May 02, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Matt's Review

Hello All Webheads of wonder,
    Before getting started on the latest movie of the young man seen here thinking of his first love 

known as Miss Stacy, I went searching for a image to best give you of "What  THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2" is comparing to comic history of  "THE NIGHT GWEN STACY DIED" from the year of 1973. This is what I found  image wise that just blew me away what is Peter Parker's second greatest lost of love outside of "Uncle Ben" or even his own child little May from the clone saga of the 1990's.   
Now I want to let everyone know that this movie comes out to celebrate "THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN' S fifty years" of history...... they end it with as I said Peter's greatest personal love dying throughout the whole story is really rushed. This take of the title character is very much like the character from the comics, and I love Stan Lee's cameo as a guest at Peter & Gwen's high school graduation, when he is the only one to see Peter rush into the ceremony hopefully unseen. His line by the way is this "Hey I think I know that guy?" This movie does have a lot of great feeling of being Peter Parker being suited up like his comic counterpart for sure, better than the last four films, especially since the first one of this trilogy (?) To almost everyone who will see this film I hope you do regardless of what my words reflect of what you may think for yourselves, the film to me spends way to much tape a scene here paste a word  dialogue balloon there. The film takes away the Peter and  Aunt May moments and gives the viewer a whole unneeded story of Peter's parents more so of his dad than his mother..... and never a scene with his newspaper boss ( we only know that Peter has no interaction with his greatest foil Johna Jameson). I know that there is one other scene that really makes this movie stand out for me is when Spidey helps a young kid who is being bullied by older kids by fixing the young man's science project and walking him home. Then near the end the film that same kid show me Matt why kids are so much wiser than we give any kid credit for he faced down his fear and grew strength from when Spider-Man had help him from before..... I would say that even through this movie has many holes in it's foundation I'd rate it a A minus for it's effort. Also because I got this cool photo of myself with the standee 

at where I saw it!               

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