December 08, 2010

Is there ANY HOPE that this is showing why the internet has problems even just a little wee bit?

Let me ask you all something, Is everything you read about on the internet always true to some degree of fact?, or is everything on here a lot of lies and mud slinging as most places you visit worth the time and effort to search out the said information you want or need?, Here are my thoughts on the subject at hand from the Spider-Man site I visit on a regular basis called Crawlspace. Just yesterday it was posted at Spider-Man Crawlspace that the writer of the monthly comic book "Amazing Spider-Man Dan Slott went and told a Spider-man fan on a whole other site to go "F-themselves" that said other website went and erased the whole link, so that they could be a washed of this news. A moderator of the Crawlspace happen upon this before that happen and shared it with the site creator Brad Douglas who wanted "ALL" die hard Spider-man fans to know of the main writer of Marvel's flagship character harsh remarks to one fan out of rudeness. Now I'm NOT holding Crawlspace to blame but, boy did the responses in the comment section pour in like Spider-Man's webs tangled up into a ball is most certainly an understatement for sure, the posters responding also included NOT Xcluding Marvel's editor of the Spider-man books Steve Wacker. Dan Slott himself at first posted nothing whatsoever to defend his own actions for what he did to the fan at all. Now I Matt have NOT posted anything on the site whatsoever and as a real fan should I keep my two cents to myself heck no and I won't because I feel that Marvel or it's new owners Disney should DO SOMETHING to right the wrong of freelance writer Dan Slott but exactly what I don't know? Now though it seems Slott claims "someone told him to die in a fire" from at Crawlspace and someone also hacked his Wikipedia file and said even worst type of stuff. Brad has been on the defense each time Slott came back with a fair response to his own Mud slinging which Dan admits he had done to the fan in question so all together there are three articles on the subject at the site. I would like to know what all you non Spider-Man fans and family think of this, if you don't mind and please post here at Day Life of the Matt so, here once again is a link to the Crawlspace website Spider Man Crawlspace - All Spidey, All the time. Created by Brad Douglas in 1998 The three post header dates you'll be looking for are December7th: "Slott tells fan to F-off", then on December 11th "Slott speaks out and blames Crawlspace", and the final part for now at any weight is on December13th "Editorial Slott vs Crawlspace". I still believe in my heart of hearts that without a doubt both sides are fair in how they feel so justified on their way of how this all started is NOT by just what one creator said to a fan. Here is something to compare it to MY dislike of how Joe Quesada has ruined the character for everyone is cruel to anyone who has ever been or ever will be a comic fan or dreamer of wanting to be in the comic book business.
Is there really and truly a better way for a show of how a general conversation on ANY WEBSITE can be a way of how things on the whole internet can be turned into such a catholic mess of trivia nothingness. All that I can say is it happens more often than anyone thinks it could! And yes just so you all know I believe that Crawlspace is the best Spider-Man website on the web and here's why because it carries the daily comic strip that I post here everyday-Nuff Said!

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