June 07, 2011

A possible idea concrening this blog

Hey all,
I just wanted you to all know that I have yet even more in store here at my blog site: say what now your asking right?, Well I have to admit I have been thinking about changing the header. The header before you ask is blog spot's reference to one's blog name or title. Here are some of the ideas I have running around in my noggin: "Sci-Fi warnings to date", "A LASER LITE SOUL, MORE in tune with the FATHER" by FATHER I of course mean our heavenly connection to GOD. "STAR DATE: ALWAYS UNKNOWN", "Words of a time long forgotten, or would that be foresighted", I only know I really wanna put some jazz into title for it to be catchy or something? Yet this is only a playground for me to share my mutterings, and improve my fantasies of being the best writer I can or could be, and hey there's nothing ever WRONG with that RIGHT?

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