January 24, 2011

Does anyone know what the oldest SCI-FI televison series is, ever?

Well what I mean by this is that at a time long ago before there were shows like LOST or SMALLVILE of the super hero known as Superman and even FRINGE started there was a television series about the odd and unknown type of storytelling. Yet before all this most everything in the vein of Sci-Fi type of entertainment was almost always at the movie houses of the day, or heard over your radio. One of those radio playwright was a young man by the name of Rod Serling
he was wanting to move from radio plays to telling his stories on that small box in peoples living rooms or kitchens. How was he able to talk about such things as War, Religion, Race, or even Ethnics of the human spirit/condition, see back when Mr Serling was wanting to talk about these very type of subject matters television wouldn't let a creator be at the top of their game, for like comic books of the time had a monitoring systems of way over the top kind of violence so did television it was known as censorship. So what Serling did was he hid his true message of whatever it was into a science fiction twist that was easy for the viewing audience to see as a "thinking type of process in understanding a story about a man who only want to read books and yet can't because the things of life won't let him, until.....something happens that makes him the only man left on earth with at least "TIME ENOUGH AT LAST" to finally read in peace till another thing happens....( I won't spoil it for you if you wish to see this very episode. There are a lot of reasons to watching the "TWILIGHT ZONE" besides those most interesting twisty tales of as Seriling quoted "There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call the Twilight Zone. Or perhaps the even more familiar quoting from later seasons of the show "To unlock this door is with the key of imagination, beyond on it is another dimension, a dimension of sound (a glass window shatters), a dimension of sight (a eyeball stares at the viewer), a dimension of mind (E=2c floats by), your moving into a land of both shadow and substance of things and ideas...you've just crossed over into the "Twilight Zone", now I forgot something there in those last two lines does anyone know what there are? I'm sorry forgetting what I was saying here because of wanting to add the two best openings of the series. What made "Twilight Zone" great was it had a vast majority of big name stars that went on to bigger things Ronnie Howard who played Richy on "HAPPY DAYS" opposite of Henry Winkler who played none other than the "AYY IT'S COOL" Fonzie, and is now a movie director in his own right, . The TWILIGHT Zone had other great stars in it besides future young kids, It had comedians who tried to being dramatic for a change of pace like Johnathon Winters seen here

in a episode titled "A GAME OF POOL". In fact this series had a "HULKING OUT" star before, (No I'm DEAD sure the story DIDN'T GO LIKE THIS AT ALL) he was David Banner. Bill Bixby starred in one of the rare hour long episodes of the series fourth year run outta five in a episode entitled "THIRTY FAHTOM GRAVES ". So with this series being the breaking ground for television's foray into any or all things science driven and actually getting more than that across in the space of a actual half an hour time slot, would you YOURSELF ever watch this little gem of classic TV?

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