January 12, 2011

Why Dreams are so Very important ....

Well as you all know I have been taking a drug to help me with sleeping for close to seven months now known as Keppra, it is suppose to help me with my very rare type of seizures that I have had in the past since last June (you know of the date very easily,) well at first I was taking a more reliable seizure medication known as Dalintin before my visit to my neurologist Micheal Freedman. Well it seems that I was able to finally have a little actual Rapid Eye Movement in the way of dreaming again for just a half hour this very morning, does this sound frightening to you I have been taking a seizure medication for so long I can never dream when I take it. Yes this is very true and yes it scares the heck out of me. I have talked to my folks who as you know reside in Cuenca Ecuador about this as I said before worries the heck out me but they say I should let these doctors who are pros do what the know is right till I tell them otherwise. For they know that they are right with every decision that they make for their patient. So I happen to be soon to see my neurologist on a upcoming appointment in February seventeenth of this year and I need to tell him something else about the Keppra dose that I found out about later throughout today and what that is, this dose of Five hundred milligrams twice daily that's how I'm suppose to be taking it now has "ALWAYS AND YES I MEAN ALWAYS HAS GIVEN ME A SNIDE TYPE OF ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY WITH MY COWORKERS AT ALBERTSON'S where I work with the public and IF I MATT WERE TO BE THAT WAY WITH A COSTUMER EVER I WOULD/WILL FIRE MYSELF FROM MY PLACE OF WORK IF I WERE THE BOSS!" Maybe the dreaming I can live without BUT BEING DRAINED OF ENERGY WHILST AT WORK I WON'T HAVE IT OR SHOULD I? (Today by the way I didn't take my morning dose and I felt like I could and did conquer the day just fine). I'd still like to have the ability to dream and sleep well but I just think I can't if I take what I'm taking dosage wise.

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