May 01, 2014

Okay so here's what I know WON'T Happen today.............

Hello Marvel Movie fans,
   Okay I want to ask you ALL something?, what are you gonna do this weekend comic book theme wise? For I'm sure as I know everyone who is a fan of the Marvel Universe knows without a doubt that of the movies based on superheroes this summer all belong mainly to Marvel! Ahhh to bad Detective Comics lovers, but you at least have better television series that I know of

, with the guy seen here. Known in reality as Stephen Amell on the series called "ARROW", he plays Oliver Queen. Which will have it's second season end while I'm again on vac-cay. Say what so I won't see what happens but please no one tell me anything ok? Still what I was truly planning on doing tonight was go and see the new movie about my grand ol pal that I am seen with in my very arms here from a great birthday a number of years ago. My main man of marvel joy outside of that fellow who always has a problem when he has a thing called a temper temperament with something known as RAGE. Is none other than good ol Peter Parker
, better known as Spider-Man. I have as I said before love this character like a huge amount of millions of other people do and I'm sure I always will, but to me right now, I believe that ONLY THIS NEW MOVIE CAN SAVE THE WHOLE INTENSIVENESS OF THE TRUE CHARACTER OF PETER PARKER AS A TRUE LITERARY. For the last seven darn years the character has never been a hero to anyone at all, expect people who like to make a sloppy amount of money,just to make money to line their own pockets with what they know is worthless story progressiveness at all. For the last seven years Spider-Man who is Peter Parker heroic name HAS NOT HAD a deed he has done since the end of OMD (One MORE Day) be worthy of being put to paper at you may think I'm upset because Peter and Mary Jane seen here
     kissing aren't together anymore as a married couple, well that is ONLY PARTLY IT, What I don't get is this okay you have the heads at Marvel Comics bickering in the offices as to what's wrong with their most popular comic book character and back then ONLY ONE ANSWER IS ACCEPTABLE, HIS MARRIAGE KILLS THE CREATION OF THE MYTH. To me a person who is very accommodating to new ways of telling a story am fine only a wee little bit with that idea? Why then the question mark for that last statement. Here is my thing about it all in a web being swung at my ideal look at Peter's life, the reasoning that I Matt Byrd have been so damn hard pressed to NOT LIKING SPIDER-MAN for that said length of amount of time is this: Marvel get your act together for fans of SPIDER-MAN, who love the all parts of the character have a married Peter set of a time line of stories because ONE MORE BOOK WILL SELL and MORE THAN ANYONE COULD as the song by Christian   performing group Mercy Me known as "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE" I know you'd have your fans have a shock of forgiveness towards the company that could use a HUGE BOOST in sales, period. Okay I'm done with my  own reasoning of why the Spider-Marriage should go on expect for ONE SMALL little thing, that being of course Marvel would had their character back in two thousand and twelve not just fifty years of being around but also I'm thinking thought wise twenty five years of grand yet unknown happiness? I just wish Marvel as a company would just stop putting out Reboot after Reboot of their whole original universe with a Mister Yuck sticker attached to their current I said enough is enough! Marvel as I said before has a hold on the super hero genre with hits like Captain America The Winter Solider, Guardians of the Galaxies and of course X-Men Days of future Past. Still before those two movies comes The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which as the title of this entry was to be all about before anyone else could write it up was what the plan was, then talk nonstop about the film either way it goes on Saturday during "Free Comic book day". I got to where they were screening it closet to me too late, so instead I went and got my Spider dress up gear for seeing it tomorrow night and here it is 

in all of it's glory. Notice if you will the cool cross over of evil Joker baseball hat that I plan to wear just to let all the other movie patrons know how truly crazed I really am? There happens to be a very special pin there that I found at HOT TOPIC with Peter's and Mary Jane's daughter's name on it, and I know Mary Jane isn't in this one like she wasn't in THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN either but one can always hope can't he? I as you can see there have two comic book stories that shall find my time full filled long after THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 is imprinted on my summer entertainment list of movies I wanna see. One very last I can say for sure is that deep down in my spider-man soul I'll still love the movie on some note.  

Now let's truly get to the reason we or I should say why you are here today, being that you wanna know why if I love the Spider-Marriage so much why the heck did I choose this image here 
by comic artist Eric Larsen of Savage Dragon fame from I believe a Marvel Saga comic ( which was a listing of all comic titles by Marvel being release for that month. I'm not sure if I could pin down the very issue itself but to have aunt May with Wolvie's claws is a great April fool's prank for sure!), as my plate background here at the site. Despite a certain Spider-Man Editor in Chief, loving it for showing how silly a guy like Peter Parker should give up on real love to whom that very slashing aunt in this case proves she not Mary Jane is a self centered old lady who wishes she truly had benign super powers. As for my Desktop image for the month of April 2014 you could say is fitting as well in a feuding way       

that only a family can decide which universe of Marvel's is best the original known as 616 or The Ultimate Universe known as Earth-1610. It also looks like it's funny as heck was why I choose it. 

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