March 01, 2011

Pinch this Desktop or even this blog's wall image this month I just dare ya?

Hey there,
Well it is that time to once again change things around here on the site known as D.L.O.T.M. . Hey there is a pretty nifty acronym right there huh I just wonder what it could stand for or maybe you and I alrea
dy do know at any rate I do hope that your March of two thousand and elven will be full of many Green days as mine will be?, for one thing I have forward to look at is another day sometime this very month of aging which will be fun for me more than you ever'll have to wait to see what will happen on that mysterious day I guess? With this month also being that the "Winter Freeze" should be over with, or so the saying goes here was what I had on my desktop last month was

a fan made model of the original Enterprise from Star Trek the original series with a "Very Cool" background of it over the united states continent known as North America. Why is it "Very Cool"? I will get to that in a moment, but first were any of you at all curious as to my Wonder Woman image that I had posted here
if so please remember I said on my Facebook page last month that I had a posting about her new duds seen on the left in the image above and if you don't know where to find it here just jump back to "JULY 2010" it is there where you will find it in the listed blogs. So back to why is my desktop image from last month "Very Cool" well here is the very answer it is because it was never shown it the original series with a fly by pass near it in the opening credits of the show ever. Now I just know I don't want to be pinchy toward St Patrick's day when it gets here and wanna pinch my computer at all but I having a tough time choosing which one of my many images I want as my desktop for this month, but here are three that I have narrowed it down to: ,

or will I surprise us all come the start of next month? I also seem to have the same problem deciding on a back ground for here as well and I' ll show you my choices on that next month, well I just guess you'll have to wait and see as I will?

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