March 06, 2011

Helping someone learn the tricks of the trade where Blogging is concerned

Well of "MY TO DO LIST for today" posted yesterday of course, I did happen to get five of the seven things listed done in a fairly timely order and still ended up in North Richland at my friend Jeff's place. We ended up watching a few Star Trek: The Next Generation episodes so like I said once before I had a semi little matron of shorts I will tell you what they were at the end of this very posting and what he and I enjoyed as we watched them. He told me quite a few times before, that he was wanting to write in a blog type of format of sharing stories of his life yet he told me "I know nothing of how to begin?" As I was sitting at his computer I said "Well since I'm here now let me get you going, as we were talking he said "you maybe my only follower but hey I don't care it will be fun and maybe my parents will want to read it too maybe?" So what we did was we went to where he had my blog link in his computer which happens to be by the way "A brief but very important message worthy of a break in my story of "Clone of Me" and clicked follow he happen to be the Darth Vader icon by the way, we then went right into Google's site here at blog spot and started with him choosing a plate for his template. Here is what I first suggested , only to find out pixels size wise it was way to big to fit the format. So instead I said "Well let's look for something smaller and we went with this instead , so then he was having a heck of time coming up with a name for his blog and I said "How about "REALMS OF THE DEEP" he seemed to like it quite a bit for it fit his mood of what he would mostly be writing about. Role Playing gaming, among other things, here is what my icon on his follower link is, heck maybe when I'm bored with my own icon here I may change it to this who knows? Anyway for now my friend still hasn't found something to write about as of yet, but I know he will one day and that is all that truly matters in the end. As for the Star Trek TNG: episodes we watched were "YESTERDAY'S ENTERPRISE", "DEVIL'S DUE", "THE DRUMHEAD" and finally "CLUES", which we both had found out we had both only seen that one episode only once before for us seeing it together this very night.

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