October 30, 2011

Have you ever thought of a Rainbow as a solution to your problems?

Hey problem solvers of the world or just the average person on the streets,
Have you ever looked up into the sky before a storm is to take place, even if only to sprinkle a little and saw a faint Rainbow and thought to yourself "Why can't life's problems be as bright as that spectrum of light in the sky there?" Who knows maybe in truth it can be that simple or complex if you love to think in scientism terms? Today after church service got over with I saw such a rare phenomenon. I didn't have my novel (bad little horror boy, I know, I know...) or any kinda reading material for that matter, so of course those little flywheels in my head started spinning...... Here's what I was saying to myself "If I'm looking at this as a question here was my answer?, The weather whatever it is wind, snow, sleet or rain, whatever represents our daily struggles.....yet doesn't a beam of hope in whatever form it takes in this case a Rainbow help make that troubling pain go away if only for a while!" I was also thinking of a way to put this so called question into a spiritual perspective as well hum, I wonder what could have been my reasoning behind that could've been don't you?, Nah me neither now come to think about it!

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