September 16, 2013

Look at those #s ...........

Hello All, 
   I really can't believe it?, I was just chatting about this thing with one of my many followers just today 

and what can I tell you?, when I got home I was expecting to see a prime score of fours like these seen here

oops, I guess it's really one off of a prefect straight board in truth. There has in the past been a few times that I loved trying to be dead on with the sign of this # which I always thought meant fro numbers in someway or other. I have in recent months come to know that this symbol is now NOT referred as a anything having to do with with numbers at all, so if it's not for numbers as most knew for an infinite amount of forever time what is the reference of the symbol in the High tech computer age of multimedia as we know now? People now say that it's new name is a hash tag, which  I don't know I guess it can/could be one of those many things as that it is up to who decides how they want to use it meaning wise! Now back to another time of when I was trying to really keep track of the hit of the numbers counts which is the real meaning of this post, I had found back last October that the number of views was closet to the year that "ALL life on planet earth was to be extinct on this famous first Anime in America 

way back in the year known as nineteen seventy eight. The  whole count at the time was two thousand one hundred and twenty one which was the closet I could find to that mentioned year which is 2199. And the only other time I was tracking the number set was back in the month of May of two thousand and eleven when the said numbers were really close to a certain registry number of a very famous ship known as
the Enterprise of Star Trek lore with a number very close to 1701, the count of the May numbers were one thousand seven hundred and sixteen now as you can see I did try to round off to the closet set to the said rounding of the prime goal number wise. Finally before I leave you today I give you just another very omnibus number that.....
, well listen to the clip and you tell me?          

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