March 14, 2011

Leaping through time

So please let me ask you all was it hard on you to adjust to the "Springing Forward" late on Sunday morning?, or was it rather easy as dancing to a song about missing time. I'm sure that for most of us it was really a wake up call today Monday morning with having to go back to work and you feel like a part of you is missing but where you yourself are is displaced somehow, for one day to reset your body time forward is like a quick rain storm that leaves one wondering when will a nice bright day be here next?, especially when all it does seem to do is be a downpour lately for example. Or if your wanting to find a new part of yourself, but you can't for you don't know how you lost your memory when you wake up not knowing how or who you are? Or it is also like putting together a jigsaw puzzle that you come to find out your either missing ten pieces (like when we fall back in setting time back an hour), here though you find yourself putting the puzzle together and you seem to have extra pieces than when you last put the very same puzzle together!

I guess what I'm really getting at is I truly only know of one place where you don't have to worry about the time change to much and that would be in the state known Arizona or at the city called Phoenix in the North America. As to if you can ever escape jumping through a lost or leap of time outside of the good ol united states I'd offer the best place being in the South American country called Ecuador in a town known as Ceunca where I have been for my vacation time visiting my mother & step father Chuck for the past two years. It is these two people who know that for where they live only has six hours of day light year around. After living there for three years they are really close to that time of their residency and working on their fourth as of yet.... really know that you can never outrun any time zone your in for it will always be with you no matter where you go....see my folks travel quite a lot is the actual way that they are use to time changes. No I am in no way telling you to travel is best near this time of year or in late September/October when we set our clocks back an hour, I am saying though we all have to deal with it and with that I hope your past weekend or forthcoming week or maybe for some it could be weeks are easy to get into the swing of things called normalcy for you.


Nancy Watson said...

Whoa Matt!!

This is your mom here. I need to set the record straight. Here in Cuenca, Ecuador we have 12 hours of daylight....all year long. The sun rises about 6:30am and sets about 6:30pm. If we only had 6 hours of daylight a day, I would be heading off to some place else to live. Since the number of hours of daylight does not vary we have no need of daylight savings time here.

Looking forward to seeing you soon.


Matt said...

I really do know you guys have 12 hrs of day light I was just trying to find a nitch if you will to expand my story here relating to the rest of the world dealing with Daylight saving time. I'm sorry I made it out as if you guys lived in Alaska for I know for sure you'd move right away from there, ( unless you guys loved Ice fishing there, which I know would never ever Happen) Love ya all the same and will be happy to see you in April- Matt your son