October 04, 2011

Hearing the group Casting Crowns

Hello music lovers of all kinds,
Over the course of the last few weeks, on K-Love's radio station I had been hearing of free passes to the upcoming Casting Crowns concert here at the Toyota Center

, in Kennewick, Washington. To say I wanted to hear the group that has sung such songs as "East to West", "If we are the body" or even my very favorite from them "American dream" would be a grand understatement, for it would be my second time over near that area, this year the last you can read about from in August of this year. So I'm headed over to the Toyota center now via the Ben Franklin Transit which has a station just around the corner from there, but with my excitement mounting I have also just looked here on the internet to see if I could get the tickets from a Ticket Master outlet, when I realized I'd be pushing it so I just went to see what I could do and hopefully I would be very lucky.
Very lucky I was indeed, since I was using my credit card to pay for this I went after standing in line for a moment to the main ticket booth and got myself a ticket for the show I ended up with more than I bargained for! (more on that in a few moments) I got a ticket for the if you will the mosh pit which was a little more than I wanted to extend funds for but, I did want to do this so after showing my ticket to get in and with a half hour till the show started I went to get something to eat. Since events such as this have only salt filled choices I went with chicken and fries, and before I got done with the fries I heard them starting up, so I rushed down to my seat only to find out before I got settled in that I was at the wrong side of the row I was to be in. Once in place, I found out they were as I had thought was just warming up, at least I had my seat and the show started with Lindsay McCaul. The concert had four acts all together up next was The Afters, who were singing from their album Light up the sky when they were singing that song

they asked everyone with cell phones, to well I will let the next two pics speak for themselves.

Next up was the group that I saw when I saw Stephen Curtis Chapman back in two thousand and seven. Sanctus Real who was at that time promoting "the face of love" album, this time I don't know what the pie
ce of works was but they as you can
see were great. Then the group all had been waiting for came up Casting Crowns singing new stuff from the tour's name which was . They sang "Courageous" which is rather funny isn't it, look just below if you don't know what I'm getting at.
Then it was intermission time, now here is where my excitement that I was also talking about earlier occurred I went to try and find a copy of the book called "The Well" by Mark Hall the lead singer of Casting Crowns had just talked about before the break at their booth when I heard someone call out my name! I turned to see it was a brother of mine in Christ I hadn't seen in at least five years named Alex Remoro
. We had a great talk for fifteen minutes or so then I headed to where I was wanting to go the Casting Crowns promo booth. I didn't happen to find a copy of the book at their booth where they were selling all kinds of stuff from each band so I just picked up The Afters CD of what they were promoting, and two other Casting Crowns CDs. I then headed back to my seat and was ready for round two.
They were then singing stuff from previous works of theirs such as a few of the songs I have mentioned above. Although not hearing American Dream live was a small bit of a let down, they made up for it with their title track to the album "Until the whole world hears". Which I must say has to be shown in pictures so here are some: ,,,,,, , So I guess ALL OF US can ONLY HOPE THAT ONE DAY THE WHOLE WORLD/PLANET DOES HEAR AND UNDERSTANDS IT'S ABOUT LOVING NO MATTER WHAT.
After the show I got to meet both of THE AFTERS (sorry no photo of me with them, all I got was a their CD signed) and CASTING CROWNS and here's what I got with them
, pretty cool huh?

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