May 10, 2014

.......Off to a place known as Mount Rushmore, . I of X

Hello All, 
 Hey I was just gonna let you all in on a fun little secret of the main point of my vacation for this year, of course you all know that last night was a grand ball of family fun at the chicken place known as I said "WING-STOP" where every Friday night starting at nine till midnight you can sing songs as good or bad as the people on "American Idol" do, I ended yesterday's post with saying Bon Voyage. Yet that still tells all of you nothing of why I got up so darn early this very Saturday morning as early as I normally do, when I go and help my buddy Jeremy Johnson with the Saturday morning breakfast at our church called "Cathedral of Joy", for Men breakfast. One  thing, that I also didn't share with you all was that good old boy, that I am chatted with him on Thursday night to make sure that he and the other guys could handle the next few weekends without their acclaimed "BACONAITOR" while I was on my famously well known world travels as I've been known to call this time, as my folks and I are just Checking ourselves abroad a DETLA flight to  Minneapolis Minnesota which will take four hours time to get there, yet who in the whole wide world are we planning to go see your asking huh?, it turns out besides going on the adventure of a lifetime to see four famous presidents in stone in South Dakota we are off to visit my step sister Merri  and her family of ten kids. Here is what I had happen to of put into my carry on was my comic book trade that my brother Michael and his family gave me last Christmas.....  called X-men  Days of future past, and since a movie of the same name is being released by 20th century fox studio's before I return from my vac, vac I got thinking it would be nice to know the comic story , but I think it's gonna be so very hard to do with everything we have planned for the whole trip. Also I had happen to of packed in my carry on a couple of books from the current science fiction series that I started right after being done with the two most famous tales of a little girl known as Alice,  and most importantly I did remember to pack my digital camera so I can add photos to the blog later on after writing most about this very grand vacation that we are on. When we landed later today in Minneapolis airport and before putting one of those said novels away and departing from the plane my Zipper on my over leaf part of my carry on broke off but it was bound to anyway, for it was a small piece of plastic that was the grip of zipper. Maybe somewhere on this trip, I will find a special key chain to fix the problem down the road, but for now Chuck my step father gave me a key ring to help the situation for now. 

             To Be Continued........

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