October 03, 2012

.....Still I can't forget this Birthday kid either!

Hello thee all, especially a guy named Chan,
  I know that I have shared bits and pieces of my friend Chan Hu here from time and again. But today is very much his day of cake and partying of loving another year on God's place known as earth. Now I got to say even though when I had met Chan all of twenty five years ago at Wottten high school we became very fast friends in the month of September of that year and we lived just a block from each other in Gathierbrug Maryland. At the end of that month he had asked me would I like to come to his birthday party at his house, he told me where he lived and I asked my parents if it was okay to spend time with my then new friend for his birthday. They of course agreed and I met a lot of his friends that were a bit older than him as well he was a Junior and I was a freshman and we had such a good time just listening to music and eating food that I had rarely ever thought of tasting. Throughout the rest of that year I would go over to his place and we would make a short movie on his folks Beta mini cam we had a bunch of fun with those we would act as teenagers do and get a little wild with what we'd do in the course of the five short karate films we made. Chan and I were in concert choir together and perform "Phantom of the opera's main song for that year's graduation at the Kennedy center. As I mentioned he came out here to Washington state for my own graduation  ceremony all the way back in the

 summer of nineteen ninety one at Ha nf orhigh . We had for the longest  time stayed in touch via by the phone for many years after that., Who even knows maybe one day we can plan on getting see each other again   during one of my many vacation times from Alby's and until then we can stay in touch as the old days allowed of the phone or now with the internet the social networking site Facebook. Well even though your not a boy anymore Chan please enjoy your forty second birthday with whomever your with today?
               your friend always Matt B.       

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