December 06, 2010

Is it too early to tell just yet or not....

So knowing what we all know from a few weeks ago with shots like this

or like this

here in Tri Cities Washington there is an amount of snow that won't seem to go away at all. Our first snow fall of two thousand ten was on November 23,in which I posted about in this color of
"Apple Green" if you all recall. Now I know it is "way too early hope for the BRR of winter to be gone,and have Springtime blooming flowers & trees outta nowhere isn't gonna happen at any time soon although it would be nice if it would, but as I have said before "EVERY SEASON HAS IT'S TIME" and right now it's winter time!" Or at least close enough to it, besides with rushing things along Children can't go and make "Snow angles", Snow forts, Snowmen or is that more snow people with today's wording, I'll let you decide for yourself, and finally the ever loving Snowball like the one I have here.

Even though "WINTER" isn't just here starting today, "For some reason I keep feeling like it though or at least that is wishful hopeful thinking of us having a WARM CHINOOK WIND blow thru town on my part, which isn't so bad is it?"

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