June 15, 2011

Booking my upcoming summer with neat books

Hey mighty wordters,
I will bet in a million to one shot you can not guess what I sharing about with you besides a lot of ol fashion words on the given page of a hand gripped book in one's hand. (You or at least many of us now have those fancy computer wizgizit contraption like a I phone, a Ipod , or most likely a Kendall to read a story of any kind, but what I want to ask you is do all of these high tech toys take something away from the hard copy of a novel? I think that the most easiest answer is yes at least in one fashion, outside of word of mouth and that would be the cover art on ANY given book or magazines for that matter? Why does it seem being a artist outside of a graphic one for comics really matter much anymore, sorry that this is so very far from what I really want share wit you which are my summer reads for this year even though I'm not the fastest reader as you all should know by now I do love what I do get a hold of to simulate my ever expanding little box in my head known as a mind. Here is
a picture of the books I am still reading and the one I am working on is the tail end of Spider-Man Goblin Moon, yet as I said before I want to finish it and the other Spidey novel seen in the picture as well before starting on what hidden beyond them. Which you can see here in there unfiltered true state on my coffee
, when I get close to done with each is when I will write a review of each one, now it won't necessary mean I will put it out posting wise of when I start it but I sure it will be fun none the less.... As to if I will ever get back to that Deep Space nine collected set of stories called "TWIST OF FATE" I sure it will happen at some given time. (THAT WAS back in last May's listings for all you faithful readers, just in case you were wanting to know where to look for that one.......)

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