will be rough on youngsters who start school on Tuesday this week. I just hope also that I'll be able to sleep too, for the last time something spooked me was sometime ago last February. As I continue to write this I can just hear those vibrations I was just talking about on my own window, one thing I am sure of though is our quaint little area won't be needing to be rebuilt like a lot of places and homes in the southeast part of the country are finding out right now..... The only footnote I can think of to put here is prayers would be nice for those YOU know of in that part of the country, especially if you know you can't help by monies donation. I just heard some thunder so I am jumping off before I get a power surge of some kind.....

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